Диснеевские феи Club
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://24.media.tumblr.com/a942cedfe7a97eb857b27c04ca195571/tumblr_mo9etghcnG1qg2i2lo3_1280.jpg
added by sarah_1821
Source: https://cactuarkitty.tumblr.com
added by sarah_1821
Source: https://cactuarkitty.tumblr.com
posted by Sugar-N-Spice
Common Talents
These are the best known talents in Pixie Hollow.

Pots and Pans

Pots and Pans Talents, sometimes called Tinker Fairies, fix everything in Pixie Hollow using a strange array of tools.

Tinker Talents are curious, Любовь metallic Цвета and use their magic to aid in the repair of the pots and pans of Pixie Hollow. Pots and Pans faeries do not just fix things, they also invent, and create special tools to help the Nature Феи on the Mainland.

Notable Pots and Pans Talents
* Tinker Bell
* Angus
* Fairy Mary
* Clank
* Bobble
* Zuzu


Although Mother голубь is dear to all who live...
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added by mokeyoke
Source: http://anhestemes.deviantart.com/art/Arbol-Polvo-de-Duende-203013267
added by sarah_1821
Source: https://gh0stly-girlfriend.tumblr.com/post/150915677026
added by Silvermist_94
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess
added by LupinPrincess