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I know I have not been doing as much Статьи and countdowns as I used to, but things have gotten busy for me. I am trying to get back into my flow of constant participation, but it will take some time. Anywyas, by guessing what the Название is, Ты know what I am going to talk about. This is by no way meant to insult Фаны или to completely throw a hate fest. It is just my opinion. 10 is the least overrated, and 1 is the most, and just because something is the least overrated, does not necessarily make it the most underrated.

10. Prince Charming
 Bland, snobbish seeming guy no one cares about.
Bland, snobbish seeming guy no one cares about.

There are words and opinions that can be сказал(-а) about Prince Charming, but overrated is NEVER one of them. Well, on Fanpop, he does not have much fans, since he is bland, shallow, fell for Cinderella's looks only, and is shown to be a bit disrespectful as to how he greeted the other women and handled the entire situation. They also say that he did not care to know her name and was too lazy to find Золушка himself. Well, the majority of people also think he is not appealing или attractive looks wise, and the company did have struggles designing him, which shows. He is the first prince to have their background, family, and such known but other than that, he has no credit for bringing anything new, and pretty much gets the attention he deserves, which is not a lot. He is as bland, charismatic, uninspiring, weirdly animated, and boring as his reputation leads on, at least to me.

9. John Smith
 Decent guy all around, but too many wishy washy opinions about him, except for only being decent.
Decent guy all around, but too many wishy washy opinions about him, except for only being decent.

I know many of Ты are finding this weird that Prince is not in this spot and John is, which I will explain. Many of us know that John Smith is not exactly a deep character, and many here and outside Fanpop are turned off by him, thinking he is a bit possessive, bland, and a rushed development and those are not exactly false. While I do see some people's points, I know others don't really have a reason to dislike him, или the point they bring up is weak. He didn't bring anything to the Дисней Princes other than blonde hair, and is easily the most ignored one out of the bunch (merchandise, fans, all of that), since he does not end up with Pocahontas. His looks are an interesting topic, since many consider him to be a "blonde adonis" and consider him to be one of the hottest Дисней characters, others think he is ugly, too masculine looking and rugged, thinking his looks are overrated.He is decent looking as a character, and is entertaining enough, with personality, but I agree with the thought that his personality is not the strongest and is inconsistently animated, though one of my favorites.

8. Prince
 в общем и целом, общая bland and not deep, but don't see qualities that people are giving him which are never shown.
Overall bland and not deep, but don't see qualities that people are giving him which are never shown.

Now I will explain why I think Prince is еще overrated than Smith for 2 reasons; 1. People exaggerate his personality and what he does, and 2. He is the original animated male human, Дисней male, and Дисней Prince. People (especially here) say that he is nice for romancing Snow White and Поцелуи her, but that is not being nice; being romantic does not always equate to being nice. We barely see him do anything, so we cannot assume things about him and give him traits that are not shown since he is barely there. He only has a few traits. Anyways, Ты know that archetype of "First is Best, and Nothing would exist without the First"? That is another reason why people give him a bit еще credit than deserved. He does deserve credit since he is the first, but he should not receive credit for everything that was created after this. After all that I have said, people do think he is an unappealing character of Анимация (which I agree with), has little to no personality или development (I agree), and is в общем и целом, общая boring. There are many еще that get undeserved credit than he does.

7. Beast
 Not overrated, deep but not THE deepest.
Not overrated, deep but not THE deepest.

To be honest, there is little to nothing about him that is actually overrated. Let me try to find some....... While he is the first Дисней Prince and arguably the first Дисней Hero to be a.. an actual deep character (or one that is not just one developed), people say that he is THE deepest character out of them all, which is just false; though he is up there. He goes through contradictory emotions after he does something, we do know about his background, his circumstance, and has actual conflict, there are characters that are made after him that are shown to have the same complexity, but it is pulled off better (I think some of yall know how I feel about his development and if not, check out my DP Couples: Belle and Beast article). Other than that small nitpick, I got nothing. He deserves the credit he gets for making milestones to not only Disney, but males in Фильмы in general. His looks are not the best, and he does look funny at times, but he is never seen as THE Избранное to a lot of people, which applies for me too.

5. Shang
 No where to really put him. Doing something Ты always do don't mean Ты da bravest.
No where to really put him. Doing something Ты always do don't mean Ты da bravest.

