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Aurychansan сказал(-а) …
LOL Опубликовано Больше года
songohanssj2 сказал(-а) …
i Любовь Гоку and chichi as a couple! they r just soo cute together! they Показать feeling 4 each other! Гоку even сказал(-а) i Любовь Ты to chichi in front of all his Друзья awwww! i Любовь Гоку and chichi they ment each other wen they were kids and now look at them now! adorable! Опубликовано Больше года
JennyShepard сказал(-а) …
I can´t decide. they are all lovly. But my favourite are the youngest. gohan and videl. i Любовь them ^^ Опубликовано Больше года
emerald_32 прокомментировал(-а)…
Gohan x Videl! :3 Больше года