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Audioslave Who is the best member of Audioslave, musically?

16 fans picked:
Chris Cornell (Vocals)
Tom Morello (Guitar)
Tim Commerford (Bass and backing vocals)
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Brad Wilk (Drumming)
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 benji posted Больше года
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ilovehinder picked Chris Cornell (Vocals):
tim commerford and brad wilk are the best looking, but chris cornell is the singer so uhh, tom morello is a good guitarist, but can't beat chris cornell's singing talents.
posted Больше года.
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mystica_15 picked Tom Morello (Guitar):
And cause he's from Chicago.
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ICU-P picked Tom Morello (Guitar):
He should seriously start a solo career as well.
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xxsasukexx89 picked Tom Morello (Guitar):
He stands out the most. If it wasn't for Tom Morello the band would sound too much alike to Soundgarden.
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