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added by BeB
Give me еще loving than I’ve ever had
Make it all better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me that I’m special even when I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I Любовь being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I Любовь you) I Любовь you
There’s only 1 way to say
2 say those three words
And that’s what I’ll do
(I Любовь you) I Любовь you
Give me еще loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things Ты never even tell your closest friends
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Dear Diary,
Today was pretty normal,and remember normal means weird for other people. In all my classes the I'm still the teacher's pet. I don't like it that much,because people are starting to make fun of me. Today,in the Prodigy Class,someone made a joke about how I was the teacher's pet and everyone laughed. The only person who didn't laugh was Ryuzaki! Even Matt,Mello,and Near laughed. So much for my Друзья in that class.

In my first class,the Swordsmanship Class,there was a new person. He сказал(-а) his name was Sesshomaru. He has a normal sized sword and he's amazing when it comes to battle....
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added by BeB
posted by dinglebell14
(Speaking Part)
Spongebob: It's not about winning, it's about fun!
Plankton: What's that?
Spongebob: Fun is when you...fun is...it' like...it's kinda...sorta like a...
What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you!

F is for Друзья who do stuff together.
U is for Ты and me.
N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.

Sea Creatures:
Down here in the deep blue sea!

F is for огонь that burns down the whole town.
N is for No survivors when you're-

Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about!
Now, do it like this,
F is for Друзья who do stuff to-

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posted by YugiohFanatic1
 this is a Болталка pic
this is a random pic
Dear Diary,

It's my first день at this place called Cross-Over High.It's a pretty normal place,but for me normal is crazy for other poeple.Anyway,I met all these awesome poeple.One's name was Mello.He is so cool!He eats Шоколад all the time and he wears leather.I Любовь leather!Another one's name was Matt.He's cool,too.He has this awesome shirt.It's black and red.It's so cool!!

Anyway,more about the school.There are so many different things.There are classes with poeple that have cat ears and dog ears (along with tails),there is a class with extremely intelligant kids(Wammy's class),there is...
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added by BeB
posted by dinglebell14
 Nathan Carter
Nathan Carter

Not everything is right in life. Somethings never go right. Somethings never go wrong. And some just stay neutral.

In a life were nothing interesting happens, it gets boring. Ты are always wishing. But it never happens. Atleast, thats what I thought. Then he came to town.

Let me start from the beginning. My name is Nathan Carter, I go to Collins Middle School and I am in 8th grade.

Everyone in this town, including my parents, wish I wasn't born. I was an accident that wasn't meant to happen.

I have an older sister and brother. They were both planned.

My brother to be the heir, my sister to...
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added by BeB
added by BeB
added by BeB
added by YugiohFanatic1
added by BeB
added by BeB