Applying to Medical School Wall

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fansfunsz сказал(-а) …
i Always have got hated cant stands doctors of all type(but in past in on a virtual game i met know a girl that studing medicine)in at the beginning i like her(but with times she reveal her true self)she was ignorant and cruel(her name was allegra something) Опубликовано Больше года
sayori92 сказал(-а) …
wow i'm going to be a doctor
and i have to keep studing all my life

sometimes i feel that i'm loosing a lot of basic information so what should i do?! Опубликовано Больше года
hacamacaperu257 прокомментировал(-а)…
I'm going to become an E.R Physician and i already calcuated how many years i'm going to be in school Больше года