Дункан и Кортни Do Ты believe that Gwen is the black rose like Heather is/was?

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duncneyfan picked yes:
Yes, I never liked Gwen she's a bad person, worse than Heather, but not worse than Alejandro
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gwuncanfan picked no:
HELL TO THE NO!! Heather is still manipulative and mean. But, she has changed, which makes Gwen NOT WORSE THAN HER! Gwen felt really bad, and I am POSITIVE that in season 4 Gwen WILL apologize to Courtney and they'll become friends again. :) And you! duncneyfan! Don't be so rude! >.<" There is no way Gwen is worse than Heather. But, I understand, Heather has changed, and people have their opinions... I sometimes hate opinions... >.<
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Well, I'm glad to see that some people think the same as I do and some don't. However,I still have a few more questions to ask and I would seriously like to here more comments from all of you fans out there.
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lasalle28 picked yes:
I think she has become just as bad as TDI!Heather, Duncan, TDA!Courtney, TDA!Justin and, on a smaller scale, Alejandro.
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bakes2389 picked no:
Gwen has definitely not become the new Heather. That is complete bs. In season 1, Heather kissed Trent to deliberately throw off the teams and put Gwen and Trent against each other so then Heather would have the advantage and she would not get voted out.
In season 3, Duncan kissed Gwen because he LIKED her. Gwen kissed him back because she had been in love with the guy. She wasn't trying to put Duncan and Courtney against each other. The kiss was a moment of passion that they both had been longing for. It may have been wrong, but it was not intentional for the purpose of ruining the teams and giving each of them an advantage in the game.
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M169 picked yes:
Gwen kissed Duncan knowing he was with Courtney. THAT'S Evil to me. I have no idea whats that like though, because I've never dated anyone, but It must be hard and SHE IS SUCH A HYPOCIRITICAL JERK
>:( Yeah, sure, you thought Trent cheated on you, Gwen, Would't you know what it's like? Why would you do that to someone? Thats just mean. No exuse, no way around it....New Heather. Heather's getting nicer if anyone hasn't noticed that :/ But now Gwen i just a bad person who wouldn't even aploigize for breaking someone's heart. Sorry, but shs worse than Heather is now :(
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lasalle28 picked yes:
^And the worst part is that this is GWEN we're talking about. The difference between TDI!Heather and Gwen is that Heather was SUPPOSED to be the bad guy, so we should expect this kind of thing from her. Everything Heather did was supposed to be proof that she was a manipulative bitch and that she is supposed to be looked down upon for it. When Heather kissed Trent, she did it deliberately in order to destroy a relationship and to hurt someone else. In the end, it damaged the Gwent relationship for a while, it got Trent kicked out of the game even though he was just an innocent person caught up in manipulation, and it hurt Gwen. And Heather had no remorse for it.

Gwen, however, is supposed to be one of the GOOD GUYS. She is supposed to be the opposite of Heather and be above anything Heather would do. After the Heather-Trent incident, she, among everyone else, should know what its like to have her heart broken because she thought that Trent betrayed her/never cared about her. But in season 3, what does she do? She knowingly gets into a relationship with a taken guy, betraying Courtney and her trust in the process,tried to hide it from Courtney, and in the end after everything is revealed, feeling no remorse about it and only thinking of herself and Duncan.

But that is just one trait they share, among a few others with her, Duncan, Courtney, etc.

So one similarity they share is the fact that they kissed someone else's boyfriend/love interest/lover, and, in the end, feeling no remorse.
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bakes2389 picked no:
Gwen did feel remorse. She felt bad about it, yet Courtney only blamed Gwen in the beginning which is ridiculous. Courtney should have been mad that her dumbass boyfriend started macking on someone other than her. And is it honestly Gwen's position to apologize to Courtney? Would you want an apology from someone macking on your dude behind your back? I sure wouldn't. I would be glad to be rid of my scummy bf and let him take the new girl. Courtney and Gwen weren't friends and they never trusted one another. They both used each other to win challenges...that's it.
And are we seriously going to say Gwen is hypocritical? Courtney is way more hypocritical. She accuses Gwen of cheating and says that she and Duncan are bad people. Yet, Courtney, determined to get back at them, starts to flirt with Tyler (A TAKEN MAN). I love how that gets excused....because "she was cheated on", "she was vulnerable", and my favorite "she wasn't really flirting with him". You cannot fake flirt with someone....she basically came out and flirted with him trying to get a rise out Duncan...which didn't work and made her look like a hypocrite.

