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added by HaleyDewit
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Адам Ламберт
sure огонь winners
for your entertainment
Ты find yourself standing above us all
You think we’re the ones who’ve gone completely mental
You walk around leading your precious cunt
Saying things will happen when we all know it won’t

You start a riot against everyone who’s not with you
You’re playing victim when no one sees what Ты do
You’re saying we’re the ones who’re total hypocrites
But Ты won’t repeat that, ‘cause I’m taking Ты down, bitch

You think you’ve won, but we just got started
It’s way too soon to scream victory
I know it’s hard to feel when you’re empty-hearted
But when Ты do I hope Ты hurt with...
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De Amerikaanse rapper Эминем en popzangeres Taylor быстрый, стремительный, свифт zijn enkele фургон, ван de winnaars фургон, ван de allereerste "YouTube Музыка Awards". Эминем kreeg op het gala in New York vandaag de prijs фургон, ван Artiest фургон, ван het jaar. быстрый, стремительный, свифт werd voor haar hit "I Knew Ты Were Trouble" bekroond tot YouTube-fenomeen фургон, ван het jaar. De award voor Video фургон, ван het jaar ging naar de Zuid-Koreaanse meidengroep Girls' Generation en hun song "I Got A Boy". Deze outsiders laten daarmee zwaargewichten als Lady Gaga of Justin Bieber achter zich. De eerste winnaars фургон, ван het online-videoplatform werden gekozen via een stemming op het internet. De prijsuitreiking was rechtstreeks te volgen op YouTube. Het platform is de voorbije jaren onmisbaar geworden voor de muzieksector, ten koste фургон, ван klassieke spelers als MTV. Uit een rondvraag afgelopen jaar bleek dat 64 procent фургон, ван de Amerikaanse jeugd muziek beluistert via YouTube. Dat is meer dan de radio (56 procent). (Belga / Belga)
Caroline woke up slowly and blinked her eyes. She was back in her постель, кровати and Bonnie was sitting by her side. The guy that had attacked her was sitting by the door, on the ground. When she saw him she rose and became upset.
“What is he still doing here?” she asked accusatory, pointing at Keith and looking at Bonnie.
“Waiting for Ты to wake up, so he doesn’t have to explain himself twice” Bonnie explained calm. “I’m sorry, Caroline, I should’ve дана Ты a head’s up”
Caroline shook her head bewildered. “A head’s up? Ты knew this was going to happen?”
Bonnie and Keith exchanged...
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Night came in and both Elena and Damon were getting ready to go to sleep. Elena, wearing pajamas with a teddy print on it, was standing in the doorway of her room. “You want to come in?” she asked teasing. Damon had this ludicrous…rule they had to sleep in separate rooms. It was so not Damon. “We can sleep together” Elena tried with щенок eyes. Damon walked to her and kissed her. Elena wanted to pull him inside, but he braced. “Oh, come on” she groaned, her lips still touching his.
“I’m not doing it, Elena, not tonight” Damon сказал(-а) and he kissed her again. Elena took of her...
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Adele kende het toppunt en het dieptepunt uit haar carrière in 2011: een wereldwijd succes voor haar album '21' en een operatie aan de stembanden, die haar verplichte om lange tijd te zwijgen. Zondag maakt ze haar comeback op de Grammy's waar ze meteen een favorietenrol heeft.

