Chuck and Jenny Will Chenny Happen?!?If Only For A Night!

gossipgirl95 posted on Apr 08, 2010 at 10:26PM
There Are Some Pics Of Them At a Bar and I Was Thinking What If They Sleep Together and She Gets Pregnant!I Know It's Crazy But It Could Happen!This Is GossipGirl AfterAll.
 There Are Some Pics Of Them At a Bar and I Was Thinking What If They Sleep Together and She Gets Preg

Chuck and Jenny 2 Ответы

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Больше года MissCharstar said…
Now that would be a very interesting storyline. I really like their banter as siblings and such but they have really good chemistry and such so I really hope that they get some action at one point or a rather.
Больше года ncjgg said…
That would be so dramatic! They slept together in the finale. I hope she's pregnant and that's why she left.