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Gay organs are apparently not good enough



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...humor them for a moment that being gay is somehow infectious...i'm pretty certain they would rather have gay and alive people...oh i'm just so fucking mad about this, i rekon a new rule should be implaced

"predujice fuckwits shall always remain at the bottom of the organ waiting list"
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debs you are finding some pretty jaw dropping things at the moment! :P
that is just rediculous though!

what about sexually active gay women? ♥
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hmmm good question
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deathnote said:
Wow!!! interesting.....
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I'm pretty sure that any bigot would take a gay liver than no liver at all.
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It seems to me that 90% of people in positions of authority in health care are shockingly stupid.
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You all know my opinion on this one. D:<
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Sappp said:
amazondebs: where in the article is there something about people who think being gay is infectious? I couldn't find it...

'Transplant programs have been screening potential donors, but in some cases use organs from people in high-risk groups if they've tested negative for diseases. The new legislation means that practice must stop.'

Why, WHY did they change it? I think it is important to evaluate people who are high risk closely, for the safety of the recipient, but if they are healthy, they should just be able to donate. Why exclude homosexual men before even looking wether or not they are healthy. It just doesn't make sense.
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oh they don't directly say it anywhere in the article but it just seems that's how they're thinking, sort of like "oh no don't want a gay organ it must be infected"

and agree it doesn't make sense, this is the most pointless piece of...okay i need to count back from 10
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Sappp said:
I also got that impression, I was just wondering if it was also stated somewhere.

I needed to count back from ten too. Still get angry when I think about it. Every person who could be donating but is excluded because of sexual orientation, is also a person who's waiting for an organ that has to wait longer and could die.

They SHOULD be thinking about how to get more organ donors, how to preserve organs better during transport, alternatives for organs (for example: the organisation for kidneypatients in the Netherlands is funding ro research an artificial kidney that can be placed inside the body), better medication to suppress the immunesystem...
Let's just say there are a lot things they SHOULD be thinking about before 'let's see who we can exclude from organ-donation.'
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_lina_ said:
Okay, first of all, let me say this is ridiculous. They're going to interview people's families to see if the person is fit to donate an organ? That's the stupidest thing I've heard in a long, long while. There are so many things about a person that their family doesn't necessarily know. What if someone is gay but their family doesn't know? Does that make their organs safer?

I mean, I understand that they want to give people healthy organs, but I'm positive people would rather an unhealthy organ than no organ at all. I understand about high-risk groups and all that. But still, if I needed and organ transplant, I'd rather get an organ that might be infected with HIV or some other disease, than not get an organ at all. I'd rather have those extra couple of months to live, rather than just a few weeks, hoping that somebody "worthy" dies and leaves me their kidney or whatever.

There are so few organ donors as it is. Do they really want to exclude the few people that are willing to donate their organs for stupid reasons like they're "higher risk"?
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hmm lina i guess i never saw it like that...although i do think weeding high groups out is a good idea, i posted this because i don't understand why gay people are any more high risk than others
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Sappp said:
They apparently do have HIV more often, but still, if you test carefully that shouldn't be a problem.
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last edited Больше года
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ha ha ha ha oh yes i know of that

i still think it's ridiculous, in the uk the most common group to contract any STD is 18-25 hetrosexuals, probably because kids are taught it's okay to be gay and that you must be safe what ever over here not, not to have sex especially with people of the same sex

even if the group have a slightly higher risk of aids statistically, most gay people will not be HIV positive
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Sappp said:
I think it's kinda irrelevant anyway. If someone has a 90% chance of having some decease that'll prevent them from donating, test them. It might cost something, but it's worth it.
And I also agree with _lina_: questioning the family has no use.
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_lina_ said:
If instead of paying people to interview organ donors' families they spent the money on testing organs for diseases, I'm sure the prospect of saving lives would more than make up for the cost difference, and they'd have more viable organs. So really, these people have no excuse for excluding organs.

Okay, I just re-read the article, and it seems to me that the actual organ donor companies (or whatever you'd call them) are ignoring the "no high risk group organs" rule that the government set down, and taking everybody's donated organs, so kudos to them for that. Hopefully the government will realize how stupid their rule is before anyone dies needlessly.
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Right.. Thats Just plainly Stupid! No getting organs from people JUST because there gay Pfft!
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doyouknow said:
That is shocking. What is wrong with the organs of gay men?
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_lina_ said:
I found an article where they clarify their "gay not good enough" policy. Posted it link.
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thanks lina :)
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