Voor de eerste keer na haar operatie zal de 23-jarige Britse weer optreden voor een groot publiek. Zelf is ze maar liefst zes keer genomineerd. "Het is zeer stresserend maar een mooie manier om mijn comeback te maken", laat ze weten. Haar album '21' ging maar liefst 12 miljoen keer over de toonbank. Vier maanden geleden...
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shawn mendes
why why why
Музыка video
maître gims
est-ce que tu m'aimes
added by HaleyDewit
Source: Google
Twenty минуты later Shannen limped into the kitchen. She was now wearing a baby doll that belonged to Daphne.
“You’re bleeding” Cas said. Alexia was in the living room, watching television.
“Yeah” Shannen сказал(-а) and she limped to the table. “Zoey told me Ты can heal people”
Cas nodded. “Yes, that is true”
“Could Ты do it now?” Shannen said.
“Right” Cas said. He carefully touched her leg and healed the cut. He didn’t remove his hand and stared at her smooth skin.
“Emmanuel?” Shannen сказал(-а) careful.
Cas pulled his hand away abruptly. “I’m sorry” he apologized....
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black лебедь song
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De pasgetrouwde Kelly Clarkson wordt voor de eerste keer mama. De zangeres stapte vorige maand in het huwelijksbootje met Brandon Blackstock en maakte er nooit een geheim фургон, ван dat ze een gezin wil stichten. Gisteren kondigde Clarkson het spannende nieuws aan op Twitter: "Ik ben zwanger!!! Brandon en ik zijn zo enthousiast! Beste vroege kerstcadeau ooit!" Vorige week nog wakkerde Clarkson de geruchten over een zwangerschap aan tijdens haar verschijning in 'The Late Show' met сойка, джей Leno in Amerika, toen de gastheer haar vroeg naar haar kinderwens. De ster antwoordde "oefening baart kunst" en voegde er nog aan toe dat zij en haar nieuwe echtgenoot "het doen als konijnen." Vorige maand onthulde de winnares фургон, ван American Idol dat het haar kerstwens voor 2013 was om voor de kerstvakantie zwanger te zijn. Ze is al stiefmoeder фургон, ван de twee kinderen фургон, ван haar man uit een vorige relatie. (Belga / Belga)
added by HaleyDewit
Source: grandecapsovies, corel, picmonkey
One week later.

Whatever it was that had made Cas so ill, it looked like it was gone now. Anna had been right. He didn’t need their help. Still it had been terrifying for Sam and Dean to see their friend suffering like that and not being able to help.
But Cas’ condition had made Dean set a few things in motion. He and Sam had been to the city hall at night, when the place was empty, and Sam had broken into the computer to make some legal papers for Cas.
“This is your ID” Dean сказал(-а) when he handed the ID card to Cas. “Your last name is Novak. Hope Ты don’t mind”
Cas accepted the...
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Katherine was sitting on a chair. A row of small stakes pinched each arm to the arm-rests and a special kind of muzzle kept her mouth shut. The muzzle also had stakes, smaller than the arm stakes, and they pierced through Katherine’s jaws. “I’m sorry for the inconvenience” Veronica сказал(-а) demeaning. “Actually, I’m not. Ты had this coming. Ты broke in here, Ты threatened me” She took a chair and put it down in front of Katherine. “Such a pity Derek chose the wrong side. If he hadn’t Damon Salvatore would be sitting Далее to you”
Katherine managed to produce a smirk.
“Oh, don’t be so smug” Veronica sniffed. “I’ll get to him. He’s the one that killed Kelsey. He will die a slow and painful death” she said, еще to herself than to Katherine. She stood up and walked to a corner, where she picked up her cross-bow. “In the meantime” she said, while she aimed the crossbow at Katherine. “I have Ты to have fun with” and she fired.
added by LovingLucy
Source: LovingLucy
Derek scribbled up. “You really have some serious issues, man” he сказал(-а) after his nose had healed.
“Yeah, I’m sorry” Damon said, not very sincere. “But Ты wanted me to teach you”
Derek sought support against the wall. “I think I’m going to need some blood” he сказал(-а) looking meaningful at Damon. Damon rolled his eyes. “Fine, then. Come with me” He saw how Derek’s face cleared up. “You’re not staying over” he сказал(-а) sharp.
“No, of course not” Derek said, shaking his head. “I’ll just have some blood and then I’ll be off”
“Good” Damon said, pleased that...
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Meg staggered to the Стена and stuck out her hand to find support. She let herself fall against the Стена and sank down.
“He’s just lying there. He’s not responding to anything I say” she mumbled breathless. “When I find out who did this to him- and I will find out- I’m going to torture that bastard to death” She looked aside at Heather. “I want to help inspector Roberts”
“Okay, I think I know how to find her” Heather replied.
“And…someone has to call the Winchesters” Meg continued. “They’re his…family…If he…” Meg couldn’t get herself to finish. “They...
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