Дисней Extended Princess Club
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 Sorry Jessica Ты think Ты hot sexy and beautiful but I'm sorry your not your just pretty and that's all you'll ever be
Sorry Jessica you think you hot sexy and beautiful but I'm sorry your not your just pretty and that's all you'll ever be
This is my opinion on the subject I know some of Ты are surprised that Jessica Rabbit is not number one Ты think she's hot sexy and beautiful but I'm sorry she's not she's just pretty and that's all she'll ever be nothing еще the only reason someone thinks Jessica is hot sexy and beautiful is only for one reason and one reason only and it's stuid her big boobs that's stupid anyway please Комментарий and rate please no mean Комментарии I Любовь hearing what people think but if Ты don't like it please say it in a nice polite way please and thank you
 10.Yum Yum she's not a well known princess but she's from The Thief and The сапожник she has long beautiful hair big beautiful brown eyes and nice tan skin why 10 she's old fashion
10.Yum Yum she's not a well known princess but she's from The Thief and The Cobbler she has long beautiful hair big beautiful brown eyes and nice tan skin why 10 she's old fashion
 9.Tubtim she's shorta not well known princess she has raven black hair beautiful green eyes and nice tan skin why 9 she's not much
9.Tubtim she's shorta not well known princess she has raven black hair beautiful green eyes and nice tan skin why 9 she's not much
 8.Marina she's that fiesty little piart why be a princess или rich girl when Ты can live life of advanture as a pirate but has wavy brown hair nice beautiful eyes lovely skin and pretty розовый lips why 8 her hair is too short
8.Marina she's that fiesty little piart why be a princess or rich girl when you can live life of advanture as a pirate but has wavy brown hair nice beautiful eyes lovely skin and pretty pink lips why 8 her hair is too short
 7.Snow White from Happily Ever After she's lovely long beautiful black hair beautiful blue eyes beautiful red lips and lovely skin white as snow why 8 kinda wimpy
7.Snow White from Happily Ever After she's lovely long beautiful black hair beautiful blue eyes beautiful red lips and lovely skin white as snow why 8 kinda wimpy
 6.Amalthea not well known princess and she's actually a unicorn and she has long beautiful blonde hair beautiful blue eyes pretty розовый lips and lovely white skin why 6 she has a mark on her forhead
6.Amalthea not well known princess and she's actually a unicorn and she has long beautiful blonde hair beautiful blue eyes pretty pink lips and lovely white skin why 6 she has a mark on her forhead
 5.Daria sorta well known I Любовь how she went from rags to rich's she has beautiful red hair beautiful green eyes beautiful red lips and lovely skin why 5 she's kinda old fashion
5.Daria sorta well known I love how she went from rags to rich's she has beautiful red hair beautiful green eyes beautiful red lips and lovely skin why 5 she's kinda old fashion
 4.Kayle she sorta well known she's not just beautiful she's devine she has long beautiful brown hair big beautiful brown eyes lovely skin and pretty розовый lips why 4 she wears a ponytail too much
4.Kayle she sorta well known she's not just beautiful she's devine she has long beautiful brown hair big beautiful brown eyes lovely skin and pretty pink lips why 4 she wears a ponytail too much
 3.Crysta she sorta well known she's not just beautiful she's glowing she has cool black hair big beautiful green eyes beautiful red lips and lovely skin why 3 she's a креветка, креветки and hair too short
3.Crysta she sorta well known she's not just beautiful she's glowing she has cool black hair big beautiful green eyes beautiful red lips and lovely skin why 3 she's a shrimp and hair too short
 2.Chel she's sorta well known she's not just beautiful she's stunning she has long black hair beautiful big brown eyes nice skin she sexy she got two guy to do whatever she сказал(-а) why 2 she's her butt's too big
2.Chel she's sorta well known she's not just beautiful she's stunning she has long black hair beautiful big brown eyes nice skin she sexy she got two guy to do whatever she said why 2 she's her butt's too big
 Odette Анастасия and Thumbelina it's hard to say who's еще beautiful so I made them all three number one they have long GORGEOUS hair GORGEOUS eyes GORGEOUS skin and GORGEOUS розовый lips why 1 their GORGEOUS
Odette Anastasia and Thumbelina it's hard to say who's more beautiful so I made them all three number one they have long GORGEOUS hair GORGEOUS eyes GORGEOUS skin and GORGEOUS pink lips why 1 their GORGEOUS
Name: Esmeralda
aka: "the gypsy girl" as referred to by Frollo throughout the film
Disney film: The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 34th Дисней classic, 1996
Voice: Demi Moore
Model: Demi Moore
Based on: French novel written by Victor Hugo
Based in: Pariss 1482. Written in 1831. Based during the French revolution
Personality: Free, Fearless and Mysterious
Prince: Non-Royal Phoebus (Captain of the Guard under Judge Frollo) he seems like an affectionate character who falls in Любовь with Esmeralda, but in the original story, he only wants her for sex, he was a villain in the original story.
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posted by LisaForde
 Giselle in cartoon form
Giselle in cartoon form
Name: Giselle