I put Shang here with Naveen because he is not really overrated, but is not the least overrated if that makes sense. Alright, what I can say about Shang is that he is as serious as people says he is, kind of sexist at first, but slowly looses off that mentality. He is as strong and selfless as his reputation leads on, ad he kicks ass, clearly fit, and has never made a selfish move, but just because Ты are selfless does not necessarily men Ты are heroic. Let me just say this; Shang is heroic, that is undeniable, but people say he is THE MOST heroic DP, but just because Ты do something Ты were raised and brought up to do because Ты follow the rules does not really make him the most heroic. There were other princes that made decisions that are not necessarily following the rules, but it is a heroic Переместить that needs to be made, so I think that statement about Shang is a bit of an overstatement. Like who he is tied with, he is a fresh air for the Дисней Princes and Heroes, because he is a bit too serious, not romantic или charming, is shown to not be perfect, and very dedicated in his honor and his career, and Ты cannot say that he is like any other Дисней male Hero.

5. Naveen
 A bunch of over exaggerated things about him. Again, he needed to go somewhere.
A bunch of over exaggerated things about him. Again, he needed to go somewhere.

Prince Naveen and Shang are tied. Anyways, he is an interesting case; some people Любовь him and when I mean LOVE, I mean LOVE, или he is hated, which is understandable. A lot of the fangirls consider him to be the hottest looking and sounding Дисней Prince, while others hate him, saying he is a douchebag, selfish underachiever who did not do crap. While some people boost his looks a bit too much, and the fangirls can get a bit scary, he is not an unappealing character to look at, and while some people think he is a douchebag, a lazy Музыка man, people forget about his charisma and him being naive when it comes to the world. I put him here because there are things about his looks and personality that are over-exaggerated and overrated (and yes, negative things can be overrated, like his negative traits).What people cannot say about Prince Naveen is that he was not a fresh air for not only the Дисней Princes, but Герои as well, with his charisma, musical talent, different accent, his playboy-ness, and to have a prince that is somewhat naive.

4. Аладдин
 Deserves attention and rep he gets. No way underrated, but has a lot of things thrown at no cause of his rep and being popular.
Deserves attention and rep he gets. No way underrated, but has a lot of things thrown at no cause of his rep and being popular.

I know it is weird that he is below Phillip, since he is one of the most talked about things IN Disney, but here is why; he earns most of the stuff his reputation lives by. He is the first protagonist who is developed (Name 1 before him), the first non-kid non white character, an interesting character, relatable to a lot of people, not an ugly looking cartoon, and improved things for Disney. He is one of the reasons why guys feel much еще comfortable admitting that they like Дисней not only because the movie is geared for boys, but he is relatable, and does not rub things in our faces (like some of his successors). He does not bore me as a character, and I relate to him because I always want to be еще and to improve myself, and the fact that he is a milestone in so many ways, he does deserved to be talked about and appreciated. What I can say though is that while he took animated males to another level, does not necessarily mean he is a complete original character; his arc has been used many times before, but not in the way it was used on him. He is not the prince charming that some people say he is, as he is a bit too flirty, careless, and has serious insecurity issues, and some people's lust with him is very disturbing, but why he is not lower is because he gets hyped, and there is no possible way he gets overrated less than those ones. he is еще known and when Ты are еще known, Ты have еще accusations (positive или negative) thrown at you, so he is stuck here.

3. Phillip
 While he is a milestone character, he is a bit too inorganic and roboty to have the rep he does.
While he is a milestone character, he is a bit too inorganic and roboty to have the rep he does.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that everyone is in agreement that he is just the knight in shining armor, and to some he is underrated, but he is one of the 3 that I can honestly considered overrated. While he is the first DP to actually.... DO SOMETHING and be in the movie for 5 minutes, he is still almost as inorganic as his predecessors. I put him here above all the others because since he is the first one to do something, people give him A LOT of Благодарности for other things. I have heard a lot from people here and on the internet that because he did not want to marry the girl he was arranged to means he is developed and deep, but we never focus on that long, unlike other characters. We never see actual emotion when he says it, and he just falls in Любовь with Aurora and is silent and the fairy's toy to success (that sounds very weird). Something about him does not really flow organically, which is why I don't understand why so many people find him such a fulfilling character. I just think he is generic and just because he is a milestone, does not mean he is much better than the ones before him. He is generically designed, with a generic personality, but gets a lot of hype about his looks, personality, and situation because he is a milestone character. He is still A LOT less overrated than the вверх 2.

