House of Night Series Club
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posted by Injury
Misty didn't know how to handle what had happened down stairs the night before. She didn’t understand what the problem was with Seth and her; it had turned кислый so quickly and here she thought she was really in Любовь but apparently they couldn’t be together.
Finally coming to this realisation Misty stood up off her bedroom floor where she had spent the night crying out her tears and walked into the adjoining bathroom and got into the shower.
"Misty are Ты up yet?" she heard Onyx yell from the other side of the door.
"Just a minute" she called back and shut off the душ then stepped out. Wrapping a towel around herself Misty went to her door. Onyx looked at her and smiled slightly.
"How are Ты doing this morning?" he asked making Misty's eyes brim with tears all over again.
"i will be alright, last night i let my emotions get the better of me, that won’t happen again, as of now Seth is just a friend and i don’t want anything else from him." she stated then smiled as bravely as she could even though both of them knew that her сердце was breaking.
"Quick get ready the others will be here in a minute" Misty nodded and closed the door.
Thoughts of her and Seth invaded her head as she changed into a black tracksuit with matching jacket. She liked the outfit because one it enabled her to Переместить as freely as she liked and two it covered the scars that were all over her body, she did Любовь the designs but the memory of who caused them made her сердце hurt.
Tying her hair up into a ponytail she walked to her door and collided with Seth.
"Sorry" she muttered trying not to look up into his face.
"Me too" he whispered then put his hand under her chin and kissed her. Misty pulled back and slapped him.
"what part of we are through didn’t Ты get, Seth Ты didn’t trust me and fought with me over nothing when all along Ты should have supported me in each decision." Misty informed him and walked down the stairs.
"Good morning everyone, Avira how are Ты holding up?" she asked to cover the awkward silence that had started the moment she walked into the room being followed by Seth who was massaging his cheek.
"I’m doing ok, yourself?" she replied. Her eyes were puffy from a night of crying yet she still held her spine straight with her head held high.
"I’m fine sorry about last night; so what’s the plan" i asked sitting down and pouring myself a glass of juice.
"yes, we plan to wait in our positions and draw them to the middle where Avira will be waiting they will close in on her and that’s when we jump out and attack; as long as we keep up our force fields we will be fine, no one will get hurt" Talia quickly informed Misty then she looked away.
"That’s great, good plan" Misty enthused "it’s simple, and straightforward"
"Yeah unless someone gets killed" Seth spat from where he was sitting i turned and looked at him, he was massaging his temple now and grinding his teeth.
"Then we won’t get killed. Do Ты understand me? None of us will ever die; why don’t Ты see that, let's this over with because i don’t like seeing Ты hurt, even if we aren’t seeing each other anymore" i stood up and put my dish in the dishwasher then turned to them all.
"When do we do it, because even though this is really important i have missed too much in school and since i don’t have legal guardians they are allowed to take me away"
"Great another way for them to take Ты away from us, will it ever end?" Seth muttered his head now resting on the таблица Misty decided to ignore him and looked at Avira.
"tonight, I’m out of school for a week that’s the minimum they will let me stay out, of course they wanted me to take a месяц off, but I refused, it’s my last year” she shrugged as if it explained why she was willing to only take a week или longer off. Misty knew better, she knew that Avira needed to keep busy, to go on like everything was normal, and most importantly to please the dead, to make или keep them proud.
Avira sent everyone off to school and walked up to the cave, she stripped off her clothes and голубь in, and the water was warm and perfect. Like a mother’s hug; which made Avira gasped which also made her take in a mouth full of water. Memories both painful and happy flooded through her.
This was the third time she had Остаться в живых someone dear to her yet this one was also her fourth and they hurt еще than Evan and Miss Watts put together. She swam deeper into the water making the memories go deeper into her past.
“Avira sweetie, wake up”
“Mummy? What’s wrong?” Avira asked sitting up in her bed, she couldn’t have been еще than three years old.
“We have to go, Avira it’s time to go, quick pack your розовый suitcase with all your toys and Книги Ты want to take. I already have your clothes, quick get changed” Avira’s mum hurried her around the room.
In that suitcase Avira had only packed her фото albums, at three she was already in Любовь with photos. She even carried her own suitcase to the car.
“Mummy where are we going?” Avira asked strapping herself into her car сиденье, место, сиденья and waiting patiently, she could sense her mother’s fear so she didn’t want to make it worse, and her uncle peter always сказал(-а) that she was the smartest little succubus he had ever seen.
“We have to go, Avira; we’re going to your daddy’s” Avira stared wide eyed as her mother got into the front сиденье, место, сиденья and reversed her car. Then drove as fast as she could out of the succubus and incubus community, this was the last time Avira had ever left, she certainly never met her dad before.
