Alec & Magnus New spot Icon, Banner and Слоган suggestions (CoB version) [OPEN]

YALitLover posted on Aug 21, 2013 at 11:22AM
Submit your ideas for a new icon, banner and motto here.

-BANNERS need to be 800x100 px. That's 800 pixels wide by 100 pixels high. Any banners that are not that size will not be included in the pick.
-ICONS need to be square: 100x100 px or larger.

Alec & Magnus 8 Ответы

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Больше года Flickerflame said…
Is there a character limit for mottoes?
Больше года Flickerflame said…
Some new icon suggestions: #1
 Some new Иконка suggestions: #1
Больше года Flickerflame said…
Here's a second
 Here's a секунда
Больше года Flickerflame said…
A third
 A third
Больше года Flickerflame said…
The final one from me, for now at least. Anyone else with more ideas? Or a banner suggestion?
 The final one from me, for now at least. Anyone else with еще ideas? или a banner suggestion?
Больше года Flickerflame said…
A banner suggestion:
 A banner suggestion:
Больше года Flickerflame said…
Bump. Anyone else?
Больше года Flickerflame said…
Does anyone want to suggest more icon or banner ideas here, since the "suggest an icon/banner" feature has appeared in this club? If no one else suggests more, I'll just make the polls with these suggestions and the incumbent ones, in about a week.