Разбитые сердца Wall

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Записи на стене 1-10 из 58

factualfallout сказал(-а) …
insane thoughts или poisoned mind, either one is easy to find. for me its both i dont know how, but i must hold on just a little longer now. Опубликовано Больше года
brokencyde16 сказал(-а) …
people say I am just a freak and laugh at me
never been Любовь never will
laugh at people who say there's someone out there for everyone
to me that's a lie Опубликовано Больше года
dia_alam сказал(-а) …
dnt tell ne1 dat " GET OVER IT " such a bullsyt thng :\ Опубликовано Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
It's that moment in my life where I realise i am nothing Опубликовано Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
I shouldn't be here...If I had it my way is be with mom right now..I don't get it I just don't understand as much as I drink as much as I use my blade или all the pills I've downed I'm still here there's no purpose for me here I'm not needed nor wanted y can't I be in peace already to end this pain that has over come me :'( Опубликовано Больше года
sentinelwolf прокомментировал(-а)…
babe, Ты are now..... Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
ohhhhhhh ik my Любовь Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
I learned today that I'm not good enough for anyone that no one wants a girl like me so am I tryin?💔 Опубликовано Больше года
UltimaWeapon94 прокомментировал(-а)…
Now hun why would Ты even think that? Ты do realiz how many of us guys Любовь a cool жопа, попка chick that rocks, and with red hair and silver eyes like yours, a lot of men would be lucky to have you, that's just my opinon and my Входящие is always open :) Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
No Hun that's where ur wrong no one wants me it's been proven all I am is a friend my сердце has this whole in it and it's painful in so many ways I am not gonna chance myself but ik I will be one of the few that die alone just like my father said...I wanna be able to prove that I can be a good gf but no one wants to give me that chance...I'm sorry if I disappear..things on my mind to where I just wanna..go... Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
SURPRISE!!!! :) Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
*sits on my bed*...I found a pic of him still in my phone :'( I can't help the tears I am
So Остаться в живых I was with him for a год it still hurts so much ik I'm not enough for anyone that hurts to *curls in a ball in the постель, кровати cryin* what i do that was so wrong that they hurt me this bad Опубликовано Больше года
Sinna_Hime_chan прокомментировал(-а)…
Nuttin. Ты did Nothing. Sometimes we get targeted & other times be get an unexpected/undeserved Blessing. We look at ourselves and our part & role, and when we see we have done no harm или wrong, then sigh relief ~ at least "YOU" owe no amends. 'Because that sux- или nuttin worse than owing amends to someone who really hurt you! Больше года
UltimaWeapon94 сказал(-а) …
I couldn't help it, I knew better then to let myself fall in Любовь with a girl...her name is Chelsea and she also my fifth cousin...but I couldn't helpt it, the first moment I laid eyes on her I knew I was in love, but she was terribly confused, going through problems with her husband(now divorced), has a baby named Olivia, but all she wants to do is party, get drunk, cussing constantly in front and TO her baby, has bipolar disorder, and lead me on for 2 months after the shit hit the Фан Опубликовано Больше года
UltimaWeapon94 прокомментировал(-а)…
Well, after things fell through with her husband, me and her had sex, then she started being a сука and talked about me behind my back to family...yeah my сердце was definitely shattered..... Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
I wish I could say something bad about him but my сердце won't let me :( Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
It's funny everytime u watch a zombie movie I go around biting ppl including my dog...who bites back btw LOL Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
*curls up in a ball in the middle of my постель, кровати crying* what did I do wrong Опубликовано Больше года
BloodyMascara_ прокомментировал(-а)…
*Sits on edge of постель, кровати and strokes her hair* Nothing..... Больше года
UltimaWeapon94 прокомментировал(-а)…
I'm still trying to figure ot what I did i wrong...hope your having better days now, just stay positive. Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
@bloodymascara thank u :(( everyone leaves me @ultimaweapon94 it's not u sweetie it was someone I cared deeply for he just left like I was nothing...I am nothing.. Больше года
Justie_Love сказал(-а) …
Love.......is many. Things but a broken сердце is stupid shit 💔💔💔 broken hearts cause all the sadness and pain raining down over
Us.....over u over me Опубликовано Больше года
UltimaWeapon94 прокомментировал(-а)…
Can personally agree with Ты there. Больше года
Justie_Love сказал(-а) …
~You can never forget ur first Любовь ~
~ Always remeber the second~
~the third may be a wate of time~
~from all the ppl u lovetheres always one person who stands out from the rest and will always be ur one true Любовь ~💜 Опубликовано Больше года
dinu12 сказал(-а) …
If I never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like Ты I wouldn't Любовь you.
