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Dark is Mephiles' darkside, which was named and made his first story appearence in "Teaching Darkness: Visions". He existed in Mephiles' mind and is what is responsible for Mephiles' dark thoughts; by existing, he can taint and manipulate Mephiles' mind in a way similar to what Mephiles tried to do with Shadow in "Teaching Darkness".

Mephiles hints off his presence in the early chapters of "Teaching Darkness: Visions", but does not make himself known to the readers until chapter 5, when the sight of the red изумруд drives him out of the back of Mephiles' mind, and allows him to take over.

He holds an extreme hatred for Shadow, but without a good reason, as stated here: “I always hated you, Ты know…” The chilling voice sounded off in his ear. “I can’t really say why… I just do…”

When he talks, his words are witten in italics to determine which side of Mephiles is in control.

He was also nearly too powerful for Eggman to control, but it seemed that the shock воротник on Mephiles kept him at bay, though still vicious.

He was destroyed after Mephiles had drowned and was considered dead for six minutes, during this time Mephiles had ended up in an inbetween place resembling Rouge's living room, where he finally got to meet to sole person responsible for his creation: The Duke Of Soleanna.

At first, Mephiles jumps to the worst conclusion, and assumes that Dark's actions had landed him in Purgatory (and he actually breaks down in tears before hearing the explaination of his situation from the Duke.). From the following excerpt, we learn how Dark was connected to Mephiles when Mephiles assumes because Dark was "bad", and existed inside him, Mephiles could never be "good", no matter what he did.

.::Excerpt from "Teaching Darkness: Visions" Chapter 8 (Patching Up)::.


“… As long as Dark resides in me… I can’t truly be good…”

“And where is Dark now?”

Mephiles was about to answer, before he realized that his thoughts were actually pretty clear. No hint of darkness was creeping around the edges, tainting his innocence, или corrupting his mind. He racked his mind for any traces of his inner “demon”, and silence greeted him. He even called out a few things in his mind he knew would set Dark off… but sweet silence greeted him back.

“He’s gone!” Mephiles exclaimed, his eyes lighting up. “He’s not there anymore! I have my brain to myself!” Then he asked: “Where did he go?”

“I’m not sure it Ты are aware of this…” The Duke said, shifting his voice to a smidge of seriousness. “But Ты and Dark were just two parts of a трещина, сплит soul…”

“A what?”

“The two of Ты were generally like ‘twins’, just living as one…”

“Wait… he was like my evil twin? That could control and manipulate my thoughts? But, I thought he was the old part of me… he only showed up after the whole ‘fuse-to-Shadow’ thing…”

“He was dominant until Ты were awakened from the personality switch…”

“So, I was a… recessive trait? What?”

“You’ve always existed, and I believe, from your story, that Ты probably were sent to the back of the mind by Dark from that little… misunderstanding a decade ago…”

“I don’t remember being pushed back…”

“He was able to warp not only the minds of others… but your own mind as well…”

“He manipulated me?”


“I see…” Mephiles scratched his head again. “… so… if he was bad… is he in…?”


“Ooooh… sucks for him… So, I’m free from him now?”



Because Mephiles was free from Dark, and was allowed to "go back", Mephiles' mind is now free of Dark's corruption, though Mephiles has on and off nightmares about those times from time to time.

Recently, Dark has come back. In the currently in progress "Teaching Darkness: Relapse", Mephiles claims to have seen him, but everyone passes it off as either a hallucination, или a figment.

But as the story progresses, Mephiles is becoming еще paranoid, and begins to display traits and problems that were only present when Dark was around.

It was also revealed in that story that Dark can also control Mephiles' senses as well, and mess with what he sees или hears.


Dark can be called many things... several of which are not allowed to be said.

Simply put, he's stubborn, manipulative, cold, closed off from caring, a smart aleck, and sometimes self contradicting.

He has shown a softer side very rarely, and when he has, he's shown a deeper part of him that he keeps hidden for reasons he cannot voice.

He believes that a fight should be fair in the point that his opponent should have far chance of winning (in the case that the opponent has a possibility of winning, even if the scale is tipped in Dark's favor.).

Surprisingly, Dark may be a closet animal activist. He does not enjoy harming animals, and that is reflected when he finds out what happened to Mephiles' family at Iblis' hand.

Though, there may be a contradiction to this, reflected in "Relapse" when he threatened to kill Jak. But it was really because he thought he'd be doing the senile old dog a favor... something Rae was furious about.

Dark will help only when it benefits him, and as he says so himself: "I'm selfish!".

When under the effects of a fever, Dark has the tendency to be reduced to a babbling idiot. In other words, as he tries to explain it to you, his attention is sidetracked and he could end up reciting his own attempts at rhyming.

During this state, he'll giggle and grin like a child.

