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posted by buffyl0v3r44
this is possibly the most asked Вопрос on this spot, Spuffy или Bangel? I am personally a Spuffier! sorry Bangeliers.... my theory is that Bangel Фаны aren't ready to see something new, they enjoy the old boring first Любовь deal that is basically in every movie, book, tv show, ect. I totally respect that I just find it to overly played and boring, first Любовь is cute but like I сказал(-а) it's overly played and let's get real here most of the time in real life you're not always going to be with your first love, you're going to eventually and gradually Переместить on Ты might not even end up with your секунда love, I'm not saying that it doesn't happen in real life cause sure it does, but it really doesn't happen all the time like they make it seem in things like I сказал(-а) movies, books, tv shows, ect. I will be honest here I really liked Bangel in Seasons 1&2 and sort of Season 3, but I really hated when Энджел left her and a few other things. I only actually like Энджел when he's not around Buffy he sort of pisses me off he's always like 'Buffy I can't be with Ты because I'm a vampire, but oh no I want to be with Ты because I'm good I have a soul take me in' (not actually quote on quote but Ты can tell through the way he speaks sometimes to Buffy that that is really what he's saying) like which is it gonna be pal? make up your freaking mind! I think Энджел does Любовь Buffy, but I feel that he's еще in Любовь with trying to redeem himself... I mean Энджел almost killed Buffy twice WITH a soul once in the episode Энджел in season 1 and once in Graduation день Part 2 season 3 when he drank from Buffy, I know Buffy sort of pushed him to, but still he almost killed her, he almost killed the woman he loved to save himself! people on the Bangel vs Spuffy spot always bring up how Spike attempted to rape Buffy, people he DID NOT have a soul, although there I always feel like there was a part of him that never Остаться в живых his soul but at the time he attempted to rape Buffy again WITHOUT a soul his emotions got the better of him and he Остаться в живых control. these are SOME of the reasons why I Любовь Spuffy-
1. "You think we're dancing?"-Buffy
"That's all we've ever done."-Spike (5x7 Fool For Love)
^^ They could never kill each other!

2. "How long was I gone?"-Buffy
"Hundred forty-seven days yesterday. Uh ... hundred forty-eight today. 'Cept today doesn't count, does it?"-Spike (6x3 Afterlife)
^^ He counted the number of days she was gone

3. They made огонь (7x22 Chosen)

4. "What's wrong?"-Spike
"I don't want to talk about it."-Buffy
"Is there something I can do?"-Spike (5x7 Fool For Love)
^^ Spike is always there for Buffy

5. "You've got another demon fighter now."-Spike
"That's not why I need Ты here."-Buffy
"Is that right? Why's that then?"-Spike
"Cause I'm not ready for Ты to not be here."-Buffy (7x14 First Date)
^^ They need each other

6. "Something happened happened to Dawn it would destroy her. I couldn't live, her being in that much pain. I'd let Glory kill me first. Nearly bloody did."-Spike (5x18 Intervention)
^^ He almost died for just her sister without a soul

7. "You got your soul back."-Buffy
^^ He got a soul without a soul for Buffy

8. Spike loved Buffy without having a soul

9. "You know, Ты got a willin' slave."-Spike (6x7 Once еще With Feeling)
^^ Spike would do anything for Buffy

10. "You faced the monster inside of Ты and Ты fought back. Ты risked everything to be a better man."-Buffy
"And Ты can be. Ты are. Ты may not see it, but I do. I do. I believe in you, Spike." -Buffy (7x9 Never Leave Me)
^^ Buffy believe's in Spike

11. "I've seen ur kindness & your strength. I've seen the best & the worst of you. and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what Ты are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy." -Spike to Buffy (7x20 Touched.)
^^Spike has seen all sides of Buffy, good & bad (sees her for who she is).

12. "I know Ты never Любовь me. I know that Im a monster, but u treat me like a man, & that's..." -Spike to Buffy (5x22 The Gift)
^^Buffy takes Spike for who he is, & treats him as an ally.

13. "You're the only one strong enough to protect them."-Buffy to Spike (5x12Checkpoint)
^^Buffy trusts Spike, no matter if she *loaths* him.

14. "I Любовь what Ты are, what Ты do, how Ты try."-Spike (7x20)
^^ Spike loves Buffy for who she is

15. Spike was the only one who understood Buffy's dark side, & was there for her.

16. "I mean it! I gotta do this."-Spike (Chosen 7x22)
^^ Spike died saving the world for Buffy

17. Spike helped Buffy save the world twice without a soul (Becoming Part 2x22 & the Gift 5.22)

18. "Why are Ты always around when I'm miserable?"-Buffy (Flooded 6x4)
^^ Spike is always around when Buffy sad and needs someone

19. "Tell me Ты Любовь me."-Buffy
"I Любовь you. Ты know I do."-Spike
"Tell me Ты want me."-Buffy
"I always want you."-Spike (As Ты Were 6x15)
^^ Their lust for each other

20. they always had a deep connection with each other.

21. "I Любовь you," Buffy to Spike (Chosen 7x22)
^^ they Любовь each other!

and there are many other reasons

sorry this Статья is all over the place, hope Ты enjoyed it! :)
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Source: http://gallery.angel-btvs.co.uk
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