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posted by AdaLove
WALT: Dad, please! Dad!


[Sawyer pops up from underwater in front of the burning raft.]

MICHAEL: Walt! No! Walt!



JIN: Sawyer!


JIN: [Something in Korean!]

MICHAEL: Walt! Walt!

[Sawyer swims to a piece of the рафт, плот and pushes it toward Michael.]

SAWYER: Hang on Mike! Hang on Mike! Hang on.

[Sawyer grabs Michael as he's going under water, hauls him up onto the рафт, плот wreckage and starts pounding his chest to revive him.]

SAWYER: Mike! Mike!

[Locke outside the hatch just as the light floodlight goes out.]

LOCKE: Kate! Kate!

[He secures the rope and lowers himself down.]


[Sawyer hitting Michael's chest and then performing CPR until Michael revives.]

MICHAEL: Where's Walt?

SAWYER: I don't know.

MICHAEL: Where is he?

SAWYER: I don't know.

MICHAEL: Where the hell is my son? Walt!

[FLASHBACK of Michael in a custody attorney's office.]

ATTORNEY: How'd Ты hurt your leg?

MICHAEL: Got hit by a car.



ATTORNEY: So, this is the paperwork your ex-wife sent over.

MICHAEL: She's not my ex-wife, man. She's just -- Walt's mother. She, uh, Susan, she just got an new job in Rome -- the boyfriend -- they want to take Walt with them.

ATTORNEY: Don't worry, I'm going to take very good care of you, Mr. Dawn.

MICHAEL: Dawson.

ATTORNEY: Right, sorry, Dawson. So this boyfriend -- this is this guy Brian Porter?

MICHAEL: Yeah, why, what's it say?

ATTORNEY: It seems that Susan wants Ты to relinquish your rights as Walt's father so that Mr. Porter can adopt him.

MICHAEL: She wants me to sign my son away?

ATTORNEY: It's the only way they can proceed with the adoption, yeah. Listen, if Ты sign this document -- legally, he'll be no different than any other kid Ты pass on the street. You'll be giving up your paternal rights -- all of them.

MICHAEL: Yeah, so then, can I stop her from going?

ATTORNEY: Well, I guess we could file an injunction so she couldn't leave the city.

MICHAEL: Yeah, that, that. I want to do that.

ATTORNEY: Right. Um, Mr. Dawson, the fact that Ты came in through these doors -- that tells me something. It tells me that I'm the best that Ты can afford. If we go вперед with this, it's going to take money. A lot of it, even at my rates. This is David and Goliath, so I've got to ask Ты -- are Ты sure Ты want to do this?

MICHAEL: They're not taking my son away.

[Michael and Sawyer on the piece of рафт, плот wreckage.]

MICHAEL: Walt! Walt! [coughs] Walt!

SAWYER: Mike, Ты should save your energy.

MICHAEL: They took my son!

SAWYER: Yeah, I saw that -- onto a лодка which means he's not in shouting distance.

MICHAEL: Ты don't know that.

SAWYER: Well, I got a pretty good sense. And even if he was, there's nothing Ты can do.

MICHAEL: But if he can hear me, he knows that I'm alive -- that I'm coming for him -- that I'm going to get him back. Right now, all I've got is that maybe my son can hear me. Does that make any sense to you? Walt! Walt!

[Back at the hatch. Shot of the rope hung over the side, then Locke stepping in the water at the bottom.]

LOCKE: Kate.

[As he moves вперед his shoes are squeaking so he takes them off. He sees the logo and moves into Desmond's living quarters. He hears Kate moaning, finding her on the ground.]

LOCKE: Kate.

KATE: John.

LOCKE: Easy, easy, easy.

KATE: Oh, John.

[We hear a gun sound and Locke turns to find Desmond standing there with an assault винтовка pointed at them.]

DESMOND: Are Ты him? Are Ты him?

[Michael and Sawyer on the рафт, плот wreckage.]

SAWYER: Jin! Jin! Jin!

MICHAEL: I thought we had to save our energy.

SAWYER: Yeah, well, Jin's still out there in the water, so if it's okay by you, I'm going to keep shouting for him. Jin!

MICHAEL: Feeling guilty.


MICHAEL: Ты made me огонь that flare.