Dark also cannot handle someone proving to be better than him, and could very well attack Ты for it.

He also has an extremely short temper, and can become furious in a blink. It can even progress to a rage fit, where he'll vent all his anger and frustration on the nearest object или being, lashing out like a rabid animal. During these times, his mind can black out and he runs on pure instinct instead.

This can make Dark a very dangerous person to be around if he's not happy.

Origin from Dark's Point of View:

In "Teaching Darkness: Relapse" Chapter 21, Dark finally gave light to both Shadow and Mephiles (who found what he knew about it as a total fabrication) about the truth of his origin, though in later stories, part of it turned out to be something he made up to fill in his own gaps.



“Leave him alone!” Shadow barked. “What did he ever do to you? If Ты wanna be mad at anyone… be mad at me! I’m the one who sealed Ты away ten years ago, right?”

“Ah, but see, Shadow…” Dark snickered, obviously finding something to be quite ironic. “For that, I must be sure to thank Ты before I kill you…”

“Wait. Thank me? For what?”

“If Ты hadn’t sealed Mephy Boy, I would have never been forced into existence. Part of the reason I exist is because of you…”

“You’re lying!” Mephiles shook his head, hand still to his face. “You were always there! Ты took over-”

“When we were sealed in that Scepter.” Dark finished for him, absolutely enjoying the shocked looks from both hedgehogs. “When poor Mephy was too traumatized by the combined experience of both what he saw after his creation, and what you, Shadow, did to him… he began losing his grip on reality. Haunted and plagued by these two memories, with ‘eternal’ darkness all around as a constant reminder… he began falling apart at the mind. That’s how I was created…”

“Liar! Ты were there the whole time!” Mephiles looked a bit frantic now, as if he was starting to doubt what he knew about it.

“Had I not taken action… there might have been other ‘split sides’… but I was the first and to date, only one who was made. All of his inner hatred, which scared and confused him, formed me before he even knew I was there. I fed off of his fears, paranoia, hatred… everything negative that ran through his mind had a hand in creating me. Before he knew it, I began experimenting with what I could do, and with that… I found one of my Избранное skills… warping his mind…”

Mephiles was silent, unable to come up with a counter for this. Dark saw this and continued, smirking.

“I twisted his thoughts, bent his memories of his then short life, and tweaked even his personality. I shaped him into the very Mephy that broke from the Scepter. Remember that stare? That was me behind that… The insane edge to his voice? Me… Every bit of that was from me… and he was merely a puppet to all of this. Sure… he was there… but barely… he was vaguely aware of it all… but it was much like a comatose state…”

Mephiles shifted his gaze downward, eyes wide and shimmering as it started to make sense to him. Something deep within him told him that what he was hearing was the truth. And… he had nothing to contradict that.

“He only started to regain control about the time we were inside your head. In fact… it was when we were split… Ты had ended up with me, and he had been pushed into control completely, though he retained all the memories of the whole mess… He simply thought he had been personality flopped with you, and assume the same had happened to you… He was only half right…”

It’s starting to make sense now… Mephiles told himself, shaking his head slowly as he took this all in. I was the good one the whole time! But… if he’s right… then… Shadow created him by accident..?

“Once put back into our right places, Mephy ended up keeping full control over me without even knowing it. I manage to slip a few times, during his little nightmares… visions really when Ты boil it down… I was the one who bit your hand… but he forced my back without even knowing it.” Dark grinned wickedly and pulled the red изумруд out of his quills, tossing it from hand to hand without even looking. “It wasn’t till he caught sight of this изумруд that allowed me to make a full resurface. See… Mephy Boy has a weird reaction to certain Emeralds… his reaction to this one is instant insanity. If he stares at it long enough… he begins to lose himself as the Emerald’s energy drives him mad… But… for some reason, he can’t touch this one without feeling pain… as Ты saw earlier… I blame it on our Chaos Energy… it’s too unstable really, due to the lab experiments… But, as I’m simply… или at least was… an extension of him… I seem to have no problem touching this…

“However… because of his tendency to lose control when he loses himself… It concerns me overall… During those times… I’m not able to do anything, and it’s almost like another mind takes over… but it read out as him… so that was him during that little feral attack a few days ago… Which means that there’s еще to him then I give him credit for…”


Origin (True):

In "Teaching Darkness: Memories", it was revealed through returning memories of both Dark and Mephiles that Dark was indeed the puddle of ooze from the accident, and Mephiles was an Earth hedgehog who was unfortunate to make contact with the puddle, an action that gave Dark life shortly before Shadow trapped them.

As time went on, Dark became еще self aware and learned of his influence on Mephiles. As the years went on, Dark feed off of Mephiles' fears and negative emotions (such as his anger at Shadow and his confusion about what happened), and gained power over Mephiles that way.

