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 Cast @ "The Backstage Lounge" концерт
Cast @ "The Backstage Lounge" концерт
posted by VAMPirella1997
this part might not be so good, cos i'm kinda tired... let's see how it goes!
-VAMPirella XX

End of Part 6:
the stress and worry made us Переместить even faster as we dashed round the house, informing our family we had to leave. Now. They scurried around, packing. I dashed back to my cottage to grab my clothes. i chucked them all in my suitcase, not bothering to fold in my rush. finally, we were all ready and i dashed back to the house.

Part 7:
I scurried to Edward's side, holding myself to his side. I was scared. Edward wrapped one of his arms around my waist, squeezing my tight to him. I buried...
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hey.okay two things ive got to do. first Bella and Edward are supposed to be inside the house not out it. Soz for the mistake :) and i apologise again because Carrie ann was trying to do what Stephanie Meyer did in breaking down with the house standing up and the game with the score.
second is, remember carrie anns in france and im not on after friday till september. anyway thanks.

The Далее день was the день that Nessie was bringing Cally and Kris to meet us. Alice was running around trying to make sure that the house was cleaner then the already spotless state it usually is in.
It was just before...
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"Twilight" has been selected to be the closing night event at this year's Old Pasadena Film Festival. The movie will be screened on Saturday, July 25th on the вверх level of the Schoolhouse Parking гараж located on the SW corner of Colorado Blvd. and Fair Oaks Ave (enter on Fair Oaks, Green, или Raymond). Chairs will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis so Ты may want to bring your own lawn chairs или blankets. The movie will start at 9PM; admission is free.

The event is taking place as a part of the world's largest free outdoor movie festival, held every July at various locations throughout...
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posted by renesmeblack
Ok, as Ты know, Tanya and her clan had found Mark dying in the snow in Denali. What happened to Renesmee?

My eyes opened. I was covered in quilts, and the room was really warm. A strawberry-blonde woman knelt beside me. I saw her golden brown eyes and freaked out.
"You're one of the Cullens, aren't you?!" I asked, fearing for my life. The woman looked shocked.
"The Cullens? Ты know them? This is great news!" she сказал(-а) seriously. I recognized her voice. This woman was Tanya.
"Well, yeah, but-"
"They called me and сказал(-а) Renesmee was kidnapped. Ты haven't seen her by any chance, have you?"
I stammered....
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posted by MiaCullen_x
Sorry it's a bit short :S

Chapter 3 - A Meeting - Edward's POV
"Hey Bloodsucker," Jacob started, as soon as I answered my cell phone. "You guys need to get down here. Now."
"This doesn't sound like a social visit,"
"It isn't." He said, seriously. I closed the phone.
"Everyone. Could Ты come down here please?" I asked quietly, wondering what was wrong with Jacob.
When they entered the room, they were all thinking the same thing.
What's going on?
Sound's serious,
One person's thoughts stood out from the rest.
Why can't I see? It's those stupid Собаки again...
I laughed and Alice looked at me and stuck her...
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posted by Bella_Cullen902

Sorry i haven't wrote in a while it's just that i think people dont like my stories and i dont want to write things for no reason.

I just think it's better this way and i might start again but dont count on it. i know Ты guys are gonna be mad but i dont think that i'm gonna write anymore cause i'm not any good:(

Sorry again!!

If Ты want Ты can give me ideas that Ты have and ill make a story for Ты but thats 'bout the only way that i'll be Письмо stories.

 *~Sad and Sorry~*
*~Sad and Sorry~*
ok so i finally got this one done, the fight is Далее in edwards pov then the Далее chapter is the fight in bella's pov. this is dedicated to     
1twilight_lover for commenting first, same for this one, plz plz review, even if u dont like it, just lie to make me feel like people actually like it, lolz jk but plz review it really makes me happy. i will get the Далее one up by thursday in america. thanks to everyone who supported me while i was Письмо this, there are only 15 chapters, and they are all done, in a notebook, but im happy to post them on here. now read and be happy...this...
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Last one for today. ^_^

Jasper's Pov

"What's wrong Alice?"

Alice looked as if she were faint или something.

"Nothing is of the matter, I mean...nothing is...well
nothing is wrong okay?"

I really can't trust her sometimes, so I went to Edward.

"Edward, what is Alice thinking?"

"Why would I want to help you?! Ты tortured me once already!"

"Please! Just tell me what she is thinking!"

"I don't think I should tell them или should I? If someone is controllong Esme, where is this person-"

"Someone is controlling ESME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Edward shouted.

Then, everyone looked at Alice, Edward, and Esme's purple marking.
Question: Are really ready for the fandom that's going to result from this film?

Pattinson: Yeah. My brain doesn't really accept it. So it's fine. I can be put anywhere and it just goes completely over my head. I just don't want to get stabbed или something. Literally, my representation asked me, 'Do Ты have any problems with this? Is it going to be okay?' I said, 'I just don't want to get shot или stabbed. I don't want someone to have a needle and I'll get AIDS afterwards.' That's only my real fears.

Question: And the scary part is that there are probably people out there who would do that.

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This was short for a reason. CLIFFHANGER!!! hehehehehe......

Bella's Pov

I never thought I would lose my family like that. I never would
have thought I put them in so much danger. Especially
my poor Renesmee!!! (sobs)

"WHY!!!!!!!!?????????" I shouted as loud as I could.

Then I started to think, what if I never see them again?
Do I have to marry Jasper to get my family out?

Then I snapped myself out of that subject.

There are three possible ways of getting my family back to safety.

1: Marry Jasper
2: Get the spell out of Jasper
3: Find a way to find my family then snap my family out of the spell,
then get Jasper out of it and then, fight him if we have to.

I now know what to do.