SAWYER: I made Ты огонь -- what, this is my fault?

MICHAEL: They took my son. They found us -- took Walt -- because Ты made me огонь the flare.

SAWYER: At least Walt is on a лодка -- probably wrapped in a blanket with a cup of какао -- while we're on this piece...

MICHAEL: Get off my raft.


[The рафт, плот is hit by something from below.]

SAWYER: What the hell is that?

[We can see a акула under water, swimming in front of the raft.]


MICHAEL: I see Ты managed to hold on to your best friend there [referring to Sawyer's gun]. That thing ain't going to work, anyway.

SAWYER: It'll work.

MICHAEL: Ты were under water.

SAWYER: What do Ты know about guns, anyway, Hoss. It'll work. [He starts slipping cartridges out of the magazine] Bullets are dry, powder's dry -- powder's dry... [the рафт, плот is bumped by the акула again.]

MICHAEL: What the hell is that?

SAWYER: It's a shark. It's only a shark.

MICHAEL: It's only a shark? That's supposed to make me feel better? Well, I guess I know why the акула is hanging around -- your shoulder.

SAWYER: Oh, well, I'll just stop bleeding then. Did Ты suddenly forget what happened? Why I got shot?


SAWYER: Hey, how about a little gratitude here? I'm mean -- a thank you.

MICHAEL: Thank you? For what? For Ты trying to save your own ass?

SAWYER: Ты want me off this raft? Ты got it.

[Sawyer starts paddling with his arm to get to another piece of рафт, плот wreckage which he climbs up on.]

SAWYER: I was trying to save your damn kid.

[Michael and Susan meeting with lawyers.]

LIZZY: [Susan's lawyer] Let's talk about Walt, shall we, Mr. Dawson?

MICHAEL: Uh, sure, okay.

LIZZY: When was the last time Ты actually saw your son?

MICHAEL: Um, about a год ago.

LIZZY: It was 14 months, actually.

ATTORNEY: Is that a question, Lizzy?

LIZZY: Why is that Mr. Dawson? Why so long?

MICHAEL: Susan took him to Amsterdam -- for work.

LIZZY: And Ты didn't have a problem with that?

MICHAEL: Excuse me?

LIZZY: Well, since she's now going to Rome and you're filing an injunction. It just seems a little inconsistent to me.

MICHAEL: Incon -- no. No, no, no, no.

ATTORNEY: Michael, she's baiting - she's baiting you. Don't give her an answer.

MICHAEL: She took him, though. I didn't want her to go.

ATTORNEY: Michael, please.

MICHAEL: [to Susan] Ты сказал(-а) there was nothing I could do.

LIZZY: And Ты didn't do anything, did you?

ATTORNEY: He's not going to answer that question.

LIZZY: That's because there is no answer. Ты were in an accident recently, no?


LIZZY: Ты had several surgeries, spent weeks in a private hospital room, extensive rehabilitation. Who paid for all of that, Mr. Dawson?

MICHAEL: [to Susan] I didn't ask Ты for anything.

LIZZY: [to court reporter] Could the record reflect that Mr. Dawson acknowledged that Ms. Lloyd paid his bills?

MICHAEL: Susan! Tell them -- Susan, tell them that I didn't ask Ты for anything.

LIZZY: Please don't address my client directly.

MICHAEL: But I didn't. [Michael's attorney interrupts him and whispers to him.]

LIZZY: Do Ты know what Walt's first words were, Mr. Dawson?

MICHAEL: I'm sorry, what?

LIZZY: His first words, do Ты know what they were?

MICHAEL: I -- no, I -- I wasn't there.

LIZZY: Do Ты know what his Избранное Еда is? [Michael doesn't respond] Do you...


ATTORNEY: This is unnecessary.


LIZZY: Well, for someone who wants to retain his paternal rights so badly Ты don't seem to know much about your son, Mr. Dawson.

MICHAEL: I'm his father.

LIZZY: I'm sorry, could Ты say that louder please -- just for the record.

MICHAEL: I'm his father.

[Michael and Sawyer each on their pieces of wreckage. Sawyer is ripping his рубашка where his bullet wound is.]

MICHAEL: Are Ты crazy? You're going to take a bullet out with your bare hands?