It is now confirmed that there is something in Dark's past that has to do with Iblis that he cannot remember too well, and is confused by the actions his instincts are causing. Could it be possible that the reason Dark practically abuses Mephiles is due to something Iblis did to him?

"Death" and Reawakening:

After he disappered at the end of "Teaching Darkness: Relapse", presumed dead, he surprised Mephiles after returning, Показ that he was very much alive, and now need his help in "Teaching Darkness: Memories".

In "Teaching Darkness: Memories" it is revealed that Dark was revived as wll, but woke up on a different plane of existance, where he finds Iblis not long after.

At first, Dark tries to convince Iblis to fuse with him so that they can become Solaris once more, but Iblis refuses becasue Dark is not whole, since he broke the ties with Mephiles after death.

Suddenly, the story takes a plot twist and as Dark turns his back to leave angrily, Iblis takes his chance and siezes control of Dark, intending on using him like a puppet, ironically what Dark had been doing to Mephiles for years.

Dark managed to retreat the remaining part of his psyche into his mind and lockinging out of reach of Ibis, who had already taken some of his logic and the part of him that drives him to try to kill Mephiles and Shadow.

Realizing that the only way to stop this is to make contact with Mephiles, Dark finds that he can alter Mephiles' dreams and uses the first one as a warning, and the Далее two as a one-on-one talk. It is found out that Dark's mind is represented by a therapist's office.

It is also found out that Dark holds enough of a respect for Mephiles that he feels that it should be his choosing to take out Mephiles when he feels like it... he even has a similar Фэнтези to Mephiles' in which the two would settle thier fight in one long battle, both having fought thier best. (Dark fantasizes that it's Mephiles who loses, and Mephiles fantasizes that it's Dark...).

However, the first meeting doesn't go as well, as Mephiles believes it to be a trick, and leaves Dark in a state of shock the first time, leading him to destroy the room in a blind ragebefore blacking out.

Mephiles returns later to find a giggly, disturbed Dark among the wreckage, nearly about to be electrocuted from chewing on a plugged in pencil sharpener.

Mephiles realizes that as much as he hates Dark, he couldn't allow Dark to get hurt from a stupid mistake, because that wouldn't be fitting. Mephiles realizes that somehow Dark had gotten sick shortly after the first time he left, and decides to help him, hopefully to get answers.

Once Dark was able to think, he begins to explain because he and Mephiles no longer had the same ties as before, he now had many of the same weaknesses as Mephiles (He had apparently been transferinghis weaknesses to Mephiles, which could explain some of Mephiles' reactions to things).

He also begins to shed light about a bizzare phenominom that had begun to happen to him after Iblis had taken over: Everyting he felt a surge of rage, или a negative emotion, he woud suddenly feel as if his energy was draining from him.

During the first two visits, Dark also shows Mephiles a notebook, which looked like a run of the mill kind, that seemed to have an unusual magic property: It was able to record Dark's finding on any subject on it's own, allowing Dark to look them over later. Dark uses this to Показать his theroy of Mephiles' new powers, his new mystery, and just how the two were connected.

It is also suspected that the notebook might be Dark's one and only prized possession, which is gathered from his franticness when it was lost, his reaction when Mephiles accidentally tore a page out and upon finding it, he hugged it close to himself.

As it turns out, there is еще to Dark than just being a homocidal demon. Because the part of him that made him the Dark we knew so far is not in his control, he find that Dark resembles Mephiles in many ways, not surprising, since Dark is the Anti-Mephiles.

We find that Dark is indeed intellgent, as well as sarcastic when the obvious is stated, likes to have control over a situation, and possibly disikes having his sanity questioned.

Though Dark belittles Mephiles by calling him "Mephy Boy", he choses to call Mephiles by his name to try yo Показать that he's being serious and that this is not a trap.

What convinces Mephiles about it is, rather, that Dark showed no interest in getting the Chaos Emeralds, and there was no reaction at all to Shadow's name, which Mephiles knew it would set off a spark of insanity if Dark was trying to trick him.

Dark, when sick, seems to have the same problems as Mephiles, including Актёрское искусство like an idiot when a fever has risen too high. He also seems to like rhyming when this hapens, as if his state of mind is stuck in a story book.

Most recently, it was shown that Dark is capable of being injured, when Iblis dislocated his shoulder and attacked him with his claws. The most perplexing part about this, Mephiles finds, is that there was no attempt at defense judging from Dark's state and injuries.

Possible connection to Sharpe:

Though never touched upon, it is quite possible that Mephiles' Chao Sharpe gets some of his personality from Dark, as Dark was a part of Mephiles.

Sharpe shows somewhat destructive tendencies, and enjoys making a little trouble geared towards Mephiles, but, as he also interacts with Mephiles himself, he instead teases him just for fun.

