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added by LinaJC
Source: Google Обои
added by ayseblack
added by Tamar20
added by KateKicksAss
added by mcewen_girl
Source: www.adam-lambert.net
added by Cookie_Glam
added by ForeverEternity
added by adamallthetime
added by mcewen_girl
Source: www.adam-lambert.net
added by mcewen_girl
Source: www.adam-lambert.net
added by mcewen_girl
Source: www.adam-lambert.net
If I say I'm sorry
It's just me selling a lie (umm, um um, yeah)
When you're in my arms
I feel emptier inside
I never felt so satisfied
Everything falls into place but
I think I need a little еще time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
honestly I don't know if we'll survive
A loaded smile
An empty glass
And one last dance (um yeah)

Walking hand in hand
you are all I ever want
And when you're not around dear
Don't even notice that you're gone
We are barely hanging on
Everything falls into place but I
think I need a little еще time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
honestly I don't know if we'll survive...
continue reading...
added by ForeverEternity
added by MariahFanatic
added by lambertglam
added by halloula
Source: halloula
added by mcewen_girl
Source: www.adam-lambert.net