2. Flynn
 Nothing new или original about him. Company trying too hard to please everybody.
Nothing new или original about him. Company trying too hard to please everybody.

This should not be a suprise to any one of Ты here. From the moment I came on Fanpop, I have called him unoriginal, unfunny, corny, and is a desperate example to please every single person in the audience. Let's start with the good things, he is developed and has a great backstory, but people automatically writes off the bad he did in the beginning because of it. He CHOSE to be a criminal for many years, CHOSE to use his charm to get out of situations, and CHOSE to be selfish with his decisions. No one forced him to do anything and I think him being attractive to some, him being funny to some, and his backstory give him a big pass compared to someone like Prince Naveen. He is not the complete sweetheart and has a mushy сердце like everyone says he is, though had some heroic moments. Oh, and EVERYTHING he did has been done by Дисней characters before. Аладдин was a thief, lower class, orphan. Naveen was a flirty guy who changes because of Любовь (Tangled was most likely in development before this movie, so I will give it a pass) but either way, BEAST had the "change for love" arc going on as well. He brings NOTHING new. While he may be enjoyable, he should not get a bunch of credit for doing things that was done before, give him passes on things, and to feel sorry for him about something HE put himself into.

1. Eric
 Not original, inorganic for his rep, but is seen as SO MUCH BETTER than his predecessors.
Not original, inorganic for his rep, but is seen as SO MUCH BETTER than his predecessors.

Yes, the raven haired sweetheart ,managed to take вверх spot from Rider, for many.....many reasons. One reason is that I don't see the big deal about him. He WAS my 3rd favourite when I joined, but now he is my 3rd least favourite. Like Phillip, he gets a lot of passes and undeserved credit because he is a "milestone" character. He is known to be the first to choose true Любовь over being set up; no, PHILLIP did that. Everything that Eric did, Phillip did before. He killed the villain first, he chose true Любовь over arranged marriage first, he was determined ot find his Любовь (nevermind, PRINCE was the first). What did he do that was better than the first 3? Playing an instrument? Ты can't even say he was the first that needed saving, that is Phillip. He is just generic in every way to me, even up to his looks, which many consider him to be the hottest and best looking Дисней male character. Anyways, what does he do that is interesting and take away the fact that to a lot of Ты readers, he is good looking............................ If Ты do, tell me in the comments. He is not much different than his predecessors in the fact that we don't see much if anything from his perspective, and is used as a tool, which none of the ones after him are used as, but the difference is, he gets so much credit because he is in the Дисней Renaissance is good looking to most. He does nothing interesting really, he has little to no enthusiasm, does not really go through contradicting thoughts and emotions like deep characters would, and because he is supposed to be еще than his predecessors, he seems even еще inorganic than Prince Phillip.

Again, this is not a hate page, and I honestly do not dislike any of these princes (maybe 2 but that is it). I have not done an article, and I wanted to do one on who I think is overrated and who is not. Комментарии are definitely welcome, even those saying that I am completely bogus and do not know what the F I am talking about (though say it in a classy and nice way)./ Thanks for reading.
OK, I just got finished watching Холодное сердце and what did I think about it?

It. Was. GREAT!!!

Let me start off with the animation. Fantastic. The visuals are stunning, especially when Elsa uses her powers. Hell, she practically steals the Показать in this category. The lighting and brightness in this film were great; during the dark and light scenes to be specific.

Now for the songs. From вверх to bottom, the songs are fantastic. From "Love is an Open Door," to "Let It Go," and "For the First Time in Forever." Although I'd have to say my least Избранное one would be "In Summer," mainly for the visuals and...
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Hey there. For those of Ты that don't know me, I'm Jackie and this is the first Статья that I'm posting on here, so don't bash me. Now, I'd like to say something before I begin. Only about half of our team Опубликовано something for this article, which was mostly Фан art, only me and doomkittycd Опубликовано a paragraph for the article, and I'm not too sure if our team leader will ever post this before the deadline. So, I decided that I should do it since the deadline is today. Hope Ты enjoy!

