Abandon all hope, all ye “A Song of Ice and Fire” readers who enter here: “Game of Thrones” is officially going to spoil how the Книги end.
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The U.S. premiere of Game of Thrones on Facebook tonight was a spectacular affair loaded with treats for fans, packed with cast members and interviews on the carpet, and capped off with a new behind-the-scenes video featuring the stunts of season 5.
HBO brings back Game of Thrones on Sunday, April 12, and they have released a synopsis for the upcoming fifth season.
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1 fan
Season 5 - Full Press Release + 5.01 - 5.03 Press Releases
1 fan
If there was ever a Вопрос who is the biggest nerd among A Song of Ice and огонь enthusiasts, that should be settled now- it’s still George R.R. Martin. It’s all about the dioramas, people, and the dragons.
1 fan
The Переместить will put significant pressure on its writers, who will presumably have basic notes from Martin on where the plot is headed, but for the first time not the detail.
1 fan
“Foreclosure is Coming” may not have the catchiness of “The North Remembers” или “Ours is the Fury,” but in HBO’s Game of Thrones, the powerful Lannister family’s financial irresponsibly might end up creating a bigger power shift.
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2 fans
Once again, GeeklyInc has broken the story of new episode titles for Game of Thrones season 5.
2 fans
“So far I’ve lived off my reputation. They spend so much time saying “Oh, he’s a wonderful swordsman”, that I never have to demonstrate, Ты just accept their word for it. But in the upcoming series 5, I do fight, quite a lot.”
2 fans
This post contains spoilers, speculation, and speculation that could amount to spoilers.
2 fans