“Daddy, I have never met him before, Uncle Peter сказал(-а) I was never allowed to meet him”
“Yes I know sweetheart, but your uncle Peter is always right. We’re going to live with your daddy, and we aren’t allowed to talk about incubus’s или succubus’s ever again” she сказал(-а) it so sternly Avira turned and looked out the window, that was where Grand-daddy Lucius and Grand-mummy Hannah lived; and that building was going to be her school.
The whole world didn’t know about the incubus’s community. To them we were the blue blood community. Avira didn’t want to leave, she wanted to become a succubus and make her family happy. Why was mummy making them leave? It was the last thought going through her head as she fell asleep.
“Honey wake up we’re here” Avira snapped open her eyes and saw a man peering at her.
“She is beautiful, MY little Avira” The man known as her father сказал(-а) and lifted her out of the car and hugged her to him. The scent of mint invaded her senses and made her take a deep breath, she loved that smell and from then on she loved her father.
“Daddy? Mummy this is my daddy?” Her mother nodded then looked at the house.
“Yes sweetheart and this is our new life” Avira looked at the house too and smiled she was home.
Gasping for breath Avira ascended out of the water on the other side of the cave and laid there gasping.
There was a whole community? How did she not remember that?
Her family? Her Uncle Peter, her grand-parents.
Standing up she took a deep breath and dove. She was going to go Главная and Поиск for the location of the community and go there whether it killed her или not.
Talia shuffled through school, her сердце wasn’t in it as much as it used to be, how could she act normal when she clearly wasn’t. She felt so depressed lately and she didn’t understand why.
Arms wrapped around her and she melted into them.
“What’s wrong, you’re sad” Onyx whispered in her ear before he kissed it.
“It’s everything” she whispered back then sighed, she had to get to class.
Onyx grabbed her wrist when she began to walk away.
“Babe, let’s play hooky for today, we can go talk, they will think we are comforting Avira.” Talia smiled then shook her head.
“we can’t, how are we supposed to be normal if we think that having the день off all the time like we are allowed to even when we aren’t” Talia felt even еще sadder but Onyx smiled.
“Normal teenagers do play hooky from time to time, besides Ты need it.” He grabbed her hand and led her away. Talia smiled and they snuck away from the school. When they were over a kilometre down the beach. Onyx sat down and pulled Talia onto his lap.
“So tell me what’s wrong?” Onyx asked and hugged her closer.
“Everything, we have powers, and we have to kill beings, protect humans, we aren’t normal yet we have to pretend we are. I can strangle people and smash boulders and cause earthquakes, I can open up the ground and close it again, and I still go to school. Who knows what else we can all do. We are dangerous and if we defeat the incubus then we are proving we are еще dangerous than them, I hate hurting anything yet I have” Talia stopped and took a breath she wasn’t the sort to cry and complain but she felt like she was going to burst.
“It’s ok, just think of Buffy and the Зачарованные ones they weren’t normal yet they lived normal lives. We aren’t the only ones in the world with powers and I’m sure they all thought how are we going to survive having these abilities and live normal lives, but they have” Talia looked at him and asked.
“How do Ты know?” he smiled.
“Have Ты heard about people with powers?” she shook her head.
“That’s why, because they have managed to keep it a secret” She smiled feeling a lot better, she knew she would have a bad день again but for now she was content being in Onyx’s her arms.
“How about a swim?” Onyx asked and picked Talia up then stood her up.
“A race?” Talia asked her enthusiasm back.
“Of course.” Onyx replied stripping down his clothes.
They ran to the water and голубь in, then started swimming out to the watered platform that Onyx had created; it hovered above the water about half a metre. They swam towards it and reached it at the same time, Onyx had let her win she was sure of it.
Onyx lowered the platform and they climbed on; it felt just like a water bed. They made love, just above the ocean’s surface and two kilometres out from shore.
Seth sat behind Misty in class and watched her hair changed colours over and over again; he knew she could feel his eyes on her.
He hadn’t meant for them to break up how was he supposed to know that she had сказал(-а) no to her own father when she didn’t tell him anything.
He clenched his fist and the temperature rose about twenty degrees in five seconds. The teacher went out to check the air conditioning and Misty turned in her seat.
“Cut it out” she hissed. Then he saw her blanch her hair drained to blonde-white, and all the students started whispering.
She stood up and walked out. Seth stood up and followed.
Misty walked down the hallway and turned at the courtyard where Miss Watts died.
“What’s wrong Misty?” Seth asked but she ignored him. He walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, she turned and he gasped. Her eyes were blue, live Avira’s.
