клубника песочное печенье, песочный торт is a berry good franchise. The franchise is sweet, fun, and colorful. Also the franchise has some good characters. The following Список is about the клубника песочное печенье, песочный торт characters that I really like.
5. черника, блуберри оладья, кекс, маффин
Blueberry оладья, кекс, маффин is 1 of клубника Shortcake's friends. She's a good friend to Strawberry. Also she's a nice and cool character.
4. Энджел Cake
Angel Cake is my Избранное friend of клубника Shortcake. She's a blonde baker. She has еще personality than Strawberry's other buddies. She is competitive, but still a berry good friend.
3. клубника Shortcake...
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