Digimon vs Покемон Can Digimon be captured in Pokeballs?

Green_Row posted on Mar 16, 2012 at 03:58PM
I know nothing of how Pokeballs word, and this thought has been rolling around in my head for some time. Can someone help me figure this out?

Digimon vs Покемон 5 Ответы

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Больше года AninditaS said…
Pokéballs are for Pokémon only! Idk if this will help but just give it a check out link
Больше года ghinwa said…
they're designed for pokemons only, hence they're called pokeballs.
Больше года Green_Row said…
Thank you. Especially AninditaS. But, with what I read, could Pokeballs be retooled to ketch Digimon, or anything for that matter, if someone wanted it to?
Больше года AninditaS said…
^ Probably if a Pokeball is capabled to store or capture data, then yes! It would be like databall or better called a digiball. xD
~My opinion btw
Больше года Green_Row said…