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I wanted to write an Статья on the people we Любовь to hate; the Villains. Face it...without them, our Избранное Fairy Tales wouldn't be the same without some evil person trying to screw everything up. They cause drama and chaos. Honestly we need them. Our stories wouldn't exist really without them! Everyone voted, and here are the results...
 "He's Annoying and I got really tired of the "Villian" caring around a pampered dog...I mean come on!"- TotallyMe105
"He's Annoying and I got really tired of the "Villian" caring around a pampered dog...I mean come on!"- TotallyMe105

9. Governor Ratcliffe
The greedy, Золото craving fat жопа, попка falls into last place in this countdown. All he wants is to discover Золото in the “new world” and go back to England, еще rich and powerful than ever, and will stop anyone that gets in his way. He is so hateful his own beloved pooch turns his back on him. A lot of voters found him bland and boring compared to our other malicious villains. All of the villains we know and Любовь have a motive; a desire that gives them a purpose to be bad. Ratcliffe’s motive is social advancement. He wants to become rich enough to overthrow the King.
 "Meh. I just don't feel like I know him as well as the other villains."- Duncan_Courtney
"Meh. I just don't feel like I know him as well as the other villains."- Duncan_Courtney

8. Shan-Yu
The wicked leader of the Hun army lives to kill people. The voters are трещина, сплит down the middle where he is concerned. Some people found him boring and just didn’t feel like we knew him well enough, while others like him and his evilness. He and his followers want to take over China and will get rid of anyone- man, woman или child- who gets in their way. Shan-Yu’s motive is conquest. His goal is to take control over the Emperor and of China. Good thing Мулан was there to stop him!
 "He just didn't seem QUITE as evil as some of the other villains IMO."- Jessicatt
"He just didn't seem QUITE as evil as some of the other villains IMO."- Jessicatt

7. Gaston
Gaston’s biggest Фан is actually Gaston. The guy is in Любовь with himself. He believes that no one is better than he is, and that means that he needs to have the best girl, which of course is the lovely Belle. His only problem is Belle won’t give him the time of day. She’s can’t stand him. After she turns him down and refuses to marry him, he is sent into a jealous rage. If he can’t have her, no one will. What a catch! Of course when he finds out Belle is in Любовь with a “Beast” it sends him over the edge. He tries to kill the beast, but then falls to his death. Gaston’s motive is vanity.
 "I actually really like Facilier. He's one of those crazy, 'makes Ты really frightened by him' kind of villains."- aiemerrysirius
"I actually really like Facilier. He's one of those crazy, 'makes Ты really frightened by him' kind of villains."- aiemerrysirius

6. Dr. Facilier
The tall and skinny “shadow man” is next. He doesn’t really appear to be bad until he meets Prince Naveen and sings “Friends on the Other Side”, which is an excellent song in my opinion. Here is where we see his evilness beginning to shine. His desire is to be wealthy and own all of New Orleans. If this movie had come out when I was a little girl he probably would have scared the crap out of me, with his “voo doo” and dark side. Dr. Facilier’s motive is envy. He resents the fact that Big Daddy Le Bouf is extremely wealthy and successful, and wants to gain his power.
 "She's the best. What I Любовь in her that she doesn't use any magic and it's even еще terrifying."- ppv
"She's the best. What I Любовь in her that she doesn't use any magic and it's even еще terrifying."- ppv

5. Lady Tremaine
Don’t let the fact that she has no magical powers fool you…this сука is just as evil as the rest of this bunch. After Cinderella’s Father passed away, this wicked Stepmother took over everything, forcing Золушка to be a servant in her own house. She envies Cinderella’s charm and beauty, which is why she makes her wear rags I think. She is always trying to destroy Cinderella’s kind spirit, like having her hideous daughters rip up Cinderella’s Mothers dress (which was probably the only thing she had that belonged to her Mother) and even breaks the glass slipper in effort to destroy Cinderella’s future happiness. She’s clever, but obviously not clever enough. After she figured out it was indeed Золушка that the Prince was so desperately searching for, she locked her in her bedroom, but I guess it never occurred to her that Золушка had the other shoe! Lady Tremaine's motive is jealousy.
 "I tend to forget her alot, no idea why..."- NCISLuverjk93
"I tend to forget her alot, no idea why..."- NCISLuverjk93

4. The Evil Queen
The first villain to grace a Дисней movie was the Evil Queen. She is completely obsessed with her looks. She wants to be the “fairest in the land”, and consults her magic mirror everyday just to double-check and make sure she’s still number 1. But as her stepdaughter Snow White grows up, she surpasses the Queen’s beauty еще and еще each day. The Queen gets so mad about this, she orders her huntsman to kill little Snow White, and to bring back her сердце to make sure he did the job right. Of course, he couldn’t do it, and Snow White runs away. The Queen later finds this out and disguises herself as an old hag (and an ugly one at that!) and plans on tricking Snow White into eating a poisoned apple. Of course, she eventually gets what’s coming to her and she falls off a cliff. I bet she wasn’t fairest in the land after that kind of a fall! The Evil Queen’s motive is of course vanity.
 "In my opinion Ursula and Jafar have a great evil personality and a cruel sense of humor. They're entertaining and wicked at the same time."-Duncan_Courtney
"In my opinion Ursula and Jafar have a great evil personality and a cruel sense of humor. They're entertaining and wicked at the same time."-Duncan_Courtney

3. Jafar
The Sultan’s Grand Vizier, Jafar is personally my Избранное Villain. He wants to become so rich and powerful so he can overthrow the Sultan; which explains why he is so desperate to get the lamp during the movie. He and his little sidekick Iago provide plenty of comic relief. After he gains control of the lamp, it seems that all hope is lost. Luckily Аладдин tricks Jafar into thinking he should become a Genie…he would have so many powers then. Little does he know that he’ll be stuck in the lamp until someone rubs the lamp. That “itty bitty living space” has got to suck! Jafar’s motive is ambition.
 "I hate Ursula, she's so disgusting... "- ppv
"I hate Ursula, she's so disgusting... "- ppv

2. Ursula
The Sea Witch comes in at #2. While “wasting away in exile”, she begins plotting for her revenge on King Triton. Once she discovers that his daughter, Ariel, wants to become human, she befriends her, as if she really wants to help Ariel. But in reality, she is using Ariel as bait (no pun intended) to take over King Triton and become ruler of the Sea. Of course, she is defeated in the end after a short reign of terror, and King Triton transforms Ariel back into a human, because he knows that’s the only way she’ll be happy. And they all lived happily ever after! Ursula’s motive of course, is ambition.
 "I Любовь Maleficent! She doesn't need a reason to hurt people because she's just so evil."- VGfan30
"I Любовь Maleficent! She doesn't need a reason to hurt people because she's just so evil."- VGfan30

1. Maleficent
The Villain that literally scared the bejesus out of me as a little girl was voted the #1 Избранное Villain. Her very essence is evil. Don’t let her lovely face fool you…she tried so hard to have sweet Aurora killed, just for not being invited to a party. I’d hate to see what she’d do to some who REALLY pissed her off! At the end, she transforms into a huge frightening dragon in order to defeat Prince Phillip. With help from the three good fairies, Maleficent’s reign of terror is finally put to an end. Maleficent’s motive is spite. She wanted King Stephen and the Queen suffer all because she didn’t get invited to a party. BOO FREAKING HOO.
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Source: tiffany88
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Source: tiffany88
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Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
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Source: disney.co.jp