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posted by MJlover101
Two days later, Rosabel found herself waking up in a strange room that was almost completely white and smelled sterile. At first Rosabel thought she had died and gone to heaven, but then she felt a terrible pain blast through her whole body, so that couldn't have been what happened. Then Rosabel felt a soft, warm material covering her. She looked down and saw that she was wrapped in a large blue куртка that looked familiar. Rosabel was sure she had seen it before, but she couldn't remember where. She tried to sit up but found it as easy as hauling a load of elephants across the Antartica. Suddenly a sharp pain in her chest made Rosabel collapse down onto the постель, кровати again. It felt as if she had just inhaled cold, jagged glass and it had gotten stuck in her chest. Each breath she took was еще painful than the last.

Just then the door opened and a young nurse with long brown hair tied into a bun walked in.
"Oh, you're awake!" She said. "Are Ты feeling okay?"
Rosabel shook her head weakly.
"My chest hurts." She croaked. "It hurts when I breathe."
"Try not to let it bother Ты too much." The nurse said, after examining her chest. "If the pain gets worse then just give me a call on this buzzer."
She left a small remote with one button on it on the таблица Далее to the bed.
"Who brought me here?" Rosabel asked.
"You're not gonna believe me when I say this but Michael Jackson brought Ты here."
Rosabel gasped but then wished she hadn't.
"Really? Are Ты being serious?"
"Yes, no one was expecting it. We just saw him carrying Ты in his arms and he сказал(-а) that Ты needed to be cared for so he left Ты with us. He even left Ты his jacket. He also сказал(-а) to call him when Ты woke up, so I'm about to do that. Anyway, if Ты need anything, just give me a call." And with that, the nurse left.

The nurse was right. Rosabel didn't believe what she said. Michael Jackson couldn't have brought her to the hospital. Rosabel pondered over things for a few minutes. Slowly she started to remember things. She remembered being furious with Claudia for ripping and burning her picture and then feeling petrified of Matron Helen because she was going to hurt her. She remembered feeling unbearable stings and shaking with pain and tears then passing out soon after. Rosabel also remembered Harvey telling her that Michael was going to visit but how could Michael have found her. Rosabel stroked his blue jacket. If Michael really brought her and she really was stroking his jacket, she'd find out soon enough.

A couple of hours later, Rosabel was in the middle of Чтение a book when the door opened. However instead of seeing her nurse, she saw her idol.
"Hi." Michael said. "How are Ты feeling?"
"I-I'm okay." Rosabel stuttered.
"Are Ты sure?" Michael said, chuckling slightly.
"No, actually."
"What's wrong?"
"My whole body still hurts."
"Oh no." Michael muttered.
"Michael, can I ask Ты something?"
"Of course."
"Is this куртка really yours?"
"Yes, it is." Michael сказал(-а) smiling. "But it's yours now."
"So Ты really did bring me here!"
"Yeah. If it wasn't for your little friend Harvey, I would have never found Ты in the cellar. What were Ты doing down there anyway?"

Rosabel explained everything to Michael, from the ribbon in her shoe to being unconcious. By the end of her story, Michael had tears in his eyes.
"But everyone seemed so nice when I was there." Michael said.
"That's because everyone puts on an act whenever someone visits." Rosabel said. "Matron Isabelle is the only one that's truly nice."
Suddenly there was another knock at the door. It was Michael's chauffeur. "Mr Jackson we'll need to go soon." He said.
"Just wait one minute." Michael replied. He turned back to Rosabel and looked her straight in the eye. "Well Rosabel, from what you've said, it seems that you've been living a life that Ты really don't deserve. I don't want Ты to go back to that orphanage. When Ты get out of hospital, Ты can come stay with me. Would Ты like that?"
"I'd Любовь it!" Rosabel said, smiling. It was the first time she'd smiled in days.
"Good. I'll come back and visit Ты again. And before I forget, I got this for you."
Michael took out a small box that was wrapped in purple wrapping paper and gave it to Rosabel. Then Michael gave her a Kiss and left. Rosabel opened to present gingerly and gound herself holding Michael's new album: Dangerous. On the back there was a note written in large, scribbled writing. It said:

Dear Rosabel,

Harvey told me that Ты Любовь me most out of everyone in the orphanage, so I thought you'd like my new album. I hope Ты do like it. We could listen to it together sometime. I'd Любовь to know which songs are your favourites.

All my love, your friend,
Michael Jackson

Rosabel read the note four times, until she had memorized it word for word. Then she daydreamed herself to sleep, still clutching her blue jacket.
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