Durarara!! (Дюрарара!!!) Known chracter/shipping spots.

Alchemistlover posted on Mar 09, 2013 at 02:49PM
Hey i was wondering if anyone can tell me all the character and shipping spots there are for this anime/manga on fanpop. I wanna make some for some characters if they don't have one already so if you could tell em that'd be great.
 i was wondering if anyone can tell me all the character and shipping spots there are for this ani

Durarara!! (Дюрарара!!!) 7 Ответы

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Больше года EmoSasuSaku said…
Well Shizaya is obviously made already XD
Больше года EmoSasuSaku said…
There's a Celty and Shinra club
candylover246 commented…
Ooh, really? I'ma Присоединиться right away! It's my OTP! <3 Больше года
Больше года Alchemistlover said…
Okay couples help but i don't think any character really had any spot except kida, izaya shizu and anri we must make some XD
Больше года EmoSasuSaku said…
Well you said character/shipping couples
Больше года EmoSasuSaku said…
Anri's club
Tons of Shizuo spots
Some Izaya
There isn't a Mikado club
Just his shippings with Izaya and Kida
Больше года EmoSasuSaku said…
There's also Dotachiin's club~
Больше года Shin111 said…
There's already a spot for Mikado.