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 He Fade Away........
He Fade Away........
Ты are my beloved... Gin.
Always ever my beloved Gin. Many days have been spent without you, since we cannot meet, because Ты do not exist much...
Why do Ты run away from such a place as this?
You liked this place, didn't you?
I heard it from your own lips. Ты like and Любовь this place...
You born here and lived in here. There were other things to like here, right?

I do not know Gin, explanation fails again.
How many times were spent so missing you...
The worst is... with the days, which increase and flow,
I have felt Остаться в живых without Ты and like I lose Ты more, repeatedly each day......
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posted by Animeanimal
The weakness of his knees. The pain that plagued his entire body. He was always tired and tired of it all. The fighting of a millenia had torn his soul and made him feel immense pitty. The feelings up till now, what were they to him if soon even he would cease to exist.

The days seemed even longer now and with every passing секунда the universe was collapsing in on itself. But hadnt it been determined from the beginning that the Soul Society would only destroy itself?

Aizen had finally done it. After so long of living with an endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth he had defeated the king...
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