If I didn't Любовь Ты I wouldn't miss you,
but I did, I do and I will. Опубликовано Больше года
willowtara сказал(-а) …
how can u get ovr som1 who still loves Ты and who u still love? how can someone just rip apart Любовь like her father did to us? my exs father made us end it, he сказал(-а) we were getting too serious, and when she told me, all she сказал(-а) was: "Goodbye (my name), i wish u d best of luk." who the hell says that??? she cudnt even tell me she still loved me или she was sorry, and then five days later i text her and ask her if its alright if i text her again and she says: "No never again." how cud she do that Опубликовано Больше года
artemisv прокомментировал(-а)…
сука sounds cold personally it sounds like your better off ki Больше года
willowtara прокомментировал(-а)…
ok :) thnks Больше года
ConfusedDino сказал(-а) …
A broken сердце may be fixed, but it's forever scarred. Опубликовано Больше года
Justie_Love прокомментировал(-а)…
So true :/ Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
*i Любовь u so very much baby girl* :(( it was all a lie he lied everytime he сказал(-а) it he lied to me everyday he left me crying screaming bleeding ik I'm not much but now ik that I'm not anything worth loving Опубликовано Больше года
Anderson73 прокомментировал(-а)…
i knw i dont knw u but i knw its hard to trust someone lik that again but Ты must.or it will leave a deep scars on u. there will be a день when u meet someone who will be faithful to u lik Ты will be to them.eveybody deserves Любовь Больше года
Anderson73 прокомментировал(-а)…
to him Больше года
friends_4_ever сказал(-а) …
Ma сердце is broken badly and I have never loved anyone! Опубликовано Больше года
rogy прокомментировал(-а)…
Do not worry Ты will Любовь Больше года
Gothic-Cherry сказал(-а) …
:(( y me y do they lie and say they Любовь me then leave me wtf did I do :(( Опубликовано Больше года
19987 прокомментировал(-а)…
We"ve all been there your not alone! Больше года
Gothic-Cherry прокомментировал(-а)…
K :(( Больше года
diru12 сказал(-а) …
right now im crying i got a broken сердце never tell your best friend Ты Любовь him .it just hurts soo much Опубликовано Больше года
bongo6487 прокомментировал(-а)…
Gabby Ты told me because Ты didn't want to go a littlecrazy but no matter what I still Любовь Ты too and I respect that Ты weren't shy like how I was when I told you. Больше года
fansfunsz сказал(-а) …
i had got my broken сердце for 5 times in all my life(the first when i was in the 3rd class of school)also in 2nd(after the asylyum)and nexts the 2nd Опубликовано Больше года
cherl12345 прокомментировал(-а)…
I've had my сердце broken numerous times by people who I thougth were my friends. Больше года
fansfunsz прокомментировал(-а)…
ah Больше года
alicesocool сказал(-а) …
(crying) wat thaa fuck did i do to deserve this..everything is out to get get me... wat happened to me? why am i crying all the time now?like i am crying right now... i guess im jst done.. alright well um ight the world hates me and now thts ok cuz i hate me 2..... ahahaaahhaa i jst want to die already.. wat thaa fuck is rong with me???i am looking like a freak Показать right now..ive soo many rong things..im a slut,whore and a сука and any1 can agree to this.. Опубликовано Больше года
jeftelover сказал(-а) …
i loved my ex boyfriend then we started to about something and now my hand is bleeding...*sigh*i will never fall in Любовь again... Опубликовано Больше года
JemiLvr сказал(-а) …
Ты broke me.
Ты were my life.
But Ты lied to me.
I still Любовь you.
But it hurts.
Why did Ты let me go on believing? </3
I'll never be the same.
Hope you're happy, Trevor, cause I'm done with this life. Опубликовано Больше года
Buggie31 прокомментировал(-а)…
i feel the same way exsept the name is cj and he dump me cuz i wasnt a born again christian Больше года
Marge_09 сказал(-а) …
why can't i Переместить on.?
