For a school science fair last year, my friend and I studied the effect of temperature on carbonation. We used 30 bottles of 12oz. Кока-кола and 30 bottles of 12oz. Pepsi. We exposed ten bottles of each soda to a cold temperature, 10 to a room temperature, and 10 to a warm temperature. We then placed small balloons over the tops, opened the bottles, and measured the size of the balloon every 30 seconds, three times.
Here were our average results:
Soda: Pepsi
Temperature: Warm
30 Seconds: 12.85cm
60 Seconds: 12.03cm
90 Seconds: 11.65cm
Soda: Pepsi
Temperature: Cold
30 Seconds: 14.5cm
60 Seconds: 14.65cm
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