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added by TheDarkEmpire
огонь emblem
added by Bjartskular
added by dragonguy
added by TheDarkEmpire
added by TheDarkEmpire
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
added by ktlady
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_Thracia_776
added by ktlady
added by dragonguy
posted by AlexisRhodes1
L'arachel is the ditzy young girl eirika meets with in the course of her travels L'Arachel is consistintly followed by the loyal and jolly Dozla and Rennac who just wants a bit of money. Though L'Arachel won't give it to him.

Ты see L'Arachel a few times in the game prior to becoming an avialible unit including trying to get to one country but goes the wrong way and ends up in another.


It is revealed that L'Arachel is not a traveller as first was thought but actually the princess of the theocracy of rausten. L'Arachel can get married with some other units in their endings and becomes queen.

L'Arachel starts as a low level troubador. not desirable for this stage in the game tower skirmishes are recommended so when she finnaly gets the chance to promote l'Arachel becomes a very helpful unit.
added by dragonguy
added by dragonguy
added by ktlady
Source: http://www.christiananswers.net/spotlight/games/2006/fire_emblem-por2.jpg
added by SweetieHonky
Source: Kitties and Olives from Tumblr