SAWYER: Ты got a better idea? [Michael doesn't respond] Then go to hell.

MICHAEL: You're never going to be able to do it by yourself.

SAWYER: I thought we parted ways, Mike.

MICHAEL: We're caught in the same current.

SAWYER: Still talking.

[Sawyer digs in the wound, screaming, and pulls the bullet out while Michael looks on.]

SAWYER: Ты got a Band-aid?

[At the hatch.]

DESMOND: Are Ты -- are Ты him?

LOCKE: Yes. Yes I am.

DESMOND: I can't believe it. You're finally here.

LOCKE: Well, here I am.

DESMOND: Who's she.

LOCKE: She's with me.

DESMOND: What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

LOCKE: I don't know what you're talking about.

DESMOND: Get rid of the knife. You're not him.

LOCKE: [discarding his knife] We didn't come here to hurt you.

DESMOND: Yeah, then why did Ты come?

KATE: We were in a plane crash.

DESMOND: Were Ты now? And when was that?

LOCKE: 44 days ago.

DESMOND: 44 days? Move.

LOCKE: How long have Ты been down here?

DESMOND: Shut it. [He throws a rope to Kate] Tie him up. Do it!

LOCKE: Wait. Wait, wait -- you're tying up the wrong person.

DESMOND: How's that, brother?

LOCKE: It's pointless to tie me up, I'm not dangerous. But her, she's a fugitive.

DESMOND: So, what does that make Ты then, brother?

LOCKE: I'm a regional collections manager for a cardboard manufacturer -- boxes primarily.

DESMOND: All right then, box man, tie her up.

[Locke reaches for Kate and she pulls away angrily.]

KATE: Don't Ты dare touch me.

DESMOND: Hey! Ты be good girl, right?

[Locke turns Kate around and starts tying her wrists.]

KATE: What do Ты think you're doing?

LOCKE: I'm doing what's best for all of us.

[Locke slips a нож in Kate's jeans.]

DESMOND: Alright, bring her here.

KATE: [struggling] Oh, hey, John, wait, hey. Wait!

[Locke puts her in a storage room and closes the door.]


[Hurley and Jack at the caves.]

HURLEY: You're kidding, right? You're going back?

JACK: Yeah.

HURLEY: What about all that stuff Ты сказал(-а) about waiting 'til morning and watching the sun rise?

JACK: I changed my mind.

[Charlie and Claire.]

CLAIRE: What do Ты suppose all that's about?

CHARLIE: I reckon Jack's going to do something heroic. [Claire sighs and rolls her eyes] What?

CLAIRE: Ты always try to be funny when Ты don't want to answer a question.

CHARLIE: Try to be funny?

CLAIRE: [finding the Virgin Mary statue] What's this?

CHARLIE: Oh, I found it in the jungle.

CLAIRE: Ты found it?

CHARLIE: Yeah. Be careful. Be careful with it. Hey, take Aaron. [He hands the baby to Claire] You've got to be careful with it, Ты know. It's the Virgin Mary. She's holy.

CLAIRE: I didn't realize Ты were so religious.

CHARLIE: I'm not. It's just, Ты know, it might come in handy. It'd be a nice thing to have around.

[Michael and Sawyer on their pieces of wreckage.]

SAWYER: It wasn't the flare. I сказал(-а) it wasn't the flare. Those people that did this -- at first I thought they were fisherman или pirates или something. Then I got a good look at their boat. Ты know anything about boats, Mike? A лодка like that wasn't built for the open ocean -- water's coming over the side with the first little squall -- maybe got a range of 100 miles. Nope, a лодка like that had to have left port from somewhere close -- like the island. French chick сказал(-а) the Others were coming for a kid. I think they came, Mike.


SAWYER: He's the one they wanted -- why I got a bullet in my shoulder. Hell, Bluebeard blew us up because they wanted your kid.

MICHAEL: Are Ты saying this is my fault?

SAWYER: That's what I'm saying.

MICHAEL: They took my son because of you. They were sailing away.

SAWYER: They found us because they were looking for us, for Walt.

MICHAEL: Don't Ты ever say his name again, ever.

SAWYER: Oh, what are Ты gonna do, splash me?