“Why are Ты going after them?” she whispered and continued walking, like she was in a trance. Seth followed.
“It’s not a good idea” Misty implored then shook her head.
“Yes, yes of course I get that Ты want to see your family” she nodded her head.
“Yes I’m coming be there soon” Misty turned around and jumped like she was surprised to see Seth standing there.
“What were Ты saying, who were Ты talking to, Misty your eyes were Blue and your hair turned blonde-white” Seth almost yelled but he kept it under control.
She laughed and shook her head.
“No I didn’t, don’t lie, my eyes are white they always have been.”
“No they were blue and Ты were talking to someone, where are Ты going?” he asked forcefully she sighed and looked down then looked up.
“I’m sorry Seth” he raised an eyebrow at her then he watched as her fist connected with his head. Seth asked.
“Why?” then he fell and all was black.
He woke up with a teacher asking if he was alright, he nodded and stood up she made him go to the infirmary.
“I’m fine” Seth told them for the twentieth time when they suggested calling his mother and asking to go home.
“I just wasn’t feeling well, I skipped breakfast because I over slept; it was just that, let me eat and I will be fine” he insisted and walked out not even waiting for them to reply.
Misty had hit him, and for what? To cover where she was going, или to cover up her eyes? What had happened?
Seth walked to his locker and opened it, he grabbed out an яблоко and bit into it, he wasn’t really hungry. He had eaten a hefty breakfast he waited for Talia and Onyx to Показать but they were nowhere to be seen.
“Great they have skipped too, what is going on?” he asked himself and grabbed his Книги for the Далее class.
When the день was over he walked Главная as quickly as he could. Hoping that Talia had shown up…no such luck, he was getting pissed now and tried Onyx and Talia’s phone for the thirtieth time.
He ran to the cave and голубь in; when he emerged he looked and called for them all but no answer.
“Shit” he muttered and swam back through. His phone was ringing when he finally emerged from the water.
“Hello” he barked into the receiver.
“Hey Seth what’s up?” Talia asked through the other end, Ты could hear the waves in the background. Why hadn’t he checked the beach?
“Get to the caves now, just do it” he yelled and hung up, smashing his phone into the Стена the pieces hit the ground and echoed throughout the walls. It was only then that he realised that he couldn’t help Misty if she was in trouble and decided to call him.
Onyx looked at Talia as she moved the mobile away from her ear when Seth yelled. Talia hung up quickly and passed the phone back to Onyx, so she could finish dressing.
“We have to go to the caves, Seth is pissed off” Talia сказал(-а) putting her long sleeve вверх on, she loved the green leaves embroided all through it.
“Ok we will hurry.” He replied and they left practically running to the caves. The first thing they saw was the smashed phone, he секунда thing was the heat, the third was Seth laying stomach up on the water as he literally breathed огонь through his lips.
“What’s wrong?” Onyx asked sensing his anger. Then he listened as Seth told them that Avira and Misty were gone and the strangeness at school, all the while the огонь came out of his mouth in little curling flames.
“You mean she hit you?” Talia blurted then looked away as a huge ball of flame was sent at the roof.
“Yes, she сказал(-а) sorry and knocked me out”
“Did Ты go to Avira’s?” Onyx asked.
“Yes and yours hell even Judy’s old place nothing, but the car is gone from Avira’s garage.
“Great; any idea where they went?” Onyx asked making Seth sit up.
“Family, Misty was talking about family, if she has gone with Avira it will be to her family, and I don’t think it’s her human side.
“Try their cells one еще time, then we are going to Avira’s, we need to know where they were heading.
Seth stood up and blew out the last of the flames. For now at least then he got changed while Talia tried the girls on their cells, no answer.
Onyx was nervous if the girls went to Avira’s Incubus and Succubus side of family then there was going to be big trouble. It was going to end badly.
“Let’s go” Onyx сказал(-а) and they all walked out.
Ten минуты later they were going into Avira’s house and straight up to her room. The room was a mess like Avira was in a hurry to leave или searching for something. Onyx sent Talia to look for anything in the room and sent Seth to the parent’s room, while Onyx went downstairs to the office. They looked for hours and were about to give up when Onyx saw a notepad on the стол письменный, стол he grabbed a grey lead pencil and rubbed it over the paper. Two words were written.
‘Dulcis somnium’ He didn’t know the translation since it was in Latin but he knew that it was a community for the upper class a few hours away.
He called the others and they all ran to Onyx’s house and took his car.
“You have a car?” Seth asked astonished.
“of course, mum and dad feel guilty about leaving me constantly for work so they got me my license and the necessary lessons then got me my car I don’t like using it because it’s like them buying my Любовь but this is an emergency, Talia call them again”
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