i forgot to be happy.. Опубликовано Больше года
Ilovemarge прокомментировал(-а)…
just acept my love, and i will not hurt you.. Больше года
annwardfan11 сказал(-а) …
My boyfriend and I were totally in Любовь and tomorrow he was going to Kiss me. He seemed fine hours ago. But at six he broke up with me...for no reason. I thought he was going to but it came off as a shock to me. I don't really know how to do deal with it Опубликовано Больше года
jeftelover прокомментировал(-а)…
awww Больше года
CMJCMJLG сказал(-а) …
He'll always be in the back of my head but I wanna be happy again Опубликовано Больше года
ccgarcia сказал(-а) …
its so werid i seem to have alot of these cuz of boys u hate em but u still Любовь em its crazy i kinda wanna choke em somtimes but its mostly the girl tht caused it that u wanna chke еще than anyone Опубликовано Больше года
ccgarcia прокомментировал(-а)…
*choke Больше года
CMJCMJLG сказал(-а) …
God, i wish i can have a boyfriend again. I miss him so much.. Опубликовано Больше года
Emo_gurl63 сказал(-а) …
One tear is all it takes to put me back in my depressed place... Опубликовано Больше года
rockEMOgirl сказал(-а) …
i have 1. when my bf broke up with me he was the cooles kid in school and now no 1 wants to go out with me. :( Опубликовано Больше года
rockEMOgirl прокомментировал(-а)…
i smile on the outside but i hurt on the inside. Больше года
rockEMOgirl прокомментировал(-а)…
i have 1 and iwill 4 ever Больше года
CatValentine09 сказал(-а) …
Even if Ты are the one who breaks up with somebody, it doesn't mean it hurts. I remember once my boyfriend broke up with me at school, and then I didn't feel good, went to the office and I had a fever. :( Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 прокомментировал(-а)…
My bf left me today... Only he didn't tell me he told my foster mom who told me yes I feel it physically in my chest and stomach I can't breath and I can't stop crying Больше года
Ghoulia_fan прокомментировал(-а)…
Awwww I'm so sorry. I found out the guy i've had a crush on for 4 months doesn't like me back. Больше года
_zane101_ сказал(-а) …
been there... Опубликовано Больше года
ImmoralDreams сказал(-а) …
Best way to deal with a broken heart...is to start with saying I Любовь Ты to yourself.. Опубликовано Больше года
oreosturm сказал(-а) …
so my first boyfriend and hes gone and i cried for 3 hours last night, is this normal????
I hate it cuz i have NOONE to talk to. my so called Друзья never talk to me anymore (and one of them was wishing i'd break up with the guy since the first day) and he was pretty much the only person i could talk to about anything and now he's gone too. Опубликовано Больше года
alex_rules прокомментировал(-а)…
get someone to talk to and dont get Друзья tht backstab get Друзья tht are always there for u ! <3 Больше года
oreosturm прокомментировал(-а)…
i would Любовь to if that were possible, nobody likes me. the only reason i stick with my Друзья is because if i wasn't with them i'd have no where to be at all. Больше года
jeftelover сказал(-а) …
broken сердце again...blablabla............... Опубликовано Больше года
angelbell619 сказал(-а) …
still my сердце broken Опубликовано Больше года
bubblegumm16 сказал(-а) …
I have had my сердце torn out of my body, and used, and cheated on, and I am in Любовь again... but the problem is that I don't know who I can trust! It makes me cry because I don't want to get hurt! I Любовь him, But I don't want to get hurt. And I know something is going to happen, and my сердце will be broken again, but I keep hanging on as if a thread were to keep me up! It's a retaining delema! I almost feel depressed! WELL I am going to go take a nap...maybe I'll dream about a solution 2 this!!! Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
One еще that leaves me I'll go over the egde just one еще come any runners up? Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
a broken сердце can befor many resaons losing family a freind или something еще special like ur bf/gf right now my сердце is broken for a lose of a freind that i thought i could trust becuase he told me i could tell him anything so i did and he attcked me with harsh words and broke my сердце bad i know now that i can not trust ppl i learned the hard way form this when someone says *u can trust me* never beleive then they r most likely lieing it hurts to be abanded but someone u care about. Опубликовано Больше года
Cherry9090 сказал(-а) …
I would rather be stabbed then deal with the pain of a broken сердце Опубликовано Больше года
Maeli_Jesus сказал(-а) …
my сердце never will be the same... i don't want hurt me again... Опубликовано Больше года
xxemogirl101xx сказал(-а) …
again, for the 3rd time. Любовь sucks Опубликовано Больше года
vamp2wolfgirl2 прокомментировал(-а)…
Эй, i say tht all the time .. lo L .. *love sucks* srry to hear though .. Больше года
anica сказал(-а) …
i don't know why i Присоединиться this club...i just feel like i belong Опубликовано Больше года
CassiLuvsBrndon сказал(-а) …
"Of course, you're going to get your сердце broken. And it isn't just going to happen once, but a lot. That's just part of growing up, and it makes Ты stronger. Then Ты can handle it better Далее time. Ты may not get through it yourself, but your Друзья will help Ты through it. And you'll be a stronger person because of it. Then one день someone will come along, and it'll all pay off and no one will ever break your сердце again."