Likewise, Krystal shows еще traits like Mephiles.

Is it possible that they are twin Chaos because of Mephiles' "split personalities"?

For еще info on the Chaos, refer to "Krystal and Sharpe"

Possibly Друзья at One Point?:

Throughout "Teaching Darkness: Memories", it is pointed out that Dark had not always been Mephiles' enemy.

Through his cryptic way of talking, it can be gathered that he actually enjoys Mephiles' company as much as he likes to torment him.

Throught this story, Dark has helped Mephiles escape both sticky and life threatening situations, from attempting to stop Mephiles from succumbing to the terrible effects of the aqua изумруд (which throws Mephiles into delusion) to driving him to continue digging himself out of an avalanche.

Dark constantly advises Mephiles on a few matters, often confusing the poor hedgehog, who can't seem to fully trust Dark.


Dark for the most part is levelheaded, brilliant, powerful, cunning, and can get what he wants with a little persuasion.

He can anticipate your Далее Переместить from past encounters and patterns Ты cannot see. He can get in your head and even pick apart your very psyche... but at the same time, he can also use that ability to motivate Ты if he's willing to, by finding your best trait and using that as your drive.


Dark is very conceited, and when something betters him, he'll either deny it's existence, или eliminate the problem one way или another. His major set off is Mephiles proving to be better at him in something. This can cascade into even a physical confrontation, where he will attack Mephiles without his powers.

Dark also, like Shadow, has a very strong and unruly Chaos Aura, but unlike Shadow, he has no objects to channel it very well. It seems to be controlled with his anger, and the еще rage he feels, the еще likely it will unleash entirely and Dark will enter a feral state of mind.


Dark's Chaos Abilities are still unknown completely, but he can use the Dark Spike, which is a purple Chaos Spear Mephiles came up with. He can also add еще power to Mephiles' abilities, and unlike Mephiles... he can actually Spindash!

Other Trivia:

Dark's most treasured, if not only, posession is his notebook, which appears to look like a regular spiral one on the outside. How it works is still arguable, since there have been a couple of times where the pages Показать up empty when Dark hasn't an answer.

Dark has, perhaps, the longest dialouge pieces when in a conversation, often because he likes to go into detail. The reason for that is unclear, other than he might believe that no one is on the same mental level as him, and believes that it's esential to explain.
Dark has the ability to Spindash, which is weird, since Mephiles can't do еще than curl up and roll.
Dark has two methods of attacking: Mentally and Physically. In Mental, he attacks your confidence and picks apart everything that he thinks to be a flaw. He may aslo use past evidence to support his findings. In Physical, he tends to attack with his claws, and sometimes with his Dark Spikes, which are his and Mephiles' versions of Chaos Spears. If he loses himself in anger, he will become washed in an unstable red Chaos Aura and attack blindly.
Dark hardly ever eats или sleeps because Mephiles' actions of that will replenish him.
Dark also twists things to his liking by taking what Ты say, picking apart out loud, and repeating it in the form of a question. If Ты refuse to answer, he'll give his own and asks Ты to comfirm it with something like an "Isn't that right?" или "Hmm?".
Appears in:

Teaching Darkness: Visions

Teaching Darkness: Relapse

Teaching Darkness: Memories

"Whisper" from "Teaching Darkness: Deleted Scenes"

Mentioned but did not appear in:

A Night With Mephy

Teaching Darkness: Job Quest

Who I Am

Clinical Lycanthropy..?

Future Comes Back To Haunt Ты

Out of Series Appearence:

"Isylum" (T Rated for laguage on FanFiction) Written by UruseiRox (My cousin)

Special Bio Section!:

Taken from "Isylum" By UruseiRox on!

In this story, Dark is one of the main characters and takes control of Mephiles, who had been taken to an asylum after he had been deemed insane when he tried to convince Shadow and Rouge that Dark was real.

It is still unclear what had happened yet, but we can gather that something must have happened to Shadow and Rouge involving Dark, though Mephiles frantically tells Taneth, his "roommate" in his cel, that Dark doesn't exist and that he wasn't there... he intially has a breakdown when Taneth tells him that he has to be Dark, since she had been, up until the point of Mephiles regaining control, conversing with Dark, who was intriged by Taneth and her explaintion as to how she ended up there.

We later find out that Dark seems to have an interest in Taneth, perhaps thinking of her as a friend, which can be supported by a quote of Dark during a brain fight between him and Mephiles, Taneth having managed to get in there: "Why make her back off, Mephy-boy? Afraid she'll fight with me? Afraid she already likes me better?"

In this story, we also get to see a brain fight from the perspective of another person in two ways: When Dark is attacked by Mephiles and when the two pit it out in Mephiles' head, Mephiles losing terribly as Taneth tries hard not to intervine on Mephiles' request.