Fushigi Yuugi: The Misterious Play Club
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added by MomoiroxChan
By FushigiYuugiOST
added by mada7b0mb0
added by MomoiroxChan
By UntamableSpirit
added by mada7b0mb0
added by marwi
Source: Fushigi Yuugi Фан club
added by mada7b0mb0
added by marwi
added by ada98
added by ada98
added by ada98
added by mada7b0mb0
added by mada7b0mb0
Three years ago, when I moved from Osaka to Tokio, I rented a house in which I lived a really weird experience. Now that I remember, it seems to me that it was somenthing very interesting...
Well, all started when one of my assistants -Mr. K- had a nightmare, back then, we all work in the office 'til late night and woke up at noon (something very bad for the skin). Around that time, the assistants slept on the japanese style room (on the вверх floor), while I slept down stairs with my mom. It was always me who went to wake them up. One день they told me that before I showed up, there was always...
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added by marwi
added by SonOfPein
Source: http://www.sempai.org/~felicia/pics/groups/yui_seishi2.jpg
added by mada7b0mb0
added by MomoiroxChan
By StarGemini07
added by mada7b0mb0
His image had changed since the beginning of the story.He didn't know what Любовь was until he found Miaka,it was in that moment when he first felt that kind of feeling...she was his first love! Before I became a mangaka, when I was 18 years old,at the time of "Heart ni Houseki", I used to draw Tamahome. When I found that notebook,the character reborned after so long.
He's a guy hard to describe and by the other hand he seems to be a young sad boy with issues. His image is the one of a strong but fragil guy. By protecting someone,he also protects himself.
Tamahome makes Ты feel like hugging him...why would it be?
 Young Tamahome
Young Tamahome
added by ada98