БрукАс (Брук и Лукас) БрукАс (Брук и Лукас) Фан Girls and a Guy xD

livelovelaugh posted on Jun 12, 2008 at 06:42PM
For the fans of the Ultimate amazing Couple. Introduce yourself and start talking =)

Ok so heres the deal if you dont come on in a long time the chances are i will delete you from the list so people dont get cofused.

If you belong to the group of medal whores (you all know who you are) you will also get removed from the list we dont acept people like that on fanpop at all never mind on our forum! sorry to be a bitch but its something that shouldnt happen and it does so if you are part of the medal whores you should eb ashamed of yourself!

so basically this forum is to come and talk to BL fans. You can talk about what ever you want seriously anything at all. if you wanna vent about something then do it thats what this is here for.

im gonna make a list here of the regular users and there real names so if your new you can see who everyone is.

Livelovelaugh - Dawn 240
Brattynemz - Nem 201
Dermer4ever - Terra 170
Sophialover - Mary 224
1treehillfan - Alice 111
Brucas4ever - Hannah 281
Cas_Cat2 - Cat or Catia 116
Janni - Janni 335
Broody_4_Cheery - meikei 88
Mollyx365 - Molly or lou 92
TSOYPRA - Vicky 32
Chlarkfan - Jellena 16
jennifer_02 - Jen 2
OMGitsBrooke - Leyla
Isabellaaa - Bella
xoheartinohioxo - Holly
MONlovesBRUCAS - Mon

(i know ive forgot some jus let me know lol)

 For the Фаны of the Ultimate amazing Couple. Introduce yourself and start talking =) Ok so heres the
last edited on Sep 16, 2009 at 07:02PM

БрукАс (Брук и Лукас) 116057 Ответы

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Showing Replies 38751-38800 of 116057

Больше года livelovelaugh said…
ewww i hate her she needs a slap lol
Больше года Janni said…
You are still here=D
I'm gonna be on for a little while beofre i have to take a shower;D
Больше года sophialover said…
No she doesn't..lol!
She needs a biiig hug...*wanting to hug poor Amy*!
Больше года sophialover said…
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
Больше года Janni said…
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
mary ive rated 12 pages of avril 10 or amy and 10 of freffy i will do the rest later lol
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
LOL Amy Whinehouse is funny and it's all a surprise with her. You never know when she might die or something. xD

No offense Mary. =P xD

Больше года sophialover said…
Dawn today is your eyesexage day...lol!
Больше года Janni said…
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
it should be soon :P lol only jokin gi dont hate her that much and janni youtr back =)
Больше года Janni said…
Not any longer dawn xP
Больше года Janni said…
I saw some comments abou the new rating system sucks, what is teh new system?:P
Больше года brattynemz said…
hey :)
Больше года sophialover said…
Funny is another thing...lol! But yeah she IS unpredictable AND hilarious and fo goodness sake...SHE'S A DIVA. She's totally down to earth and she doesn't give a fuck about what people think about her.
That's why i love her SO SO SO much<3 She's not as beautiful and probably totally messed up but it seems to me that she's A REAL person and not another blonde skinny NOTHING.
AND she's so talented that it hurts.
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
i know i wanna count them up btu i dont no where hannah finished last time
Больше года sophialover said…
Больше года Janni said…
I'm back;D
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
NEM! <333

God, i HATE the new rating system. :@
Больше года sophialover said…
Janni..the new rating system? Don't you remember that it got changed? LOL!
Больше года sophialover said…
Больше года brattynemz said…
and not another blonde skinny NOTHING.
*raises eyebrow*
last edited Больше года
Больше года sophialover said…
It's freaking annoying. I've only gotten about 5 medals since it got changed...lol!
Больше года Janni said…
I asked her if she wanted us to count theem, buts he said that she woul do it in her vaca

Больше года sophialover said…
Janni did you do the coloring of your icon?
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
Mary, i have no idea how to search things in the fotolog. XD
Больше года sophialover said…
Guys did you all answer the pick about Myra..? lol!
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…

The LOOSER is not that looser anymore. xD
 YAY EYESEXAGE! <33 The LOOSER is not that looser anymore. xD
Больше года sophialover said…
MM just a sec Cat...i'm gonna explain! hihi!
Больше года Janni said…
i'm a littel confused with the rating system.. i have just noticed that ..,huh?
Больше года sophialover said…
It seems so...
Больше года Janni said…
I haven's answered yet
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
I didn't yet Mary, i have no idea what to say. xD

Janni, with the new system, you can't see how many people have rated your stuff and you can't see the ratings. =S
Before you could see "4.3" or "3.2" or "5".. Now you just have to guess. lol =/
Больше года Janni said…
nah! CAt will always be the LOOOSER xD
You are born to be one:P
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
i answered lol and the new rating system is a pain in the ass
Больше года sophialover said…
go here.
There's the "search" thingy. Just type the name of the celebrity you're looking for and then check out the results.
Some flogs contain only photos but among them you'll for sure find fanart containing ones.
Больше года Janni said…
That I know cat, but does that change the rates, cause if 4 people have rated 5 then it's still a five right?
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
and its harder to get medals
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
LOL Janni, i feel your love hun! <33 xD
Больше года Janni said…
Yes i made the icon my self babe^^
Tahnk you<3
Больше года sophialover said…
for example that's an Av amazing one...lol!
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
Thanks Mary, i've got it now. ^^
But it's hard to find. lol
Больше года sophialover said…
Yeah...it is but once you find them...<33 You'll get used to it.
Больше года Janni said…
MAry are you the only who adds videos to the May spot?
Больше года Cas_Cat_2 said…
Yea, those images are amazing! <333

You've added so much hun. :|
I'm on page 27 of the Avril spot right now. xD
Больше года sophialover said…
Who's May? LOOL!
Больше года Janni said…
who wrote may?
Больше года Janni said…
I just saw that it was me. i meant amy^^
Больше года livelovelaugh said…
i dont know what im ding on that site lol
Больше года brattynemz said…
What are we talking about?