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posted by arkayhatake
As he stared blankly at the exam, his сердце was in his throat. This paper could very well be the difference between fulfilling his dream of becoming hokagae или staying a weak little genin for the rest of his life. Наруто was fully aware of this, and could feel the thick beads of sweat pouring off him as the минуты went by.
An час was the allowed time for this test, (and with a proctor like Ibiki Morino, thats pretty generous) they were on the final few minutes, then that all important "tenth question" would be given. The rules were yet to be explained, but at this point in time, the rules...
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Caroline and Tyler were sitting at the table. Caroline was taxing. “I’ve been trying to call Bonnie all day. Do Ты have any idea where she could be?” Tyler didn’t answer and so Caroline looked up, seeing him staring at the red-haired girl that was walking out the bar. Caroline pushed Tyler’s arm and he looked back front. “What?” he asked pulling his shoulders.
“I asked if Ты knew where Bonnie is” she сказал(-а) a little grumpy, though Tyler not responding right away was not the reason for her sudden change of mood.
“No” Tyler said. “I thought Ты сказал(-а) she was on a vacation...
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Katherine stared at him, not able to move. She didn’t know what to say, so she focused on the girl behind Stefan. Stefan followed her eyes and pushed Amber in front.
“This is Amber” he introduced the girl. “Amber, this is Katherine” he pointed at Katherine.
“Katherine” Amber said. “So, she’s not Elena”
Due to that retarded conclusion Katherine came back to senses. “Yeah, he just сказал(-а) that, dumbass” Her eyes fell on Amber’s wrists. “Hey, that’s my bracelet! What are Ты doing with my bracelet? Give it back, bitch!”
Ambers eyes turned red and she growled, showing...
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Damon was sitting in the couch, his head in his hands. “Is it still not over?” Elena asked slightly worried. “I gave Ты two painkillers, it shouldn’t hurt no more” Damon looked up and gave her an irritated glance. “I’m not making this up, if that’s what Ты think” “I didn’t say I think you’re making this up” Elena defended herself. “I just find it strange… Maybe Ты need to get a doctor” “Yeah, let’s do that” Katherine scornfully said. She came from out of the kitchen. “Let’s go to a nice doctor and have him examine Damon. Surely he wouldn’t notice...
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Now that Alexia had cut off his meds, Cas was feeling much better, though he still wasn’t able to get out of bed. He heard the sound of wings and an instant later Balthazar appeared in the room. He wanted to ask what he was doing there, but found himself unable to. So he just cast him a quizzical look.
“You have to meet me at Butterfield Park” Balthazar said. “Crowley wants me to kill Ты and that’s exactly what I’m going to do”
Cas frowned. Why would Balthazar tell him this? Why not just kill him right now?.
“If I kill Ты here and now, it wouldn’t be a fair fight” Balthazar...
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Heather walked inside the police station. She was going to talk to inspector Roberts. Maybe she could help her find that Kevin guy.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked. Heather turned around and frowned confused. She had spent a lot of days at the station, but this woman she had never seen before.
“I’m looking for inspector Roberts” Heather said.
“Inspector Roberts?” the woman repeated with raised eyebrows. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m her cousin” Heather confessed.
“I see” the woman nodded in understanding. “Why don’t Ты follow me?” She led Heather to her office.
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Meg looked around the police station. So that was why no one was answering her calls for help. They were all dead. There were bodies everywhere and their insides were torn out. The floor was covered in blood.
Meg looked up. Daphne had entered the building. She stared shocked at the bodies.
“You killed all those people” she сказал(-а) trembling. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “You’re going to hurt еще people. I can’t let Ты do that”
“You can’t handle me. I’m too strong for your” Meg said. She walked towards Daphne and passed her. If she was going to try something Meg could easily take her down.
However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped вперед and stabbed Meg in her neck with a syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are Ты doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.
posted by artworkstars
Hello to all !

Here is a fiction based on Tokio Hotel and actor Thomas Dekker (and his band).

