And iron from the earth,
огонь also comes from where
All elements have their birth….
The simplest quarks—
Matter without gluons—
Are in union with the sparks
Of energy called photons:
So that ‘E’ equals ‘MC’ squared,
This much knowledge has been shared!
If time were in reverse extension,
It’s not too much for imagination
To visualize the energy-matter integration
Of the primordial transmutation…
But much further and еще than this,
To make master of apprentice
Is within oneself to realize
Materialize and energize—
For we are but the stuff of stars,
Black holes, galaxies and supernovas:
To упряжь, ремень безопасности the energy of all quasars
And bend the elements of magnetars,
One need only bend oneself
To put one’s own thoughts on the shelf:
Consent to Ultimate Reality
And be in touch with Infinity….
For near and far,
Through every star,
I’m just another avatar.