Okay, first of all, she never judged a person by their looks. The saying goes, "Don't judge a book...
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posted by dclairmont
 Иконка by BraBrief
Icon by BraBrief
Team Aurora may have had a late start, not even having enough members to originally create a team, but we've risen from the ashes, and are now here to take over the world (mwahahhahah) Well, I hope Ты enjoy Чтение this :D

Leader of Team Aurora: me (dclairmont)
Other Members:


Aurora fascinates me as a character, because while we see a lot of her personality, a lot is open to interpretation. She's pretty much everything I Любовь in a female character: responsible, feminine, imaginative, a bit sassy, perceptive, not rebellious, proper but a bit free-spirited...
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 This stunning picture of Elsa helped her obtain her секунда best picture in the competition Credit to:selinmarsou
This stunning picture of Elsa helped her obtain her second best picture in the competition Credit to:selinmarsou
Previously on DNTM: The girls fight to win in a фото shoot challenge and the Модели pose in fashion dresses and needed to be elegant. Elsa, Ariel and Belle all do well while Pocahontas and Золушка struggled. Золушка was the model to be sent home. Only 7 princesses remain. Who will be eliminated next?

Confessionals After Elimination:
Elsa: I got best picture so I am happy but Золушка was a friend of mine so I am sad she left.
 Elsa confessional
Elsa confessional

Snow White: I am last classic princess left. I have to win this competition now for the classic princesses.
Rapunzel: Золушка left and there...
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 Pocahontas got best picture for this stunning фото of her as a zombie Credit:x-Tsuzurao-x
Pocahontas got best picture for this stunning photo of her as a zombie Credit:x-Tsuzurao-x
Previously on DNTM: Pocahontas is emotionally affected from the death of John Smith and the Модели pose as zombies. жасмин and Elsa produce bad pictures but it was жасмин was sent home. Who will be eliminated next?

Confessional after elimination
Pocahontas: I am really sad that жасмин left. She helped me get through this death and I don't know what I can do now.
Ariel: I had drama originally with жасмин but we became great Друзья I really wanted her to be in the competition longer.
Elsa: For the секунда week in a row I had a bad picture and was almost sent home. I really need to improve or...
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added by KataraLover
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://snowsomewhere.tumblr.com/post/78500425908/these-have-been-fun-to-make-i-just-really-love
added by zikkiforever
Source: Movie
added by zikkiforever
Source: Zikkiforever
added by mhs1025
Source: disneyscreencaps
Ты guys already know that I started a Опрос and added a Вопрос in the respective columns of the Дисней Princess pot,asking for your Избранное 3D Дисней Princess,that are,Rapunzel,Merida,Anna and Elsa.And now,the results are out!

4.Merida (12% in poll,3 Голоса in answers)

Merida is the 11th official Дисней Princess,who was added in the DP line up officially on 11 May,2013.She is the main female protagonist of the Disney's 2012 Animated Feature 'Brave' directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman.

Reviews by Merida Fans

kittykittykat13 сказал(-а) : Merida is not afraid of being herself.

RoseOfRapunzel said...
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posted by RoseOfRapunzel
On my old account, THEDisneyFreak, I created a personality award to see which fanpopper is most like *insert Дисней Princess here* so I hope no drama starts. And thank Ты to those who participated!

Let's get started!

Snow White

This award is presented to....

Congratulations sweetie!

Well....the Далее princess is.....duh


The winner is.....

Congratulations MalloMar!


This award goes to dear

Congrats Awinitarose!...
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added by RoseOfRapunzel
Source: THEDisneyFreak/RoseOfRapunzel
In this article, I’ll try to Показать Ты people, in the most objective way, my Список of the smartest Дисней Princesses. I used an objective point of view: I’ll Список the most rellevant actions the princesses did during their movies, and I’ll rate them from +3 (very smart) to -3 (very stupid). After doing the calculation, I came up with this list. If Ты think that I forgot to Список any action from any princess или made a mistake while rating any of the actions, please let me know. The idea with this Статья is exactly to make people discuss. Enjoy it!
PS: When there's a tie, the princess with...
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This past месяц and a half I have done this countdown. I thank everyone who participated! Here we go!

12. Brave
It honestly doesn't surprise me Храбрая сердцем ended up so low. The movie isn't known for its soundtrack specifically, let alone how catchy the songs are. Many found it to be unmemorable compared to the others.

"It is not an appealing или catchy soundtrack." -ShadowintheDark

"Nooo! Храбрая сердцем songs are super-catchy! (IMO)" -euny

11. Cinderella
I like this soundtrack a lot, but it's definitely not the catchiest. Some found it to be their most catchy, while others had it as their least catchy....
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A deleted scene from the 1950 movie Золушка probably to replace Oh Sing Sweet Nightingale but who knows!
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added by annataurus9738
Source: Doughertygirl42
added by htravelstead