Eevee Evolutions Clan Club
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added by StichxAngel4eva
Source: StichxAngel4eva
added by purplevampire
added by Okami_Amaterasu
added by WolfsRainGirl
added by Kibahina96
added by Kiara_thats_it
Source: purplevampire
added by I_love_pokemon
Source: Google Поиск
added by daisydog8889
added by purplevampire
🐈Kopa was gone a long time, and he doesn't know everything we do. 🦁Sis, this is embarrassing! 🐅You think everything's embarrassing! Just let her talk. 🐈Thank you, Kion. Now, recently he made up a story about how the Eeveelutions came to be. 🐅And we wanted Ты guys to see it! 🐈So, enjoy the show!

In a faraway field untouched my mankind, there were 9 eggs. There were also 3 stones. 4 of the nine eggs hatched at the same time, and the first Eevees were created. Two boys and two girls. They all had names, but were unsure how they knew them. Sparks, Bubble, Ember, and...
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added by Kibahina96
added by MysictheCat
added by I_love_pokemon
added by TrueBolt
added by purplevampire
added by wormadam19
added by daisydog8889
added by purplevampire
added by TrueBolt