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posted by just_bella
End of Part 22

Esme put on her куртка and handed Rosalie one before turning to face Carlisle and I.

"Now be nice, remember he's new and doesn't fully understand anything yet." She demanded.

Rosalie looked from me to Carlisle and back before coming over and Поцелуи me softly. She then walked back to Esme who was smiling from ear to ear. I heard something about 'perfect' and 'love' but couldn't make out anything else.

I stood there for a few минуты after they left, watching the door. I knew I would be fine without her but I had spent every moment of the last few days with her and for some reason...
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posted by just_bella
End of Part 21

"Why aren't Ты mad at me, или anyone else? I mean, well when it happened to me I hated the whole family. When Ты woke up it seemed like Ты were happy to see me." She wondered.

"I explained that earlier, but, well...I thought Ты were an angel. I thought I had died and Ты were there to take me to heaven, and when I woke up and Ты were still there I realized that I just wanted to be with you. Also, the way that Ты spoke of Carlisle, and the way he looked I thought maybe he was God and Ты were an angel. How could I want to leave that?" I asked as I winked at her.

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posted by just_bella
OK I think I figured out how to make this a bit еще fun, thanks to madz and twilightgglost for the help :).

End of Part 20

When we were all done we all began walking back to town, everyone discussing where we would be going next. I thought this was strange because I thought that they just stayed in one place and lived their lives like normal people.

"Let's go to Alaska." Esme suggested.

"No we were there a few years ago. How about New York?" Rosalie suggested.

"New York could be fun, but too much sun." Carlisle said.

"How about Washington? It's cloudy a lot there I hear, it's suppose to rain...
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posted by just_bella
We came up over a холм, хилл when I heard something crashing around in the trees. I looked around, noticing that Carlisle and Esme were staying a bit back for some reason. I wanted to ask why but the sound was getting closer.

Suddenly the smell hit me, it wasn't as good as the family I had just seen but this was a close second. It плавить, корюшка like honey, clover, dirt, pine and something I couldn't name. I looked back at Edward and Rosalie, wonder in my eyes.

"Follow your instincts, it's not people this time. Just do what your body tells you." Edward сказал(-а) as he motioned for me to continue.

Rosalie looked...
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posted by just_bella
Rosalie reached out and grabbed my hand. For some reason when she grabbed my hand everything calmed down again. I put my head down knowing that I almost hurt a person. That was not me, I was not a person who hurt others...I didn't know who I was anymore.

"Please Emmett. We're almost out of town. We will hunt and then things will be easier. Just come with me and we will take care of everything." She сказал(-а) as she brushed my face with her free hand.

I nodded, not trusting my voice at that point. We walked through the town and made it to the woods. Once we were out of the towns sight we started...
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posted by just_bella
Ok Last Time on Emmett:

"In the beginning it was just Carlisle, I will tell Ты that story another day. He was alone for a very long time, he needed someone. He came across Edward in a Hospital in Chicago. Edward was dying of Spanish Influenza and had his family ha died before him. Carlisle changed him, I'm not sure how but Edward has a special thing." She сказал(-а) as she grinned evilly.

I had a feeling that those two were close, but still there was something between them that they probably would never get along perfectly. I was that way with a few of my brothers so I understood.

"Edward can hear...
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posted by just_bella
Last time:

"Carlisle, Esme, Edward please could Ты let us have time to talk?" She asked.

"Rosalie I don't think it's smart to be alone with him right now. He's new and his emotions are all over the place, he's not safe." Ed said.

I was still angry about before when he answered me when I thought something, and his attitude was not helping anything at all.

"Edward, I know Ты will all be close. If anything goes wrong I will let Ты know and we can take care of things." She said.

"Come on, let's go. Please Emmett keep a open mind, she will explain everything else. Just let her explain, and Rose...
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posted by just_bella

"Emmett, you're alright. Nothing will hurt Ты anymore." The doctor сказал(-а) as he touched my hand.

I had so many Вопросы I wanted to ask. I tried to hold my mouth shut, but once again my mouth opened. I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself for the screaming.

Nothing happened, I wasn't screaming. I opened my eyes quickly and looked around at everyone, the suprise obviously Показ in my face.

I heard a laugh from the other side of the room and shot who ever it was a dirty look. The person tried to hide the sound as a cough, he didn't do a very good job.

I glared at him and he laughed...
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posted by just_bella
Here's the Далее chapter, I think everyone should be happy. It's so much fun to write now. Please comment, thanks again!!

:::::::::R E C A P::::::::
My anger began to boil up to the surface again and I found myself opening my mouth to tell him a few choice words.

When I did I instantly began screaming again. I tried to stop, but my mouth would not close. The screams felt like they had been building inside me and I couldn't contain them any more.

The doctor stood up and moved so he was infront of my face.

"Emmett! EMMETT!!!" He yelled hoping to break me of the sceaming fit.

He yelled my name...
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posted by just_bella
сказал(-а) I wasn't going to write anymore today...well I think I сказал(-а) I wasn't going to write at all today. Well here I am Письмо the Далее Emmett story. Thanks to everyone who loves this as much as I do. FYI there won't be anything new probably until Friday, have to work. Thanks guys/gals, oh and special thanks to TwilightGGlost, Ты helped me decide to write this...hope people like...please comment!!

