Feminism Club
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posted by ivoryphills
Not too long ago, I’ve been exploring the recesses of the Internet for some discussion based on Feminism-from websites dedicated to only the talk of Feminism to YouTube Видео and their comments, knowing fully well that many of the things I will view will be made by anti-Feminists. My expectations were only half-disappointed. I did expect the usual “Feminists are the most sexist, misandrist, selfish manginas and Лесбиянки of the planet,” but I didn’t expect this: “black women shouldn’t have involved themselves in the white woman’s evil movement.”

    It was...
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posted by SelinaKyle
“I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they're out there and it really bothers me.” ― Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain- The Feminist

by Kat Broderick


The late Kurt Cobain was surprisingly, an avid member of the feminist community. Here are some of his Ссылки to activism and his ties to the feminist agenda.

If generation X had a king it would be Kurt Cobain. His devil may care attitude arguably defined a generation of people. His haunting melodies and desperate screams spoke to youth disenchanted with societies’ expectations. He cared about a...
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Dear Feminists, Will Ты Also Be Marching In N***erwalk? Because I Won't.
by Keli Goff

(Published in The Huffington Post)

The only thing еще irritating than people doing absolutely nothing to make the world a better place are those actively trying to make it worse, but coming in a strong third? Those whose well-meaning efforts to make the world better are so misguided that they make things worse by default.

I was reminded of this when I happened upon the SlutWalk protests taking place in New York this past weekend... with my mother. (If you're looking for something super memorable to do with...
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'Feminazi' is the demonization of feminism via comparing the woman's rights movement to Adolf Hitler.

Needless to say, it is the most incompetent and insensitive terminology refering to:

A. The victims who suffered tremendously under Hitler's regime during WW2.
B. Feminism and how misunderstood it's many messages are today in modern society.

So even if Ты aren't a feminist, или maybe even not even pro-feminist (which i can assure Ты are completely different things), Ты most definately shouldn't tolerate this fad. Here are four, quick, clear reasons simply to start Ты off. I could go on for...
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 Ты should ask yourself about your hobbies/interests FIRST.
You should ask yourself about your hobbies/interests FIRST.
I Любовь movies! Have I ever felt underrepresented? No. Here are some of my Favorites.

"The Phantom of the Opera"
#TheFirstTimeISawMe "The Phantom of the Opera" Erik & I smart, disabled, & Любовь Music. Me and Erik have to be in control. I Look up to Erik, since I was 12. Erik expresses еще frustration & disappear against Ableism in the novel, which was me as a teen.

compromise; He's a guy, It's kina like having a Mentor.

"Closer and Closer"
#TheFirstTimeISawMe Kaitlin Sanders; a physically disabled women interested in serial killers, (Which is TABOO I'm glad to see people with that interest...
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 Tiny kitties are honest about their hatreds.
Tiny kitties are honest about their hatreds.
Non-haters gonna non-hate: NiceGuy Edition
--David Futrelle

From: link

Once upon a time one of the guys over at NiceGuy’s MGTOW Форум set up a little Опрос asking his fellow “nice guys” whether или not they actually consider themselves to be misogynists; it’s been up there for years, and the site’s resident MGTOWers have been adding Голоса and Комментарии all along. The wording of the Опрос is sufficiently, ah, flexible enough to give respondents a lot of ways to wiggle out of saying explicitly that they really were misogynists:

* I despise the entire female sex. Period.
* I hate only "western"...
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Alice in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is dreaming and there is no way for me as a reader to tell what physical abilities she may have while awake; could Alice have a physical disability? Could Alice’s dream be so vivid because she is also Autistic? As an Autistic reader with Cerebral Palsy, I think yes, in this paper I will interpret Alice as physically disabled and Autistic.
There are some passages that I find interesting as they seem to be confirming my theory. Thinking about getting into the garden requires a certain amount of steps, which can be a problem for autistic...
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posted by SelinaKyle
Freedom или Death
By Emmaline Pankhurst

This speech was delivered in Hartford, Connecticut on November 13 1913

I do not come here as an advocate, because whatever position the suffrage movement may occupy in the United States of America, in England it has passed beyond the realm of advocacy and it has entered into the sphere of practical politics. It has become the subject of revolution and civil war, and so tonight I am not here to advocate woman suffrage. American suffragists can do that very well for themselves.

I am here as a soldier who has temporarily left the field of battle in order to explain...
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Have Ты ever been offended by those stereotypes? Well, I get offended pretty easily by the gender stereotypes. Whenever I get offended I would complain and stop watching или playing the game altogether. Nearly all Фильмы and tv shows and even the video games are made by sexist men who think that women are not as capable as women! Let's look at one example, the movie Gremlins. It may be funny, but can be sexist. I hate that movie. It portrays women as weak, cowardly, helpless, and over FUCKING dependent! And males as too overprotective and muscly and too fucking irresistable! Gosh, I hate when...
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(By me, please do not copy или resend it without my permission. Thank you. :) )

A lot of Ты have probably witnessed the video for Katy Perry's part of me in which she discovers her boyfriend cheating, does a Britney and joins the armed forces in a bid to get over her turmoil and shoot little афганец, афганский, афганские children in the face.

