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posted by IzzyOzera
The whole conversationd wouldn't fit on one screenshot so here it is;
Stranger: asl
Stranger: ?
You: Oh! There Ты are! I've been looking for Ты forever!
Stranger: oh really?
You: I'll never say goodbye to you!
You: I'm crazy about you!
You: I Любовь you!
Stranger: is that good или bad?
Stranger: well are Ты a guy или a girl?
You: Kurt, don't Ты Любовь me?
Stranger: nope guess not
You: But Kurt it's me Blaine!
Stranger: that sucks dont it
You: :'(
Stranger: stop your bitchin
You: Kurt. It's me, Blaine! Your boyfriend.
Stranger: ha fuckin faggot
Stranger: i hate fags
Stranger: they are as bad as niggers and soicks
Stranger: spicks
added by Fenrir
Source: tumblrrrr
added by GemonkDruid
Source: MemeBase, GraphJam, MusicFails
added by KateKicksAss
Source: tumblr
The sun came through the window of the Gryffindor girl’s dorm room forcing the occupants of the room to either wake up или pull a подушка over their head and fall back asleep.The only other person in the room besides Caitlin and Hermione was Ron's sister Ginny. She woke up her eyes were fixed on her friend Hermione as the events of the Назад night came rushing back to her at full speed. When she came back from the Azkaban prison she had told her Друзья about what had happened last night. They were surprised at the story that she had told them but none the less they still supported her in...
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CANON vs. FANON -- Reality vs. Imagination

People who aren't really part of any so-called obsessive fandoms may not be aware of this, but there are really quite a few large-ish battle being waged by sometimes even fanatic people, mostly on this one subject: canon. Is it equivalent to the Holy Bible или not? Is the word of the Автор really and truly what goes? But wait, maybe I should back up a little.
To put it simply, canon includes everything about a book series etc. that has been verified by the author/other creator. It can include anything from birthdays and deathdays to who married who,...
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What is wrong with Michael Jackson?

The answer was simply nothing. Nothing was wrong with him. I'm sure every Фан has seen the "Living with Michael Jackson" documentery by Martin Bashir. Bashir called him undeveloped and childish and man who needed to live in reality. But reality, these days, is rather sickening. In the mornings, I turn on the news and see awful horror upon the screen and wish I hadnt.

My generation looks upon people who understand nature as weird или crazy. Michael was one of those few who did understand. Michael was treated awfully and was accused of things he didnt do....
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posted by wotcher-tonks
so i know nobody comes on here anymore but i figured i'd do what jacob suggested (kind of bc this Статья is only about me lol)

so i'm gonna be a junior in high school this год (pretty rough) and i'm already looking into colleges (not so fun)

i've made some pretty amazing Друзья and i wouldn't trade them for the world (although i want to kill them sometimes bc ALL THEY DO IS SING)

i really, really Любовь one direction. please don't judge me omg it's not just their Музыка that made me Любовь them i mean i'm really in Любовь with them as people as well. they're amazing guys. i also Любовь 5 секунды of...
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1) Put your iTunes или iPod on shuffle.

2) For each Вопрос press the Далее button for each answer.

3)You must write that song name, no matter how silly it sounds.

1) What is your Motto?
2) What do your Друзья think of you?
3) What do Ты think about very often?
4) What is 2+2?
5) What do Ты think of your best friends?
6) What do Ты think about the person Ты like?
7) What is your life story?
8) What do Ты want to be when Ты grow up?
9) What do Ты think when Ты see the person Ты like?
10) What do your parents think of you?
11) What will Ты dance to at your wedding?
12) What will they play at your...
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All eyes were on Caitlin thanks to the words that glibly came out of her cousin’s mouth. “I don’t want to talk about it. Can I please just go now?” Her voice cracked with each word that she сказал(-а) but she still didn’t look up. She was trying not to cry. She never cried in front of anyone. She didn’t know why but it just seemed natural to hide her tears and hide behind the silence of everything lugubrious and cruel in the world. She was fighting back against the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Her uncle seeing her so down and hurt like she was and wanting to be a father...
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added by simpleplan
The Little Mermaid

In the original version, the Little Mermaid feels an indescribable amount of pain every time she takes a step - due to a curse the witch put on her.
The Little Mermaid has a mother in the original - her mother is dead in the Дисней version.
The Captain that the mermaid falls in Любовь with marries another woman (whom he had been in Любовь with in the first place) - in the Дисней version the Little Mermaid gets the prince!
The Little Mermaid's sisters offer her a нож to kill the prince so she can return to the see in the original.
The Little Mermaid dies at the end (turns into...
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added by marauders101
It had been a week since the pool incident and Caitlin still hadn’t had a chance to talk to George about anything. She was feeling the pain of heartbreak sitting into her chest causing her nothing but pain and agony. She hadn’t been herself but she was going to try and be herself for her Друзья and family. It was a few weeks before Sirius’s welcoming back party. She was in her room sulking and thinking about things. She knew that everyone was worried about her and she was trying to act as if everything was fine but she knew it wasn’t. She had made her decision and knew that she wanted...
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The sweet sounds of summer drifted through Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Caitlin wasn’t feeling the affects of summer yet. She was having a bad dream. The dream was about her loved ones and a group of people being surrounded by Dementors. The group was killing her family and Друзья in front of her. Caitlin was tossing and turning in her sleep. She mutters a few things in her sleep before rolling over her brown hair falls over her face and pillows. “No please don’t hurt them. Take me instead”, she mumbled in her sleep. She gripped the подушка and kicked the blankets and sheets off of her....
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Over the Далее few months Caitlin and George continued to grow closer. They spent a lot of time together but they maintained their relationships with their Друзья as well. George had surprised Caitlin on both her birthday and Valentines day. It was a very interesting for them both. They had a little funny incident at the café they went to in Hogsmeade. Dumbledore had allowed Caitlin to go with George just this one time. She however had Еда dumped on her by the clumsy waiter. George had pulled a prank on that same waiter in order to get Caitlin to laugh. It worked and she was very fortunate...
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Angelica bounded through the trees, fighting to stay calm. It was so weird to not be in such a controlled enviornment and be so free out there. She was from a formal british family. The kind of family that kept Ты behind invisible bars by controlling your world but in the end nobody can control your feelings. Angelica had ran away from the constant horror of her old life. She was tired of being her parent's slave. She was tired of being a doll. They dressed her up in tight dresses that could choke Ты since she could remember. Now, she wasnt in a tight dress. Instead she wore a MJ t-shirt...
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Ari awoke that morning to the beautiful sunlight pouring in from the window in front of her bed. She yawned and noticed she still was in her MJ рубашка and jeans. She had fallen asleep last night while she was thinking. She held the rose tightly in her hands still though. It was so pretty it gave her hope that maybe one день she would fulfill her long Остаться в живых dream of meeting Michael Jackson. Perhaps in heaven. She put on her shoes she had painted MJ onto and grabbed her wand. She got up and grabbed a green basket and headed back down the hallways and down the steep stairways. On her way out she...
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Just, Ты know, linking this here cause I can ;)