БрукАс (Брук и Лукас) Friendship Club
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I have to say, i adore the БрукАс (Брук и Лукас) friendship!! They are really sweet together, and luke provides great support for brooke. however, i don't think they mesh well as a Любовь couple. i think that while they were together, a lot of it was just about sex and еще superficial stuff, while as Друзья they don't have that stuff in the way, so they can really Любовь eachother for their true selves (in a friend-y way!)

i also felt that, although always sweet to lucas, brooke was always trying a bit hard to be romantic and lovey-dovey. i think this really affected the way i felt about them, because with leyton, there is a deeper connection- look how long they lasted without sex, while dating! i just couldn't see БрукАс (Брук и Лукас) doing this. but as i said, once the sex is out of the way, they can finally have a deeper connection as friends, not lovers.

ok, i have more, but i'm going to постель, кровати now. thanks for readin :)
Now, I have only been watching One дерево холм, хилл for a месяц and I have to say that they are very cute together. They were always there for each other and the rain scene was to cute when Lucas even though I could get pneumonia, If Ты need to know why I Любовь you, I'd stay out here all night. Isn't that just romantic? Escpecially at the party were Lucas says "I'm the guy for Ты Brooke Davis. Lucas seems very happy with her and I know she is really happy with him. Ты can tell that with him she smiles extra hard and when he's with her, he has complete faith in her. Brooke and Lucas have went through...
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