Disney Film: Enchanted(2007)

Voice/singing voice: Amy Adams

Model: Amy Adams

Sweet, optimistic, dreamer, happy go lucky, cheerful. She is a пересекать, крест between Snow White and Ariel. Ariel's looks and her optimistic ways in believing in the power of love, Snow White's sweetness and happy ways.

Based on:
She is based on all the Дисней princess like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast,The Little Mermaid etc.

Giselle has two Любовь interests one is Edward a prince from Andalasia, the other an attorney in NY.

Is best Друзья with a talking бурундук named...
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posted by disney_prince
 Main 6 Дисней Princesses
Main 6 Disney Princesses
1 Дисней Princess
1.1snow white -Snow White and the Seven Dwarfes
1.2cinderella -Cinderella
1.3aurora -Sleeping Beauty
1.4ariel -The Little Mermaid
1.5belle -Beauty and the Beast
1.6jasmine -Aladdin
1.7pocahontas -Pocahontas
1.8mulan -Mulan
1.9tiana -The Frog Princess
1.10rupunzel -Rupunzel

2 Дисней Extended Princess
2.1alice -Alice in Wonderland
2.2wendy -Peter Pan
2.3tinkerbell -Peter Pan
2.4eilonwy -The Black Cauldron
2.5esmerelda -The Hunchback of Notre Dame
2.6megara -Hercules
2.7jane -Tarzan
2.8kida -Atlantis: The Остаться в живых Empire
2.9mia -The Princess Diaries
2.10giselle -Enchanted...
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I decided to make this Список because I see so many people asking what movie such-and-such is from so much in picks and such. Also, I thought there should be a place where Ты could see all of the official and unofficial princesses featured on the spot, whether they were actually royal или not, and which company made their movie. This is going to be a long list, and I will try to include everyone (adding еще as I see them hanging around)

The Official Дисней Princesses
(Royalty Marked with * ; Debatable/Disputed Royalty Marked With *?)
*Ariel from “The Little Mermaid”
* Aurora (Briar Rose) from...
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posted by babybot
What do Ты think of them?
I saw other people do a Список of their Избранное non-disney heroines so I decided I would do one too if that is alright! I didn't agree with most lists because Анастасия was usually no. 1 and a lot of other great heroines weren't on there either!So this is a pictograph of my Избранное non-disney heroines! Just to let Ты know, if any of Ты don't like my Список Ты don't have to read или look at it. I won't have the movie titles with them so if Ты wonder where they are from just ask! This is my opinion so please no mean comments! I hope Ты enjoy!
 No. 10 Анастасия
No. 10 Anastasia
 No. 9 Thumbelina
No. 9 Thumbelina
 No.8 Kayley
No.8 Kayley
 No. 7 Asenath
No. 7 Asenath
 No. 6 Princess Yum-Yum
No. 6 Princess Yum-Yum
 No. 5 марина
No. 5 Marina
 No. 4 Chel
No. 4 Chel
 No. 3 Linka
No. 3 Linka
 No. 2 Tzipporah
No. 2 Tzipporah
 No. 1 San
No. 1 San