Bride of Chucky Wall

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Lifeisafairytal сказал(-а) …
Little fact about me: When I was 5 years old, I used to sit on the living room диван, мягкий уголок and watch this movie over and over and over again. Don't ask me. I don't know how I wasn't scared, but at night I would be terrified to go to the toilet in case Chucky was hiding under there and would pull me under...Yah. So there's the story of why and how I came to adore the doll that is....Chucky. Опубликовано Больше года
chuckylover911 сказал(-а) …
Did everyone sign this petition regarding Chucky? Here it is if Ты want to sign! It'd mean a lot to us chucky fans: link Опубликовано Больше года
big smile
ChuckyLover1 сказал(-а) …
This movie is pretty good.. little nasty.. but awesome Опубликовано Больше года
stoo666 сказал(-а) …
RARE Good Guy doll for sale!
Опубликовано Больше года
chuckylover911 прокомментировал(-а)…
im checkin it out now.. Больше года
chuckylover911 прокомментировал(-а)…
its gone.... Больше года
chuckylover911 прокомментировал(-а)…
lol... im really unlucky Больше года
marleighmarie сказал(-а) …
chucky is so cool i wish i had the real chucky doll they used in the movie but what i do no is that i have the real tiffany from the movie! Опубликовано Больше года
chuckylover911 прокомментировал(-а)…
Ты kidding? if your not Ты just have to send me picks! and maby we could make a deal about purchaseing tiffany.. Больше года