Find out why, the friend of Tom Kaulitz (Thomas Dekker), met in an American Показать "Stars Dance Ice" (Ice Dance with the Stars),
could not collaborate musically with Tokio Hotel. And why, Tom Kaulitz regrets having made Друзья with him during the show, then dragging his group into a descent into Hell that they would never have
imagined living one day, discovering the darkness and taboos of the American world.

It's a science fiction fiction, horror, Яой / het and +18

Inspired by:

- American Satan
- Village of the Damned
- Invasion Los Angeles / They Live
- The Strain
- V (2009)
- The Magicians

- Книги by David Icke

Good reading.

> Видео : link
> Blog : link
“I can do this all night long, Ты know” Charlene сказал(-а) a little bored. She had been cutting into Tyler’s body if she felt he wasn’t answering her Вопросы in all honesty. And so far he hadn’t any answered any Вопрос in all honesty. “I’m wondering” she сказал(-а) slowly and sinister. “if you’d be so unwilling if it were Caroline hanging here”
“If Ты touch her I’m going to rip your head off!” Tyler snapped threatening.
“Yeah, good look with that” Charlene replied sarcastically, with a look at the chains. “Okay, I’ll make it easy for you. Answer one Вопрос and...
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“You’re going to regret this” Rebekah сказал(-а) trembling. “That’s my necklace. I Остаться в живых it, back in the twenties. On the night I met your brother” Klaus never сказал(-а) she couldn’t tell Damon.
“You’re lying” Damon replied supercilious.
“Am I, now?” Rebekah сказал(-а) slowly as she stepped closer to Damon. “Stefan knew how to experience all the perks of being a vampire. We had so much fun together, while Ты were probably sulking over your dear Katherine”
“And you’re telling me this, because?” Damon wondered.
“Stefan and I have a past, a present and if Ты back off and don’t pull of stunts like Ты just did, then we might have a future” Rebekah answered threatening.
“But pulling stunts is so fun” Damon replied.
“You don’t want be on my bad side, Damon” Rebekah threatened. Suddenly she gasped, her eyes bulged and her face turned dark grey.
“No” a female voice said. “But I do”
Rebekah fell down and Katherine appeared.
Bonnie was sitting with Keith in the cafeteria, having lunch, when a nurse came her way. “You have a visitor”
“I’m eating” Bonnie replied.
“He сказал(-а) it was urgent” the nurse said.
“Fine then” Bonnie сказал(-а) and she stood up and followed the nurse. When she got back at her room she had to pinch herself to make sure she was not hallucinating.
“What are Ты doing here?” Bonnie asked very surprised.
“You thought I wouldn’t figure it out?” Damon asked arrogant.
“You didn’t” Bonnie shook her head. “Katherine did”
Damon made a step forward. “How do Ты know that?...
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“I’m sorry” the doctor. “There’s nothing we can do for him”
“But…you haven’t even tried” Zoey сказал(-а) trembling. “You can’t just leave without trying. You’re a doctor for God’s sake! Help him!”
She attacked the doctor and he let her slap him. The nurse came вперед and pulled Zoey away.
“The pathologist will be here in a minute” the doctor said. “I’m really sorry”
The medical staff packed up their things and left. A few минуты later, Zoey hadn’t moved an inch, a few man in white costumes came in her room. Apparently the man Далее door, who had a key of the...
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“Zoey asked me to keep an eye on Alexia, while she visited Daphne in the hospital. Shannen, her babysit, сказал(-а) she would come later and then I could go to the hospital too. When Shannen arrived here it was raining and she was soaked. She asked me if she could take a душ first and I let her. Twenty минуты later she came downstairs in the кухня and her leg was bleeding. I healed her and she wanted to give me some money, but I refused. Then she kissed me and tried to seduce me” Cas said.
Isabel’s colleague was Письмо everything down.
“And did she succeed?” Isabel asked with raised...
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The nurse opened the door and pushed the wheelchair into the room. Daphne was sitting on the постель, кровати and at the таблица there was an officer standing.
“I would like to ask your patient a few questions” he cut to the chase.
“I’m not sure my patient is physically или mentally strong enough to answer any” the doctor said, while entering the room.
“I feel fine” Cas mumbled.