[Michael splashes Sawyer, and Sawyer's piece of wreckage breaks apart. Sawyer swims back over to Michael's piece of wreckage and climbs on.]

SAWYER: Look, I know you...

MICHAEL: Shut up! Don't even -- Ты have no idea what it's like to care for somebody else.

[Susan alone in the lawyer's office as Michael enters.]


MICHAEL: Where are your lawyers?

SUSAN: Out. I told them I wanted to talk just Ты and me. But if Ты want yours I understand.

MICHAEL: No, it's okay.

SUSAN: I think you're going to win.

MICHAEL: Excuse me?

SUSAN: In court. I think you're going to keep me from leaving the country with Walt. I just have to ask Ты why?

MICHAEL: Why what?

SUSAN: Why are Ты doing this?

MICHAEL: He's my son.

SUSAN: Since when, Michael? Look, I know Ты don't care about what's best for me, but in Rome I'll be senior partner at the firm. I'll be able to give Walt anything he needs. You're still on disability, Michael. Ты can't work. You're about to be evicted from your apartment.

MICHAEL: Ты got your lawyers checking up on me, now?

SUSAN: Well, of course I did. Just like Ты had your lawyers checking up on me. Nobody's winning here.

MICHAEL: Then stop.

SUSAN: Michael, the first thing Ты need to do is take care of yourself. Ты need to get healthy. Ты need to get back on your feet financially so Ты can get back to pursuing your art. Ты have rare talent as an artist, Michael. But how are Ты going to do that -- any of that -- and still be a part of Walt's life?

MICHAEL: I do it by doing it. Walt is my responsibility, too.

SUSAN: Then let him go because it's not about Ты или me -- it's about him. I don't want to go court, Michael. So please just let him go.

[Back at the hatch. Kate struggles in the storage room to cut the ropes off her wrists. The room is filled with Еда supplies. Sees a vent, has an Apollo Конфеты bar, and climbs up through the vent.]

[Scene changes to Locke and Desmond in the living quarters.]

LOCKE: The pilot сказал(-а) we had Остаться в живых radio contact, but by then we were already a thousand miles off course. Any Поиск teams would have дана up weeks ago.

DESMOND: So Ты were traveling from Sydney to Los Angeles?


DESMOND: So the world is still out there?

LOCKE: As far as I know. Could Ты tell me your name?

DESMOND: My name? My name is Desmond.

LOCKE: Desmond, I'm John. Ты should know the gun is really unnecessary.

DESMOND: Yeah, so I should just hand it over to Ты then, should I? How many of Ты are there?

LOCKE: 43, but 4 sailed out this morning on a raft.

DESMOND: A raft?

LOCKE: That simulated sunlight -- is that because Ты never leave? Is there another way out?

DESMOND: How many of your group have gotten sick.

LOCKE: Sick?

DESMOND: Sick, as in ill, as in dead.

LOCKE: Is that why it says quarantine on the inside of the hatch...

DESMOND: Answer the question.

LOCKE: No one has. No one. No one is sick.

[The beeping signal is heard. Kate is shown moving through the ventilation ducts.]

DESMOND: Get up. [They go to the computer room.] Stand right there. Do Ты know how to use this, box man?

LOCKE: I haven't seen one of those in 20 years.

DESMOND: Do Ты know how to use it?



[We see a number countdown Переместить from 2:38 to 2:37 to 2:36.]

DESMOND: Listen carefully, type in exactly what I tell Ты -- exactly, nothing else. 4, 8, 15... Did Ты hear that?

LOCKE: What?

DESMOND: What did Ты just put in? What number did Ты just put in?


DESMOND: Right, 16, 23, 42. Now press execute.

LOCKE: [hesitating] What's going to happen?

DESMOND: Just push it!

[Locke pushes the execute button, and the counter resets to 108:00]

[Off camera we hear Jack's voice.]

JACK: Kate! Locke!

DESMOND: Who the hell is that?

LOCKE: That would be Jack.


[Desmond pushing Locke through the hatch. He looks through the scope and sees Jack.]

DESMOND: Who is he?

LOCKE: His, uh, his name is Jack. He's our doctor.

DESMOND: What is he doing here?

LOCKE: To be honest with Ты I'm a little surprised to see him.

