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added by OakTown_Queen
added by OakTown_Queen
added by OakTown_Queen
To avoid spelling errors, use this:
Ctrl + F and Поиск for the word Ты want to know.

Base form (V1), Simple Past (V2), Past Participle (V3)
awake     awoke     awoken
be     was, were     been
beat     beat     beaten
become     became     become
begin     began     begun
bend     bent     bent
bet     bet     bet
bid     bid...
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added by lucy32
added by lucy32
added by lucy32
Questions & Answers:

Abridgements used:
SbE - Standard British English
SaE - Standard American English

Article - Me. I spent my time Письмо this article, so please, if Ты use that on your website или whatever, don't forget to provide the link to the source. или credit me.
Pronunciation used - My voice
Definitons - оксфордский, oxford, оксфорд English Dictionary, me myself.

THAN/THEN Differences. It's by far the most common mistake that is known to me. Basically it happens just because than sounds exactly as is then on American English.
Now explaining both terms:
than: introducing the секунда element in a comparison...
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added by babylynn17
Source: Mr I LetterLand
added by babylynn17
Source: Mr O LetterLand
added by Poziomka
Source: bogglesworldesl.com
added by babylynn17
Source: Mr A LetterLand
added by Poziomka
Source: bogglesworldesl.com
added by babylynn17
Source: Mr U LetterLand
added by MJsValentine
Source: theoatmeal.com
added by MJsValentine
Source: theoatmeal.com
added by babylynn17
Source: Mr E LetterLand
added by KaterinoulaLove
Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/english-language?
added by lucy32
added by OakTown_Queen