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Ангелы in America Who is your Избранное character?

25 fans picked:
Prior Walter
Hannah Pitt
Harper Pitt
Roy Cohn
Ethel Rosenberg
Louis Ironson
Joe Pitt
The Энджел
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Homeless Woman
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Martin Heller
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The Rabbi
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The Harlolds (Prior 1 and Prior 2)
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Mr. Lies
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 Cinders posted Больше года
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nosemuffin picked Belize:
But Prior is a very close second.
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judesmommy picked Prior Walter:
1. Prior 2. Belize 3. Harper 4. Ethel And I want you to know this was one very tough decision. I love so many of these characters. They are so rich and complicated in the way they were written. Some of the best writing of our time, in my opinion.
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LovingLucy picked Prior Walter:
I just LOVE Prior for his intelligence, strength, and determination. Plus he IS a cutie.
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merylrox14 picked Hannah Pitt:
i love all of Meryl's characters! :)
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