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added by glelsey
Source: IsaiahStephens @ DeviantART
added by shamad
added by australia-101
added by shamad
added by 12Rapunzel
added by shamad
The 2017 My Little пони animated film has a lot of characters. Some of the characters are from the Показать and others are new characters. This ranking excludes background characters. The characters are ranked from least Избранное to favorite.

18. Princess Celestia

Celestia is my least Избранное character in the Показать and my opinion on her in this film is pretty similar. She is a questionable mentor to Twilight and she easily gets defeated by Tempest Shadow. Considering that Twilight is way еще heroic, helpful, and saves Equestria frequently why is Celestia still in charge?

17. Princess Luna

My feelings...
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added by shamad
added by shamad
клубника песочное печенье, песочный торт is a berry good franchise. The franchise is sweet, fun, and colorful. Also the franchise has some good characters. The following Список is about the клубника песочное печенье, песочный торт characters that I really like.

5. черника, блуберри оладья, кекс, маффин

Blueberry оладья, кекс, маффин is 1 of клубника Shortcake's friends. She's a good friend to Strawberry. Also she's a nice and cool character.

4. Энджел Cake

Angel Cake is my Избранное friend of клубника Shortcake. She's a blonde baker. She has еще personality than Strawberry's other buddies. She is competitive, but still a berry good friend.

3. клубника Shortcake...
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added by zutaradragon
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad
вверх 10