Point being: Gwen is not new Heather. Gwen is nothing like Heather. Courtney has more traits of Heather's than Gwen does.
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lasalle28 picked yes:
^I said that by the end of the episode that it was clear that she really did not feel any remorse for the situation. 10 seconds worth of a confession saying that she "feels bad" doesn't make up for three episodes worth of evidence that show otherwise. Even in her confession at the beginning of the episode, she pretty much said that even though she felt "guilty", she won't tell Courtney about the kiss until NEXT TIME it happens behind her back. Which just implicates that she intends to continue giving Duncan secret looks, meaningful gestures, seeing him, and flirting with him until then. All the while listening to Courtney talk about how nice it is to have her "wonderful" boyfriend back and how she is enjoying her new friend(ish)ship with Gwen. Then Gwen said that she was a bad person, not for the fact that she hasn't/ or isn't going to tell Courtney anytime soon about the kiss, but that she is LOOKING FORWARD to kissing Duncan again. After that, she doesn't do anything with her supposed guilt. She changes the subject when Courtney starts to get suspicious, she flirts with Duncan with Courtney in the room with her, lied to her about it, and facepalming afterwards because she almost ratted herself out with the "eye flirting" and the lame comeback to Courtney's statement about "Love doing crazy things to people." I won't even go into her ending confessional and her actions when the kiss was revealed.

Gwen should be apologizing too since she is just as responsible for the kiss as Duncan was. Yes, he is the one in the relationship, but that's all the more reason for Gwen to back off, which she didn't. She didn't mention Courtney at all during the confessional when they kissed or try to stop him from making a move on her. They just acted like they usually did, then he grabs her hand, she gives him this weird look and then they kiss. Also, she should be apologizing since she just proved almost every single one of Trent and Courtney's accusations against her, especially since Courtney was actually starting to be nice to her this season, excluding the first episode and considered Gwen as somewhat of a friend. The only other times Courtney was "mean" to Gwen is because Courtney had not forgotten that Gwen liked Duncan.
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lasalle28 picked yes:
Gwen and Courtney were both hypocrites this season. Gwen was angry at Heather for kissing Trent and devastated/heartbroken at his elimination and the kiss. Yet in World Tour, she makes out with Courtney's boyfriend and has the nerve to have that "Whats-her-problem" attitude towards her. Like you said, Courtney flirting with Tyler was hypocritcal of her, even if she wasn't really planning on doing anything to him except flirt to make Duncan mad. And yes, most of us excuse it do to some of those reasons, but aren't you doing the same thing with Gwen with excusing her cheating by calling it a "moment of built up passion exploding?"

Gwen is similar to Heather, along with being similar to Courtney, Duncan, Justin and, to a tiny margin, Alejandro personality wise and actions.

Gwen has exhibited:

Cheating with someone else's partner/or on your own partner- Heather, Duncan, Courtney (Although flirting was the most she did), Alejandro, Bridgette, and, technically Justin.

Lack of remorse- TDI!Heather, Duncan, TDA!Courtney, Alejandro, and Justin, LeShawna.

Lying- Heather, Duncan, Courtney, Justin, Alejandro, LeShawna.

Manipulation- Heather, Courtney, Duncan, Alejandro, Justin, LeShawna.

Cowardice(?)- Justin and, maybe, Duncan.

Trying to get out of any getting any karma- Justin, Duncan, Heather, Courtney and Alejandro.

Selfishness- Courtney, Duncan, Alejandro, Heather


Betrayal of any kind- Heather, Courtney, Duncan, Owen, Bridgette, Alejandro, Trent, Harold and LeShawna.

My point is: Comparing her niceness to others is one thing. She is, or shall I say, was nicer than Heather and Courtney. Then there is saying that Gwen is just so much purer and above everyone else that is a whole other thing. This season, Gwen proved that she is just as bad as some of the others.
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trentgwenfan1 picked yes:
kind of yes cuz heather kissed trent aka gwens bf and gwen kissed duncan aka courtneys bf.
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gwuncanfan picked no:
^ You only like DxC more now because of summerjoy11 =.=

