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Болталка Do Ты feel like the pleasure and appreciation of being alive is no longer present in life?

10 fans picked:
Maybe once in a while. But it rather goes away...
Maybe once in a while. But it rather goes away quickly.
Sometimes, when something bad occurs. But then I...
Sometimes, when something bad occurs. But then I feel better a while.
Only when I&# 39; m in my room all день
Only when I'm in my room all день
(added by ArcticWolf)
Yeah.. it&# 39; s all blue and unhappy...
Yeah.. it's all blue and unhappy...
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 ClumsyFlipper posted Больше года
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Only when I&# 39; m in my room all...
ArcticWolf picked Only when I'm in my room all день:
Just being outside in the sun in pleasant weather makes me happy, especially if there's wind. The more I'm inside in a dark room on multiple nice days, the more hopeless I feel.
posted Больше года.