A Very Potter Musical Club
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added by Rayefire
Source: Darren Criss
added by emmaisobsessed
added by Radcliffesgirl
added by boolander25
Source: =pettyartist
added by boolander25
Source: =pettyartist
added by BB2010
added by Radcliffesgirl
added by boolander25
Source: polyvore.com
added by boolander25
Source: =pettyartist
added by boolander25
Source: =pettyartist
added by SherlockGirl
added by -MCRXRAVEN-
Source: YouTube.com
added by -MCRXRAVEN-
Source: YouTube.com
added by jadle811
added by littlemissNPH
posted by DrJohnHWatson
Don't be dissing the REDVINES!

I heard a Dementor kissed her, AND IT DIED!

Harry: Hogwarts is bigger than any of us.
It was here long before us, and it'll be here long after we're gone. I have a feeling we're going to see our kids come here. That's the thing about Hogwarts. No matter how long you're away, there will always be a way back.

Ron: Did somebody say Ron Weasley? Sorry it took me so long to get here I had to get some Floo Powder. We gotta get going, get your trunk, let's go.
Harry: Where are we going?
Ron: To Diagon Alley of course!
Harry: Cool!
continue reading...
added by boolander25
Voldy's plan is in action and everything looks bleak. Harry's all alone, stuck wishing he understood how everything went so horribly wrong.
added by boolander25
Watch out! With the help of Professor Quirrel, the Dark Lord Voldemort is back from the dead and in Hogwarts! He's got an evil plan to get his revenge and his body back, but he's got to be well rested if he wants to rule the world.
added by BB2010
added by boolander25
Source: =pettyartist