i feel much better. :]
Опубликовано Больше года
vamp2wolfgirl2 прокомментировал(-а)…
vamp2wolfgirl2 прокомментировал(-а)…
*HAPPENS Больше года
kyatto прокомментировал(-а)…
i had a friend once, i tried to tell her, but she never listened to me! even when i had a broken сердце of a guy rejecting me all the time. she didnt care, the truth is, not everyone is gonna care for Ты in your time of need. Not even my parents cared that much either. so it was me who had to withere out the storm alone. i never had a relationship, only rejections and used. and it hasn't made me stronger...(turn the world Эмо <3) Больше года
rachurocks сказал(-а) …
Trying to forget someone Ты loved is like trying to rememeber someone Ты never knew..... Опубликовано Больше года
ShiningsTar542 сказал(-а) …
`Sick of crying...
``Tired of trying...
```Yeah I'm smiling...
`````But inside I'm dying... Опубликовано Больше года
ShiningsTar542 сказал(-а) …
It's funny how sometimes in life we keep on holding on to someone who once gave up on us, and broke it into pieces, and yet we still Любовь them with all the little one's and can never stop. Опубликовано Больше года
StarGirl1721 прокомментировал(-а)…
ya really nice did Ты write it Больше года
ShiningsTar542 прокомментировал(-а)…
No I didn't write it, that was my heart. Больше года
irena83 прокомментировал(-а)…
♥ ♥ ♥ Больше года
Hailie_45 прокомментировал(-а)…
That was so touching. =') Больше года
TruthOrDie сказал(-а) …
DuDe!! сердце is a muscle :P It can NoT BE BroKEn!!!! :P Опубликовано Больше года
emoluver97 прокомментировал(-а)…
but mussles can get scars Больше года
kyatto прокомментировал(-а)…
and muscles can get scratches upon them...(turn the world Эмо <3) Больше года
soffi сказал(-а) …
looking at u know I can tell, that u and your new relationship ain't going well, there's no reason why your name should come up on my cell, unless u are unhappy ..but that shouldn't be the case....cause u сказал(-а) , u сказал(-а) she was the one baby yes u said, u сказал(-а) u were in love...when u left me u сказал(-а) that u wouldn't be coming back remember that...but I never agreed....... Опубликовано Больше года
krtl сказал(-а) …
One день Ты will wake up and realise that despite everything, she loved Ты with all her сердце and Ты stupidly threw it all away. Опубликовано Больше года
myareid17 сказал(-а) …
My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. My life sucks. Does anyone care? Does anyone care? Does anyone care? Does anyone care? Does anyone care? Does anyone care? Does anyone care? I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! I'm hurting! What happened to love? What happened to love? I Любовь you! But Ты don't Любовь me!! Опубликовано Больше года
jake12345678910 прокомментировал(-а)…
Эй, I care hun if u need to talk I'm here(: Больше года
myareid17 прокомментировал(-а)…
Thanks. I'd like to talk to you. emo-to-emo. :) Больше года
jake12345678910 прокомментировал(-а)…
I'm here Больше года
myareid17 прокомментировал(-а)…
Can we talk soon Jake? :) Больше года
shorty184 сказал(-а) …
Joined this group for 2 reasons..one my hearts broken-never to be healed again..nd two one of my fave songs is called Brokenhearted check it out =) xx link xx Опубликовано Больше года
supergirl1998 сказал(-а) …
Любовь has hurt me yet again.......what now??? Опубликовано Больше года
readbooks сказал(-а) …
I found this quote somewhere "you can break my сердце but i can still Любовь Ты with all my pieces" isnt that so cute, but true for some people! Опубликовано Больше года
yukicross3244 сказал(-а) …
Любовь starts with Любовь then anger,then hate then sadness,i skipped all and went to saddness Опубликовано Больше года
yappybunny123 сказал(-а) …
my сердце has been broken..so here i am...love stinks Опубликовано Больше года
greennymph_15 сказал(-а) …
our Любовь is not a game.so stop playing with my heart.!!! Опубликовано Больше года
yappybunny123 сказал(-а) …
My Слоган is that Ты can't live with it, but Ты can't live without it. Sad but true..a boy i had a crush on moved away and then somehow dated my bff...harsh Опубликовано Больше года
greennymph_15 сказал(-а) …
Любовь feels like heaven but hurts like hell... Опубликовано Больше года
emo_prince прокомментировал(-а)…
i totally agrre with u Больше года
greennymph_15 прокомментировал(-а)…
lol.at least someone feels the same way.:)) Больше года
mylips прокомментировал(-а)…
it is pain.....!!!!!! Больше года
xionheartless12 прокомментировал(-а)…
true Больше года