DESMOND: Your doctor has a gun, brother. [He shoves Locke] Move. [He turns on the music] Make one sound and I'll shoot. Move.

[Kate can see Jack in the computer room and calls out to him, but he can't hear her.]

LOCKE: I wouldn't do that, Jack.

JACK: Where's Kate? What the hell did you...

DESMOND: [still behind a Стена holding a gun to Locke's head] Переместить and I kill him. Put the gun down.

JACK: Where's Kate?

LOCKE: Jack, it's okay.

DESMOND: I сказал(-а) drop it.

JACK: Where's Kate?

LOCKE: She's fine. Just put down the...

JACK: I'm not putting down anything.

[Desmond fires his gun which hits near where Kate is, in the vent.]

DESMOND: Do Ты want him to die? Put it down.

JACK: Is this what Ты were talking about Locke? Is this your destiny? All roads lead here?

LOCKE: Jack, calm down.

DESMOND: [moving behind Locke] Lower your gun или I'll blow his damned head off, brother.

JACK: You.

[Michael and Sawyer on the water. Sawyer sees one of the pontoons and tries to paddle the piece of wreckage over to it.]

MICHAEL: What the hell is that? Part of the рафт, плот -- one of the pontoons. Stop paddling. Эй, stop it. You're putting a strain on the binds; it's going to break us up. [Sawyer just keeps paddling.] Damn it, you're going to...

[The piece of рафт, плот starts to break apart and Sawyer ends up in the water.]

MICHAEL: Эй, Sawyer! Climb up.

SAWYER: I do and we both sink. I'm going for the pontoon.

MICHAEL: Don't be an idiot.

SAWYER: [handing Michael the gun] Ты see that toothy son of a bitch, Ты aim and squeeze, got it?

MICHAEL: Got it.

[Sawyer swims for it, and the акула goes for him. Michael pulls the trigger but nothing happens. Michael fires again several еще times and we see blood spray.]

MICHAEL: Sawyer! [Michael starts paddling over to the pontoon.] Sawyer! Sawyer!

[Sawyer pops up on the other side of the pontoon.]

SAWYER: Give me your hand.

[Michael helps Sawyer climb onto the pontoon, and climbs on himself.]


[Michael in a park. Susan and a young Walt enter.]

SUSAN: [to Walt] There he is, do Ты see him?


SUSAN: Hey, I'm sorry I'm late -- packing's been a disaster and the plane leaves first thing in the morning.

MICHAEL: Sure, no problem.

SUSAN: Uh, Ты want to say hi, Walt?

MICHAEL: Hi, Walt. I'm... hey, uh, [pulling a stuffed polar медведь out of a bag] this is for you, man. [To Susan] He like bears?

SUSAN: Yes, sure, he's just really shy.

MICHAEL: [kneeling down to talk to Walt] Эй, little man, look, I guess I can't call Ты that -- I mean, because look how big Ты are. So, Ты and I -- well, we're not going to see each other for a while, Walt. But Ты are going to have a great life. I know your mommy, she's going to take real good care of you. And Brian is going to take good care of you, too. But, Ты know what? I just want Ты to know that no matter where Ты go that I -- that your daddy -- yeah, your daddy -- he loves Ты very, very much. And I always will. Always, okay.

SUSAN: I'm sorry -- this...

MICHAEL: It's okay. Uh, hey, here [handing her the bag] -- just, Ты know -- Ты know, let him know it's from me -- sometime.

SUSAN: Okay. Goodbye, Michael.

MICHAEL: Yeah, bye.

[Michael crying on the pontoon. Sawyer wakes up.]

SAWYER: Ты alright, Mike?

MICHAEL: It's my fault.


MICHAEL: I never should have brought him on the raft. I'm going to get him back. I'm going to get back my son.

SAWYER: How about that? [They see land] The current brought us back. We're home.

[Sawyer and Michael walk up on shore. They hear Jin yelling.]


[Jin's comes running onto the пляж, пляжный with his arms tied behind his back.]


[Jin falls and Michael unties him while Jin's talking in Korean, obviously scared.]

Jin: Others. Others. [Jin sees the Others.] Others.

[Sawyer and Michael turn to look and we see a group coming of people coming toward them carrying crude club/mace type weapons.]
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