Last time:
I managed to open my mouth and when I did a scream escaped. It was the sound that had been building through the fire, to the pins and now to the numbness that was taking over my whole...
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posted by just_bella
I passed in and out of conciousness, trying to hold on like I had promised her. I remember one point where she stopped and put me down on the трава and I came too.

The surrounds were diffrent, it looked like we were just out side a town. The strange thing was that it was unlike any town that I had ever seen. There were many buildings that I could see from this far away. There were also a lot of lights, it seemed like we should be just outside of my Главная town but we were somewhere strange that I had never seen before.

I thought about that and her face appeared again in front of my face.

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posted by just_bella
The медведь backed off my body and charged me again. I screamed in fear, and it stoped about 10 feet away from me when it backed up and did it again.

I realized the медведь was toying with me, I wished that it would end this already. I was in so much pain, everything hurt and the forest around me was beginning to blur probably from blood loss.

The медведь backed up again, hopefully to end my life when I hear another animal coming into the area.

There was a moment of complete silence, which only lasted for a minute. The following sound was something I won't forgett, it was the sound of the медведь fighting....
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posted by just_bella
Ok I was going to wait and do this on Friday, but I couldn't wait. I really like where this is going and it is fun to write :)

"I hope Ты realize what all of this is doing to your mother. She has been crying for a while now, she knows now that your brother will make it but with every sound she fears that someone else is going to go out and try to find the bears." He said.

"I.....well. I don't know what to tell you, I tried telling Ты that I am sorry. I will talk to everyone tomorrow and tell them not to go out there if Ты think it would...
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posted by just_bella
"I'm sorry, I know this doesn't help anything. I know I can't take anything that happened back, but I wish that we would have gotten the animal and brought it back so Ты would be proud of us." I сказал(-а) as I turned and walked out the door.

I got about half way back to the house when John and Ben came walking behind me. Obviously they were listening to the entire confrontation, because John came up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"He's just scared, he doesn't know how to express his fear, so he took it out on you. He didn't mean any of it, just give him a день или two and he'll calm down." John...
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posted by just_bella
It seems like I just wrote a chapter in this...but I guess it was a couple of days ago. Here we go, enjoy!


"I remember walking out of the woods, I tried to put him down but he was so scared still. I walked as far as I could before I collapsed to the ground." I shook my head, ashamed that we defied an order and that Aaron could be killed because of my decision.

It was quiet for a few минуты before anyone spoke again. I knew that all of them were processing what I just told them.

It was quiet for a few mintes before we all heard Carol...
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posted by just_bella
probably should be doing some work for school, but this story is all I could think about. I hope this works out, enjoy :)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Quick Flash Back from the last one:

It seemed like it took hours to get out of the woods, but we stepped out of the woods and onto the edge of the homestead. Aaron was starting to turn pale, and his breathing seemed like it was different then it had been. I knew that I needed to get him to the house, but was afraid that he wouldn't fair well with me running.

I looked into his eyes and made a quick decision.

"Aaron, I am...
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posted by just_bella
Here we go, Далее part. Hope people enjoy :)


I stopped and leaned against a дерево wondering what Aaron could be up to, had he gone and gotten himself Остаться в живых или worse had he found the bear?

I decided that I should head back and look for Aaron, dad would definitely notice that we were both gone and at that point it might be better if we didn't go back.

I was about 10 feet from the rock where we had started when I heard the brush being crushed again off to my north.

I leaned against the rock waiting for Aaron, a cougar или possibly a белка to come out of the woods. It seemed like I sat there...
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posted by just_bella
Here's the Далее chapter, I think there might only be 2 или 3 at most left. Hope people enjoy :)
Quick Recap!
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There was quite the grumble at that, I caught Aaron's eye and nodded towards him. He smiled and nodded back. No one seemed to notice our little nonverbal conversation, yet dad seemed to sense that something was up.

"I don't want any of Ты going into the woods for a while. I know it is tempting to think that one of Ты could take down the медведь alone, but remember that the mother will know that something has happened to her cub, and there...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I hope Ты guys are enjoying this, because it's kind of fun to write. :)

Here's a quick flash back to remember the story up to this point.
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We all broke into our smaller groups and waved/smacked the others as we made our way into the woods.

"All right Emmett, 1 weeks worth of mucking the stalls is the bet that I find the beast before you." Aaron сказал(-а) as he walked into the woods.

"Oh, that's a bet that I want a part of." John laughed as he followed Aaron in.

"OK, but remember that Ты are the one who made the bet Aaron. No whining when I win."...
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posted by just_bella
OK, quick recap:

"Benjamin, would Ты and Emmett please gather the remains of the овца, овцы and put them in the small сарай until after lunch?" He сказал(-а) as he lead the way into the house.

We made our way to the first animal that the children had found. I picked the poor beast up in my arms, attempting to keep the blood from getting on my clothing. I made my way over to the smaller of the barns as Ben turned to go to the field in Поиск of other casualties.

We managed to collected all 3 sheep, and made our way back to the house without ruining our clothing, and hopefully before all the lunch was gone....
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