Corey Haim Club
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posted by pinkfly
A piece of our childhood died today with the death of Corey Haim.

We watched the звезда struggle to reclaim his once infamous persona on The Two Corey’s. Sadly in his death he may achieve the goal that he has struggled so hard to reclaim. If Ты have ever struggled with an addiction where it’s food, cigarettes или drugs as well than Ты know the hurdles Corey faced everyday. Don’t let the drugs be the ultimate winner. For his family and his loved ones make Corey’s goals your goals, become Фаны of all of his Фан sights and Facebook pages.

I wouldn’t normally write a blog like this but...
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posted by giveCoreyaStar
Petition supporting Coreys family, sister, six degrees of hell movie makers and his fanbase to get him a звезда on the Walk of Fame.


"“My family is so happy with the #givecoreyastar! campaign! Thanks to everyone involved esp @6degreesofhell and some special fans!”"- Cari Haim

“March 19, 2012 - Strong efforts are underway to help COREY get his Hollywood Star!" -

Go visit and Присоединиться the one and only official campaign group on Facebook——


the lovely Jennifer can be found @neverforgethaim

Follow her on twitter also for Обновления to the campaign.

“As the film’s screenwriter...
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