Then, I went back to the dark black замок to fight Jasper and whoever
the man is...
Edward's Pov

We were having a wonderful time at the party. We ate cake and we sang songs and
I was enjoying myself until I felt I needed to talk to Bella. Alice looked really worried. Her mind
said that she regreted keeping the secret from Bella. So I looked for Bella wondering,
what's the secret. The strangest thing was, where is Bella when this is her party? I searched everywhere
until I found the note"

I went to find out why Jasper is upset. I will be back soon.

Now I started to realize why Alice regreted a secret and why Bella left. She wanted to know
where Jasper was and that Jasper was...
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posted by Bella11700
She opened her eyes WIDE and said,"What?" in a tired voice. I could tell she didn't want to wake up at 6:00 in the morning but then again I couldn't sleep at all.
"We need to go. Now."I said.
I picked up my hand,put it as far away from me as possible and pointed two fingers at the suitcase and i brought my arm back to my chest. The suitcase flew rather fast across the floor.
I looked at Susan. She had the most horrified look on her face than ever. But she wasn't looking at me she was looking at the suitcase. I told her "No there are no strings. I figuired that out the hard way."I сказал(-а) now looking...
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posted by Bella11700
"Do yo really want to know?" I gulped. I hate getting yelled at. Even though she is 17 and im 18 it wouldn't make a diffrence if she was 5. ... Mabye. "I think Ты are nice ad kind and funny, well mabe not last night but-" she smiled at me and as soon as figured out i wasn't geting yelled at took a big breath. Meenwhile she got dressed ad went threw the little fridge that came with the hotel room.
Even the stove was littler than usual. I don't mean like a easy bake духовой шкаф, печь but i couldn't deny it was.
She puled out a bag of ham and a few slices of cheese. She got a ag of хлеб and started makin sandwiches....
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posted by AdaLove
I confuse Sunrise with
the Twilight
A Start Ends
an ending begins
She changed my life
my dead heartbeat
my Холодное сердце heart
She made them Hers
with her sweet flying heartbeat,
her honey gaze
she makes me Любовь Her face
and the moonlight does not compare Her
I want her Forever
not to Переместить on
to stay here, in the
Dead Moonlight
But I Can't
the sunrise came
and we have no choice back

P.S this time i tried as hard as i could!i work it from the morning!i hope Ты like it!it is a bit sad but it is the best i can do!
posted by Isabellaashley
EDWARD'S гороховый, горох COAT

''Everybody wants to know where his гороховый, горох пальто came from!'' exclaims the costumer. Unfortunately, it is a one-of-a-kind piece (er, sort of: three to four were made for filming purposes) which Chuck herself crafted after not being able to find the perfect one. ''We needed the right fit, [and] I couldn't find anything in the right shade of gray,'' she recalls. ''Catherine [Hardwicke, the director] is really big on back story for her characters and anything that can help that, even if it's in a texture или color of clothes.'' After considering ''probably 20 swatches,'' Chuck went with one from Mood Fabrics and based her final Дизайн on a combination of other styles of гороховый, горох coats. In the end, his turned out as ''a classic shape with a modern twist.''
Ты are my life sence
before you, my life was
a story without tense
yOU are the sweetest dream,
my nigh't's lullaby,
my only dream.
my only heartbeat
Bels,your sweet gaze
Cuts like a нож into the haze
I’d let Ты push me, make me frown
coz Ты are the most important thing
Your force of will now made unbound
YOUr Шоколад eyes,
can take me higher,
Ты are the rason for me
Ты are my light in the twilight
my light love

p.s : Эй, guys!i like very much Письмо but i don't be a good poet!don't be mean with me!i hope Ты like it!
posted by AdaLove
Apart from the physiological differences with blood between a vampire and a human, blood is also important as the sole diet of a vampire. Whether animal или human blood it is important to consume it regularly; without it, they will weaken mentally and be less capable of rational thought and action.

We are told that blood varies massively in flavour. Emmett’s preference for "grizzly" and Edward’s for "mountain lion" (TW10) may be indicative of their hunting styles and personalities, but Животные don’t really appeal to vampires. The "bigger the animal, usually the better it tastes. Predators...
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posted by demilovatirocks
The Couples

Edward and Bella

Alice and Jasper

Emmett and Rosalie

Carlisle and Esme

Ashley and Kevin

Sonny and Joe

Selena and Nick

Lily and Mitchell

The first chapter will be Опубликовано soon.

please I know the trailor is long but it is finished.It had a lot of complications that I wanted to explain so Ты understood what was happening .Please tell me if Ты think it is good.
posted by demilovatirocks
These are the rest of the characters.

Lily Troscout a.k.a Lily Troscout

Jason Dolley,Jason Earle,and Mitchell Musso
Mitchell is with Lily.

David and Daniel Azel
Donna Azel is married to Chris Brown so she is Donna Brown.

Tiffany Thornton,Claire Thornton,and The Thornton Quints

Peter and Simon Azel

Ritchie and Marcia Thornton

The Далее one will be the family and friends.

I will make the Далее one really long.I wrote it in my book it is 3 pages but I am still not finished.

PLEASE COMMENT,RATE,AND GET PEOPLE TO READ AND DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by UchihaYuki
Эй, Guys, Yuki here.

As some of Ты know,
I've been Письмо a Twilight FanFiction,
I've so far Written Six Chapters..
And I'm so Happy that Everyone seems to Любовь
it, I got a message, well a couple asking
when my Далее Chapter's coming out,

I am in the thinking process,
right now.. I'm not sure what to write in
this chapter, So I wanna know what Ты guys
think my Далее Chapter should be about..
and so on, So just Комментарий this with what Ты think.
I'll be glad to hear all of your opinions,
Or Ты could message me if you'd like, either way,
It doesn't matter.

For those of Ты who haven't Read my FanFictions...
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