beliebers .. I'm proudly the #1 belieber ... My birthday is on Sun.Feb.3rd ... Wancha all sayin' happy Bday ;) Not on a Комментарий ... I wan' it on my Стена ... Sign: luv yah Justin ...
Опубликовано Больше года
i Любовь Ты justin my dream is to meat Ты i have never фасоль, бин to wanna of your conserts i want Ты to send me some please i lone Ты Ты are so hot and my dream is to met Ты in real life and spend 7 weeks with Ты Любовь makayla morrisonБольше года
i am so with u. anyone who hates justin bieber are idiots!!! Everything about him is adorable. justin if Ты are listening please let me be the one less lonely girl at a concertmБольше года
i Любовь Ты justin i have always wanted to come to your concerts but i cant afford a ticket . when are Ты coming to england? Любовь Ты xxxxxБольше года
And please explain to me how not liking JB is weird. Its a matter of personal preference - to me, I'm not excited about his music. that's my prerogative. Ты like JB, that's your prerogative and I cannot Вопрос that because its a matter of opinion.Больше года
Want to know what I hate? I hate when Болталка people ,who don't even know me ,start hating on me because i'm a Belieber. Why hate on me? What have I done to deserve hate? All i'm doing is following a guy who i have been inspired by. I can get on with Bieber haters as alot of my Друзья are haters but I cant get along with haters who are hating on me for no reason или are just trying to piss me off by hating on my idol. Judge me as a person, not a Belieber. There's еще to me than being a Belieber.
Опубликовано Больше года
everybody who hates justin. back off. we Любовь him and nobody can stop us. so if ur somebody who is just trying to be a jerk to justin. get off fanpop. it is only for beliebers. quit tickng us off¡!!!!!!!!!!!!Больше года
Ты Don't Have To Любовь Justin Bieber , But at least respect that I do , and think before Ты speak cause he has feelings too ...
Опубликовано Больше года
ATTENTION BELIEBERS!!! As we all know we are trying to break the world record for BAAB Музыка video..we need to get 10 million Просмотры in 24 hours.. so the main Вопрос is: How are Просмотры counted on Youtube? here's the answer: Ты need to watch the video at least for 5 secs and than refresh it again because, for example if u watch the video for 1 sec and refresh it it won't be counted. so bring it on Beliebers and let's make Justin proud.
Опубликовано Больше года
Опубликовано Больше года
justin bieber is not gay wierdo. he dated selena gome. if he was gay he would be dating a guy. duhhhhh. ehy do u people keep saying hes gay? that is just mrssed up yo say. HE IS NOT GAY!!!!! JUSTIN HAS FEELINGS TOO!!!PLEASE REZPECT THEM!!!!!Больше года
what is wrong with loving jb miss KIND!!!!!! 100??? wenlove him so if u dont leave us beliebers alone and get off the freakingg page. !!!!!!!!!!Больше года
i am proud to have him as fave singer also b cos he is kind perfect and ever things he is not self рыба think only for his self only he think about us also .some thing that i wanted to stay what ever will going to happened i am not going to hate him for ever believe of him .that not b cos of his personal only i Любовь him.i Любовь him also for being him self and not b cos he is kind and perfect b cos i Любовь ever things about him.i will not hate him eved he change also promise u jb.
Опубликовано Больше года
Whoever is hating on Justin bieber is just hating cause they don't got screaming Фаны outside there window very morning am I right?
Опубликовано Больше года
people r jealus because they dont have anyone cheering for them или calling them 80000 times a день или girls или boys sayin i Любовь u. am i right???? i knowБольше года