O.K. Are any of Ты guys GLAD justina weena ( JUSTIN BIEBER )is joining C.S.I.???? IM not!!! im Freekin furious!!!!! LOL he's gonna turn the whole showinto some lame musical! WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL!?!?!?!?1

 TayTayLuvva posted Больше года
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C.S.I.  Лучший ответ

Cinders said:
First of all, I'm tired of Justin Фаны (and anti-fans) posting questions/comments and other such content on this spot. It's C.S.I. - Not the Justin Bieber show.

секунда of all, Justin Bieber is NOT going to be a main character on CSI, или even a recurring one. He's just going to guest star, like many other Знаменитости before him, including Taylor Swift. He will only be in one episode, and then he's gone. No big deal.

So everybody just stop freaking out about Justin Bieber. I don't care if Ты Любовь him, или if Ты hate him, I just want to stop hearing about him. If I cared at all about Bieber I would be a Фан of his spot. But I'm not. So please, just cut it out.
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posted Больше года 
*votes best answer*
aqua_knight posted Больше года
Yeah, but still... HE SUCKS!!!
Guste_LT posted Больше года
actually he is comimg back the week of 2-16 and *spoiler* *spoiler* justin beiber
purpleMcNuggets posted Больше года
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purpleMcNuggets said:
i think it will be ok as long as he is the dead body
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posted Больше года 
totally agree
pidgearoo posted Больше года
haaaaahahaha!! that's a good one
amykaka posted Больше года
purpleMcNuggets posted Больше года
BubblyVicky said:
He's not going to become a new main character! Few scenes - that's all. What's the big deal?
Come down.
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posted Больше года 
PrettyInPynk said:
Okay, I hate Justin Bieber as much as the Далее decent human being on this Earth, but Ты guys are taking this way too far, seriously. Ты guys are making him еще Популярное than he needs to be, it's everywhere, nasty Комментарии and Вопросы and everything. He's 1 person, and who knows, maybe his Актёрское искусство will be better than his singing, Ты really don't know until Ты see it. It's one или two episodes and he has what, about 20 минуты in it, tops? Please, just let it go, if it bothers Ты that much don't watch it and go back to the older seasons.
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posted Больше года 
*votes best answer* I hate him to but im not letting that ruin one of my Избранное shows.
lelock posted Больше года
that makes two of us!
irish-heart posted Больше года
Vixie79 said:
No, I'm not happy about it. It's a good Показать and the only reason this is happening is because they are desperate. William needs to come back.
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Guste_LT posted Больше года
Yeah grissom!!!!
vaso789 posted Больше года
totally dude
laurie_mott16 posted Больше года
laurie_mott16 said:
i dont want him to turn c.s.i.mimami into a stupid musical!!!!!!!!!!
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posted Больше года 
Guste_LT said:
I agree, he cant sing, so how the Hell will he pull of being an actor!?! C.S.I. is hit show, if he comes on, he'll get it canceled, или worse (Like u said), a musical! D:
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posted Больше года 
u' right
amykaka posted Больше года
evil_minion posted Больше года
he can too sing bitches so drop the shit
ampjb posted Больше года
geekyxsushi said:
I'm pretty sure he's not "joining" CSI. I think they сказал(-а) he's going to be on a couple of episodes.
And really, what does it matter? Unless he completely butchers the Показать ( which I'm pretty sure he won't do ) it really shouldn't matter if you're a Фан of the show.
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posted Больше года 
so true
ampjb posted Больше года
Hate_You_All said:
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Linz94 said:
This is sucks ! :|

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CatzzCK said:
of course I'm not happy!! I dont even know if he is a he или a she!!
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pattinsonmontez said:
wat is evrybody upto? wats bieber gona do...........sing sme song for the soundtrack...perhaps the killer who sings in bars 4 a living.........o.m.g
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posted Больше года 
justinbhater567 said:
oh my gosh JUSTIN BIEBER on CSI??? no no no NO!! the guy is not an actor sure he can sing (not as well thanks to puberty) but come on he's already a singer does he really have to be an actor?? im against it!!!
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posted Больше года 
ekir said:
I didn't know he was joing CSI! I am 100% ANTI-BEABER!!!!!!
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posted Больше года 
well, i geuss we just have to wait and see what happens!
irish-heart posted Больше года
yeah u got it dude
laurie_mott16 posted Больше года
csilover95 said:
Im with Ты I am furious
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posted Больше года 
LaurieLover said:
Oh Lord not this again!!

How is it that Ты think a guest star, and a teenager at that on a long running, very successful Показать is suddenly going to have the clout to change the formula. He is a GUEST on the set and most likely will be killed!!

ENOUGH with the friggin Justin Bieber crap already.
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