“Well, Ты heard him. He’s peachy. Please leave the room” the officer сказал(-а) with a wave of his hand.
“I’m not going anywhere” Daphne сказал(-а) stubborn.
“That’s okay” the officer сказал(-а) with a smug look. He rotated...
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“I’ll be back” Bonnie said. “Don’t try to go anywhere, Ты know what happens if Ты do”
She walked out of the cage and left. She reappeared in the ICU of the hospital where Jeremy lay in coma.
She walked to the постель, кровати and lay her hand on his heart. She felt how it heated up and soon the curves on the monitor went flat and a long tune was heard. She disappeared right before the medical staff rushed in.
She reappeared in Damon’s cage and gasped. Even in this darkness she could see the cage was empty. He was trying to escape.
Damon slowly walked alongside the rough walls, his fingers...
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posted by cynder1
meanwhile...''h-hello icicle im sparky'' ''nice to meet u sparky''(he's so cute)she thought.''w-wanna be my friend''''ok'' ''lets go for a swim everyone else is there fishin'' icicle сказал(-а) ''okay we'll swim then fish'' sparky сказал(-а) ''lets go'' at the lake...''woohoo!'' spyro сказал(-а) 'wheeee!' went cynder 'yipee' ember сказал(-а) 'yaaay!'said flame they were all diveing and bombing in the pool then sparky and icicle came 'hey guys' cynder сказал(-а) 'come in the water's fine' 'u done fishin' 'yeah' 'in that case' 'woohoo!' they both сказал(-а) as they jumped in as the sun was beginning to set they got out and called it a день 'see ya tommoro guys'
-(me) .. guys! stop it!!!
-(spy and cyn kissing) yyyy!?
-(me)cuz it gross!!!
-(spyro) ur da one writin stories bout it!!!
-(me) well then i might change to xiaolin showdown
-(cyn) noo!!!!! if u do dat логово, ден we wont be here!!!!!
-(me) stop Поцелуи and ill not switch
-(spy and cyn) deal!
Cas was sitting on the диван, мягкий уголок of an unfamiliar house. The people who lived there were out. He looked at a box with blue pills.
Cas landed on the улица, уличный and in his anger he didn’t see where he was walking. He bumped into a man, older than his vessel, who was carrying paper bags. The man dropped the bags. The content fell on the pavers and Cas kneeled to help the man collect them. When everything, except for one small box, was put back in the bags, the man turned around. In any other circumstances he would’ve thanked Cas, but he’s was a little embarrassed and wanted to leave as fast as possible....
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Jo caught Meg sitting on the rest room floor, her head on her knees. Jo had never thought it possible, but for a moment she took pity on the former demon.
Meg looked up the moment Jo made a step towards her.
“Who was that?” Jo asked, referring to the other blonde girl.
“Some chick who thinks she has all the Ответы to all the questions” Meg answered while she got up, using the Стена as support. She frowned and lay her hand on her side. Kevin had hit her on the exact same spot he had attacked her with the Энджел powers.
“You okay? Ты need a doctor?” Jo asked.
Meg shook her head. “No,...
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A surprising amount of people have trouble with posting their stories up (or maybe it was me who figured it out too fast, I dunno), so this is a little step-by-step guide on how to Опубликовать your fanfiction over at

Step 1:
Go to any page of and click "sign in" on the very вверх right corner of the page. Sign in.

Step 2:
A page will load with a left side bar with various different options regarding your account, Избранное stories, communities, etc. Click the секунда bold option, "Publish."

Step 3:
A different set of options will pop up under Publish. Click on the секунда one, "Doc...
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Elijah grabbed Rebekah’s throat as he put himself up.
“Where is Niklaus?” he asked shaking with fury. Rebekah took Elijah’s squeezing hand and pulled it away.
“You’re weak. Ты need to regain strength” she сказал(-а) strict and bossy.
“What I need is to find Niklaus and put that dagger in his heart” Elijah objected.
“I’m with Elijah on this one” Katherine сказал(-а) and Elijah turned his head to her slowly. “Elena?” Katherine shook her head. “Katerina” Elijah realized. “You stand by my sister as she gives me my life back…and yet I don’t see Ты shiver with fear. Perhaps...
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