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added by nikibella
Source: nikibella
posted by HaleyDewit
It was six o' clock in San Francisco. Half of the inhabitants were already awake. Wyatt, Chris and Melinda Halliwell were not part of those people. All three of them were still lying in their comfortable beds. Until…

"Wyatt! Chris! Melinda!"

Wyatt fell out of his bed, taking a girl with him. Chris pulled his cheats over his head. And Melinda jumped right out of постель, кровати and ran downstairs.

She entered the кухня were her mother Piper had sat the таблица and was now making coffee. She turned around and saw Melinda, who seemed to be wide awake.

"Good morning, honey. How was your night?" Piper asked,...
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added by twilightsaga94
Source: http://halliwell.phpnet.us/Multimedia.html
added by i-love-tv
added by CutieIsaac99
added by twilightsaga94
added by ali11102
Source: Made by Cara (not me)
added by nikibella
Source: nikibella
added by twilightsaga94
added by twilightsaga94
added by twilightsaga94
the Далее generation
opening credits
added by CutieIsaac99
the Далее generation
added by twilightsaga94
Source: http://halliwell.phpnet.us/Multimedia.html
added by nikibella
Source: nikibella
added by twilightsaga94
Source: http://halliwell.phpnet.us/Multimedia.html
added by Emmysan
added by twilightsaga94
added by nikibella
Source: nikibella