And UHG! People should stop posting questions like this! Ones bagging on Gwen. PAH! This is an immature question!
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bakes2389 picked no:
^ I agree.....
Believe me, I could pick out some of Courtney's flaws and write 'em down too.
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And just what are you two talking about!! Look, I only put in that question because I wanted to see how many people would say something about someone like that. Don't think that I hate her, I just agree with the TxG fans. she shouldn't have cheated on Trent nor should she have broken up with Trent in the first place. I know how he feels because it happens to a lot of boys and men almost all the time! Besides, if you don't like my question too bad! Oh and by the way as Ive have said it before, I'll say it again, leave Courtney alone alright!!!
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bakes2389 picked no:
First off, Gwen never cheated on Trent. It is okay for a girl to have guy friends. And secondly, Gwen had every right to dump Trent. Trent was being possessive over her. He was jealous whenever she talked to Duncan. He was obsessed over her, making him throw challenges and cheat for her! And then he acted psychotic with his whole 9 fetish and completely weirded her out. Trent ruined the relationship himself.
And thirdly, Courtney cannot be left out of this question because it involves her too.
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lasalle28 picked yes:
1.)Gwen never cheated on Trent. (I agree with Bakes2389 on this one.)
2.)I disagree that Trent was the sole reason for the break up. Trent was a lot of things, but 'possessive' isn't one of them. He never tried to STOP her from seeing Duncan, he only took Owen's "advice" and started losing challenges because he thought that that would keep Gwen interested in him and not have her fall for Duncan. Also, 'psychotic' is way too strong a word. I'd say the better word was "obsessed."Both Gwen and Trent were responsible for the break in their own ways.

Trent: His obsession with 9, keeping Gwen interested, his jealousy of Duncan, and purposefully losing challenges contributed to the break up.
Gwen: I could definitely understand why Trent was so concerned about her and Duncan. She hung out with him constantly, she made that "sexy" comment about Duncan (even if she was just 'joking'), she and Duncan have a few stuff in common, they went off alone in the woods together on two occasions (that we know about, mind you), and then there was that footage from the secret clip. Aside from the Duncan thing, there was the fact that she seems to lack the communication side that a relationship requires. The biggest example is while when Trent was starting to go crazy in the sand castle episode, she immeadiatley latches on to whatever theory DUNCAN says and Harold, and not even bothering to ask Trent about it. Nor has she called him out on his crazy behavior. She just assumed every aspect of his life revolves around her. So, I think it was right of her to break up with him for cheating in the game, but not for an obsession she never talked to him about. No did I like how she handled it.

3.) Bakes is right again in that Courtney is just as involved the others.
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bakes2389 picked no:
^ I agree. I'm not saying that Trent is the sole reason. I am just stating a few things as to why Gwen might have wanted to unload him lol. I would too....it was such a shame though because I loved Gwen and Trent together. And I definitely think that Gwen could have done a little more to help the relationship prevail. She should have talked to Trent, but instead, she decided to avoid him. LAME.
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M169 picked yes:
Here's my question: Why didn't Gwen TELL Trent she didn't want him to lose the challenges. Think about it, she never said a WORD about it to Trent....(Sees that bakes already said something about that) DANGIT I wanted to feel original :P
But yeah lasalle28 , I agree that Gwen is SUPPOSED to be one of the GOOD people.
I think this show has no hope anymore D: I hate the new producers, not because of DxG (Which I STILL can't stand in my personal, non-bashing intended opinion) But because of the way they presented the entire show >:(
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trentgwenfan1 picked yes:
@Gwuncafan WHAT ABOUT SUMMERJOY11 shes a DXG fan it was my opion i like gwen shes my fav charater and yes i DO adment gwen can be mean sometimes!
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trentgwenfan1 picked yes:
and p.s. I STILL LIKE DXG and me and summer made up were friends no! there i said it!and i DON'T apreacate YOU acusingh me! GWUNCANFAN!!
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I refuse to answer the question mainly because I wouldn't say Gwen was as bad as heather used to be but I still don't like Gwen as much as I used too but because I'm a fan of courtney I find it hard to like people who are mean to her. Like if a Gwen fan heard izzy ( for example cause I love izzy .) was mean to Gwen they would find it difficult to like Izzy as much as they used to. In tdi I wanted Gwen to win because she was never mean to Courtney.
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Oh for crying out loud, what part of everybody has their own opinion did you not understand. And furthermore, if nobody wants to read this poll anymore then I'll gladly erase it from the polls. Maybe that'll calm you guys down! All that I was saying was that Gwen didn't have to break up with Trent like that! I mean come on people, there are better ways to work these situations out instead of stomping on someone's heart. And leaving them all alone. Besides that, what part of Gwen & Duncan already broke up after season 5, do you not get man!! Anyway, if all of you fans are not going to let this poll go then effective in 2 weeks I'll remove this from the polls list. Will that make you happy or what. Just calm yourselves down because there no need to get hostile.! And besides if you're smart enough, you'll read my article opinion for T&G fans, o.k.?
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Well, it took me quite some time but it's all done. So say goodbye to this pole after August 20 of this year. Now let's not get hostile about other peoples opinions even if some are rather weird or just plane dumb o.k.?
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The main difference in both fiascos is that Gwen is really nice and Heather isn't exactly.
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Compare Gwen's incident to Heather's. Then you'll know why icekid1994 called Trent "New Alejandro".
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