Edward's Heroine Updates

a comment was made to the pop quiz question: who is hotter? Больше года by Elle-C
a comment was made to the photo: edward Больше года by Elle-C
a comment was made to the article: Falling Dusk (Intro and Chapter One) Больше года by nessie12cullen
a comment was made to the poll: What is your Избранное Edward quote? Why? Больше года by LuvCullens
a comment was made to the answer: Well...I think ...EVERYTHING!hi is beautiful sexy hot cute...etc In fact I <3 him!!!(Jacob sucks) Больше года by kalfire1
a comment was made to the answer: Every single thing about him! His style,his personality,EVERYTHING! And because of Bella point of view. Больше года by kalfire1
a comment was made to the answer: I think it was both. The way he reacted to Bella and the way he souly loved her. Not many guys are like and its special. Just the character of Edward... Больше года by kalfire1
a photo Добавлено: EDWARD THE IMMORTAL Больше года by yazmun
a comment was made to the article: The Other Way (Edward's POV) Ch. 24 Больше года by kittyluvaxoxo
a comment was made to the article: The Other Way (Liz's P.O.V.) Ch. 27 Больше года by daja625