Бруно Марс Club
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added by geocen
Source: hdwallzpaperz.blogspot.com
added by ILOVEjustin1203
Source: XFactor
posted by awsomegtax
I like Bruno Mars because he is nice Ты do not have to under stand his Музыка just listen hes like michael jackson to me i look up to him as some one who is there when Ты would need it he did nothing wrong in his life he is a really good and talented artist he would never take mjs place but he reminds me of him.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

thank Ты for reading
added by awsomegtax
Source: awsomegtax
Bruno Mars joined Carson Daly to talk all about his new album, what Hooligans can expect from his tour, and more. Check it out!
Бруно Марс
24k magis
added by beemj
added by BrittanySmith16
added by sipasema
Source: zimbio.com
added by pin-up-doll
Source: Teganleaaa
added by sipasema
Source: zimbio.com
added by geocen
Source: www.publispain.com
added by geocen
Source: hdwallcomp.com
added by MissHazMars
Source: Moi.!
added by Alina_Anca
Source: Alina_Anca
added by geocen
Source: tumblr.com
added by beemj
added by beemj
Бруно Марс
silk sonic
leave the door open
official video
added by geocen
Source: http://www.publispain.com/bruno-mars/fondo-bruno-mars-15.html