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Abraham линкольн Вопрос

What did Ты most admire about Abe?

I personally think his honesty was his most admirable trait. Ты don't find people that true nowadays very often.
 MusicIsMyNature posted Больше года
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Abraham линкольн Ответы

MichelleWasHere said:
He was amazing person and was really honest.
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carcarsteed1 said:
I've idolized Abraham линкольн since I was a toddler because he really wanted peace and prosperity and happiness for this country and his actions were for the people and with the people
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MasterOfFear said:
Abe came from a very impoverished, uneducated beginning. He could have chosen to remain that way, could have let the misfortunes that plagued him throughout his life beat him, but instead he set out to use his intelligence and ethics to improve himself and his country. He is my hero because of this.
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NightWish13 said:
Abraham линкольн has inspired me since I was a fourth grader. Going to that Presidentail museum made a huge impact on me since. It gives Ты the real feeling of what it would of been like for линкольн at that time during the Civil war in 1861. What this president had to go through, all the tragedy he had to face during his presidency years in the white house. People looked at линкольн as a fraud at first before they could even know who this man really was. A truthful and honest Nobel man he was, who only wantted what was best for the union and his family. Realizing how good of a president линкольн was after the Civil War, they finally had respect for him till he was gunned down by an assassin at Ford's theater. Ты never know how good of a person can really be till they're actually gone.
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