At first sights, this is a immaculate example of feminism in the works: A young, pretty girl finds the strength to defy her boyfriend's infidelities and find her own way in life without him. It's hard imagining Perry doing anything apart from mess around with wigs and giggle...
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Nicole Kidman: We Must Support Women

Nicole Kidman has been “brought to her knees” by tales of abuse from some women.

The actress is a UN Goodwill Ambassador who has done a lot of work with females. She is determined to do all she can to help victims of abuse.

“I’ve been to Haiti and Kosovo and to shelters all over the world. The things I’ve seen and the stories I’ve heard just bring me to my knees,” she told the February edition of UK magazine InStyle. “We are working to pass new laws and to make it OK for women to step вперед and speak about abuses, knowing they will have...
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x and y are not dissimilar . In fact they are so similar that y is called x with missing leg. If that is correct then there remain no difference in blue print . if blue print is same how can the structure erected on the basis of this can be different. Only difference must be in arrangement and for a capable mind that is no difference at all . so to say man is just the woman with clitoris enlarged as penis. Vagina stitched to be scrotum and ovaries dropped down from the tummy as testis........(Ref-man is the extension of woman)
Credit: littlefeett.tumblr.com

"I’ve been having an argument for days with this guy on IMDb about promiscuous people not asking for rape (on the cape fear page) and he’s like сказал(-а) some pretty ridiculous sh*t…here are some examples:

“Looks like Ты dig into a lot of feminist website to empower yourself.”

“Hence I don’t agree with the whole martial rape. The newest law in Afghanistan that obliges women to give their husbands sex at least 4 times a week. I would say that is a progressive law.”

“Understand this, rape will always exist in human society. It is a горький Фрукты of evolution....
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posted by xXxDracoxXx
Here are some women empowerment Цитаты that I like:

Women sleep on the right side of the постель, кровати because even while sleeping they have to be right! ~Author unknown

I'm an excellent housekeeper. Everytime I get a divorce, I keep the house. ~Zsa Zsa Gabor

In this world Ты have to be stronger than a man, Ты have to be a wo-man! ~AVPM

Anything men can do, women can do better, plus in heels.

Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less. ~Susan B. Anthony

History is herstory, too. ~Author unknown

I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships.

Man has will, but woman has her way.

Women get the last word in every argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Women are scientifically proven to be right even when they are wrong.
Myths & Truths on Women and сердце Disease


MYTH #1: Most women in America die from cancer.

TRUTH: сердце disease is the leading cause of death of women in the U.S. Almost every minute, a woman in the U.S. dies from сердце disease. Nearly five times as many women (200,000) will die from сердце attacks alone this год than will die from breast cancer.[1]

MYTH #2: сердце disease is a man’s problem.

TRUTH: Since 1984, еще women than men have died of сердце disease each year. Women have a 28% increased risk of dying as compared to men to die within the first год after a сердце attack.[1]

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1. MYTH: Legalizing prostitution gets rid of its criminal elements - pimps and traffickers.
FACT: Legalizing prostitution benefits pimps and traffickers. It also benefits johns.

2. MYTH: Men need sex therefore prostitution must exist. Prostitution is a natural form of human sexuality
FACT: The sex of prostitution is not “sex” for women in it. Most men who use women in prostitution have other sexual partners.

3. MYTH: Prostitution is sexual liberation
FACT: Prostitution is sexual exploitation.

4. MYTH Women choose to enter prostitution. It’s better to choose to make lots of money as a prostitute...
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The following Статья does not belong to me. This Статья belongs to link. If Ты enjoyed this Статья please Фан the original link.

I have read all Книги and seen the movies.
Most importantly, the fact that it’s Фэнтези doesn’t excuse the themes and messages in the book. Fiction is merely a vehicle humans developed to communicate important lessons, values and philosophies. I am not claiming any of the implications I discuss were intentional on SMeyer’s part. Whether или not the Автор или readers are aware of it, though, the Twilight series communicates dangerous messages...
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posted by Dragonclaws
There’s a meme I’ve seen online where feminists say that the word “females” shouldn’t be used because of its dehumanizing connotations. The idea is that “female” relates to the sex of a biological organism, and when one is using that kind of terminology they tend to be discussing nonhuman Животные in a scientific fashion. So, when men talk about “females” when they mean “women”, it comes off as dehumanizing. While I agree to an extent, as I believe some men do use this to purposefully distance themselves from women, I also think this decree that female humans should be...
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posted by tamore
from tumblr; the OP deleted their blog


-Because I got called a whore for wearing a short plaid юбка when I was 10

-and because when Nujood Ali from Yemen was 10 she got divorced

-Because black girls’ names became my classmates’ Избранное “joke” when I was 11

-and because when an 11-year-old girl in Texas was raped by 18 men the New York Times wrote of how the girl “dressed older than her age”

-Because I started counting calories when I was 14

-and because when Malala...
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posted by buttercupthePPG
Look at all of the stereotypes that existed ever since the beginning of time! They're so toxic and so degrading!

Stereotype 1: Every woman needs a man (which is an issue in many high schools, even colleges and such).

Stereotype 2: All women need rescuing and constant protection.

Stereotype 3: A woman who stands up for herself is considered b*tchy, bossy, and unladylike.

Stereotype 4: A woman is supposed to be submissive and f*cking cowardly! (which is so common)

Stereotype 5: All women are less intellegent, еще foolish, and can't learn anything.

Stereotype 6: Women are the weakest of the weak....
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