Лаборатория Декстера Club
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added by tuneatic
added by tuneatic
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: wickfield on deviantart
added by zactherat582
Source: Dexter's Mom Panics at What
added by tuneatic
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: theedministrator765 on deviantart
added by MadanFarm24
Source: Ye Olde CN Games - Dexter's Lab: Clone-A Doodle Doo (Partïally Faïled*)
added by tuneatic
added by plants752
Source: Who is angry with this scene meme
added by tuneatic
the story begins with Декстер working on his time machine to make him go anywhere in the universe until all the sudden his sister dee dee comes and says HI DEXTER!! dexter: dee dee Ты scared me like that! and what do Ты want? dee dee: i just want to know what that's stupid thing Ты made huh? just to let Ты know stupid sister this is a time machine i built to let Ты go anywhere in the universe and visit places so this is it so the portal will let us see what it's like in other places.
hmmm.. how about we go to персик Creek to Meet Ed Edd n Eddy! okay computer send me and dee dee to the location...
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added by 14enbee
Декстер and Mandark are both outperformed by a new girl attending the school, jealous, they become allies to deal with her.
added by wonderbox627
Source: Декстер Watches Sleeping Characters
added by australia-101
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: wickfield on deviantart
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: imandark on deviantart
posted by dex3fan475966
I've decided, I'm making a new when Декстер met Dexi series, it's When Декстер met Dexi:the series. Ha I know stupid right, This one is just based on Dexter's laboratory, nothing else. it'll be a steady series. The only thing from a different Показать is Dexi's mother Sarah bellum, who doesnt even really exsist for like who knows how many chapters. There will be few things Ты should know though

Sammy is having her name changed to sullivan. Though, she will preffer to be called Darkgal.

you won't understand a word Декстер and Dexi are saying because well...... Ты know how Декстер in Dexter's laboratory...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: Сеть мультиков